Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1504 The Essence of the Game

With the power of Fuxiqin, the Protoss created the cosmic library - [Protoss Domain]; the Zerg created the Zerg Mist and the Spiritual Sea; at the same time, the "immortals" of the human race also wanted to make a big move.

Since it takes a long time to fly in the universe and pass through the space gate to go to Pangu Star, Taiyi Zhenren and his people do not have such strong strength.

They were not even reincarnators before, and there was no way to improve their combat effectiveness. Although they have mastered the authority of Fuxiqin, it does not mean that they can easily travel through space.

Therefore, Pangu Star, which is opposite the time and space gate, was abandoned by the immortals and handed over to the "monsters" such as the nine-tailed fox to handle it. They are making trouble on Nuwa Star.

Before they woke up, many races were resurrected by monsters on Nuwa Star, including humans.

But the monsters thought it was not fun, so they borrowed the concepts from many human games back then and transformed a large number of races with intelligence no less than humans. Among them are the familiar orcs, elves, undead... and so on.

This is not surprising, after all, many monsters are originally game consoles, and there are games in slightly larger computer systems and even mobile phones. They have rich experience in this area.

Their actions have formed a situation of fierce competition on Nuwa Star. But it has also caused frequent and fierce wars.

Σ(°△°|||)︴ Seeing this situation, the gods were shocked. How could this be possible!

How did the three tribes of humans, gods and insects perish? The lessons of the past are not far away. Are the monsters doing this because they think they are not dying fast enough?

So the gods used their brains and used a way to solve it, that is, to create a huge virtual game.

They connected all the highly intelligent life on Nuwa Star to the game. The flesh that remained in reality was taken care of by the gods.

With the abilities of the gods, there is no need to use technological tools such as game warehouses. In this way, all wars and consumption are limited to virtual games.

Needless to say, everyone can guess that the later Magic Planet game has a great connection with this game.

Although energy is consumed in virtual games, it is difficult to attract punishment from the heavenly court.

One reason is that this consumption is far less than in reality; the second reason is that the gods also call on the energy of the mind gem to enter the game, which makes up for the loss.

This is certainly not a particularly brilliant plan. There is no way, after all, these gods are not of very "noble" origin.

How much political and economic talent can a group of technicians, maintenance workers, and low-level soldiers have? It is not bad to be able to do this.

Xiao Ming can't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. Why do they act a bit like "The Matrix"? The difference is that the purpose and background of the two are completely different, so they can't be generalized.

In addition, Xiao Ming has been to Nuwa Star and remembers it very clearly. It is now clearly in a state of undead disaster, and the entire planet is almost full of undead.

Many other races, including the human race, are barely surviving in the cracks of the undead. It is very different from what Taiyi Zhenren said. What's going on?

As I said, we should look at the problem from a developmental perspective. Of course, a lot of changes will happen in 1.5 million years. They just started, and the story is still going on.

The first major change is the joining of the Protoss and the Zerg. Although the Protoss and the Zerg are far away in two other galaxies, they can communicate with each other with the power of the Fuxi Qin.

Just like the real distance between my master A Cha and Xiao Ming, it is estimated to be extremely far. With the power of the soul gem, she can find Xiao Ming at any time.

After understanding this function, the three parties of humans, gods and insects had a cordial and friendly exchange. After some operations, the Protoss God Realm was included in the virtual game.

The Zerg also created a worm game belonging to their own race, and it can interact with the human race's game. Xiao Ming has played that worm game before. Unfortunately, it is not to his taste.

The second major change is that the power of the reincarnation space began to infiltrate the Yanhuang three galaxies.

The power between the infinite gems can confront each other or cooperate with each other.

How exactly did the mind gem and the time gem negotiate, and who came forward to represent them, Taiyi Zhenren didn't know at all.

Only one result is known, that is, the Fuxi Qin did not resist the infiltration of the Chaos Bell. The creatures of the three galaxies got the chance to become reincarnators.

Even a few civil servants like Taiyi Zhenren became reincarnators. As a result, there are all kinds of secret realms in the virtual games created by the human race. The secret realms of the magic planet game also came from this.

The third major change is that the big guys of the three races of human, god and insect have awakened. Their realm is higher, and Taiyi Zhenren dare not speculate rashly.

The magical thing is that several big guys of the human race, as well as a few people who like to join in the fun in the insect race and the god race, have actually joined the farce of this game.

They have occupied the titles of saints such as Hongjun Laozu, Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Jiaozhu, Jieyin, Zhunti, and Nuwa. The first batch of gods did not dare to use these titles.

There are too many wolves and little meat, so other big guys of human, god and insect have to grab those slightly lower titles, such as Zhenyuanzi, Kongxuan, Jade Emperor, Three Emperors, etc. The people who used these titles had to change their names helplessly.

The big guys upgraded the entire game and created a game with the prehistoric period of the Investiture of the Gods as the background. Therefore, this group of people, gods and insects are called the "prehistoric" forces.

Xiao Ming is actually in this game now. Although it is in the game, with the ability of these big guys, the game world created is almost the same as reality. Xiao Ming's body entered the game in person.

In fact, the so-called reality is also a different kind of game? ! Maybe the real world is made up of countless worlds that are separated from the reincarnation space.

Xiao Ming thinks this possibility is very high. Taiyi Zhenren also agrees. At least the Yanhuang Three Star System comes from the reincarnation space. The same is true for Pangu Star.

Taiyi's "master" Yuanshi Tianzun once saw the details of Pangu Star and told his disciples.

That is also a reincarnation world that is separated from the reincarnation space, and it is a private world.

However, the owner of that world is very powerful. He "opened" this private world to reality. This strength is indeed respectable and awe-inspiring.

The behavior of the nine-tailed fox's wave monster is actually messing around on someone else's territory. Fortunately, the original owner was not offended.

He may no longer pay attention to this place; maybe he doesn't care about such trivial matters; or there may be other reasons. Anyway, he didn't show up. Just take it as his acquiescence.

Taiyi Zhenren's behavior of creating virtual games to reduce resource consumption was praised by the saints.

If the practice of the Heavenly Court is to use military destruction to deter greed. Then the practice of the prehistoric forces is to teach the method of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure.

Zerg Mist is a good method of increasing revenue, and virtual games can be used to reduce expenditure. The saints continue to explore in this direction...

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