Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1502: Buddhist Zerg

Back then, three armies from the three tribes of humans, gods and insects fought fiercely for the Fuxi Qin (Mind Gem). The masters of the three tribes each obtained a part of the authority of the Mind Gem.

Originally, they were fighting and excluding each other, and each party wanted to monopolize the gem. If that continued, it was really unknown who would win in the end.

Moreover, while fighting, the three parties reported the matter to the leadership of each tribe. The reinforcements of the three parties were also launched one after another, and a large-scale three-party melee was about to break out.

But everything was interrupted by the Power Gem. I don’t know which big boss in the Heavenly Court took action, but the energy of the Power Gem destroyed the three major races.

At that moment, the masters of the three tribes who had obtained the authority of the Mind Gem worked together to activate the power of the Mind Gem. The last bloodline was preserved for the three tribes.

If it weren’t for the reconciliation of the masters at that moment. The power of the Mind Gem could not be truly exerted. No one could survive.

Those tribesmen who were still alive thought that the masters had died. In fact, they were not. The Mind Gem protected their souls.

In a sense, they became civil servants working for the Mind Gem. Their status was probably similar to that of the King of Hell.

It was just that the shock they received at that time was too great, and the masters fell into a state of chaos for a long time.

If not, the battle that ended in mutual destruction would not have happened later.

Unfortunately, there is no if in the world, and the survivors of the three tribes fought again and died together. They are really a group of little experts in seeking death.

However, after these people died, their souls were not taken away by the underworld. The reason was that they were too close to the Mind Gem, and the power of the Soul Gem was rejected.

The souls of these people were accepted and influenced by the Mind Gem, and some of them also obtained the qualifications to call on the gem's energy. They became relatively low-level civil servants, roughly equivalent to the Black and White Impermanence or the Judge.

Because they obtained fewer permissions, they woke up from the chaotic state earlier. Much earlier than those masters.

This is also easy to understand. It's like everyone goes to a buffet. Excluding other factors, those who can't eat will be the first to eat and leave; on the contrary, those big eaters need to eat longer.

Or use the underworld as an example. It took Xiao Ming a month to complete the interview in the underworld, while the interview of ordinary ghost messengers did not even take an hour.

After these people woke up, they suddenly found that they had done a stupid thing.

The masters finally saved the bloodline of the three tribes, but it was destroyed by their selfishness and greed. They had to find a way to remedy it.

It happened that at this time they had obtained a little authority of the mind gem, and were qualified to dispatch part of the energy and do many things. So the three tribes did different things.

It feels that the realm of the Protoss is relatively high. What they care most about is the inheritance of knowledge; the second is the continuation of their own race bloodline.

The low-level civil servants of the Protoss did not want the knowledge accumulated by their tribe to go to waste. So, with the power of the mind gem, the Protoss domain was created, which is equivalent to the cosmic library.

Except for the masters who have not woken up yet, all of them gave up their memories before their death and transformed into the form of light spirits (also known as "star spirits").

At the cost of not harming any living beings, in exchange for not being harmed. All they did was to retain knowledge.

In addition, they will also look for like-minded creatures and guide their souls to devote themselves to this great cause. With each additional light spirit, more knowledge will be accumulated in the God Realm.

After millions of years of accumulation, the number of light spirits has reached a terrifying level.

In fact, the Yellow Emperor Galaxy, especially the life forms on the Kuafu planet, have also been subtly influenced by the knowledge of the Protoss.

Many species that originally existed only in the memory of the Protoss have reappeared on the Kuafu planet.

In addition, the secondary purpose of the light spirits is to revive the Protoss.

As mentioned earlier, for this purpose, they have been collecting high-quality energy to feed a few Protoss in the medical cabin.

This is also the reason why Xiao Ming can be recognized by the light spirits. He provided too much source energy to the light spirits. So Xiao Ming can obtain some of the Protoss's mind gem rights.

Later, Hong Xiaoming was resurrected in the body of the Protoss and accepted all the Protoss's technology trees. That was also the backdoor that the light spirits left for the descendants of the Protoss.

The situation on the Zerg side is very different. Since all members of the Zerg are living beings, including the Leviathan, which has the nature of a spaceship.

So they have preserved the most racial genetic information (DNA). Racial resurrection is not a problem at all.

But the Zerg has a fatal flaw. This race is extremely aggressive and predatory. In other words, it is greedy.

Even if the race is resurrected and developed, it is not certain when it will be exterminated by the Heavenly Court. It may not be lucky enough to survive again.

The civil servants of the Zerg want to give the Zerg a plan for long-term survival. So there are the Zerg fog and the sea of ​​spirit.

In addition to preserving the skills and knowledge of the Zerg, the sea of ​​spirit also secretly affects the character of each Zerg. It greatly reduces the aggressiveness of the Zerg.

Otherwise, how could the powerful Zerg stay in the core area of ​​the Chiyou galaxy and never come out.

Some people may ask: If there is no aggression, how can the race survive? The development of a civilization will always compete with other races for resources.

In fact, the spiritual sea does not completely prohibit the Zerg from invading and plundering. As long as it's not too much. They also left this kind of hint in the Zerg spiritual sea.

In addition, the Zerg Mist is a stroke of genius. As long as the amount of fog is large enough and the volume is large enough, the Zerg fog can obscure the stars in the core like the Chi You Galaxy. Absorb all the energy emitted by the star.

You must know that Pangu only receives one 2.2 billionth of the solar radiation energy, which is enough for Pangu civilization to develop to this day. Not to mention that there is still a large amount of energy that has not been exploited.

Imagine that the Zerg Mist receives all the energy radiated from a star, how long can the Zerg survive?

Let's put it this way, even if the Zerg don't hunt, just absorbing the energy in the fog is enough to keep the race going.

Even after the star burns out, the Zerg can still survive for a long, long, long time... With this time, they will be able to find a second star as their home.

Without the pressure to survive, the Zerg's desire for external aggression naturally dropped to a very low level.

According to Taiyi Zhenren, they all felt that the new Zerg race was very Buddhist. There are some signs of developing in the direction of the gods.

This surprised the "civil servants" who were born in the human race. Thinking back then, the ferocity of the Zerg left an indelible impression on them. I never expected that the Zerg could actually grow as crooked as it does now.

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