Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1466: Whose Jade Flute Listens to Falling Plum Blossoms

As the owner of the wand shop and one of the three major wand makers in Europe, Mr. Garrick Ollivander is very concerned about and yearns for the Elder Wand.

This can also be reflected in his usual conversations with the leader (Yin Xiaoming). Whenever he talks about the Elder Wand, his eyes are as bright as light bulbs.

Even through hundreds of years of rumors, Ollivander can judge the characteristics of the Elder Wand almost accurately, and he is indeed one of the few experts.

However, he didn't know that the Elder Wand is now in Dumbledore's hands. Otherwise, he would have begged Dumbledore to take a look and play with it.

Xiaoming didn't intend to tell Ollivander this secret. After all, this is one of Dumbledore's trump cards. He is pretty good to him and can't stab him in the back.

Having said that, Ollivander is not only willing to make the strongest wand for him for free, but also teach him the relevant skills. Xiaoming feels that he should give him something in return.

Therefore, in addition to the idea of ​​the shape of the wand, Yin Xiaoming later proposed a new suggestion, that is, the combination of materials.

Why can each wand only have a combination of one core and one wood? Is it feasible to have multiple cores? Or is it better to match multiple woods?

This whimsical idea surprised Ollivander and he began to think about the possibility.

If it is feasible, wouldn't it overturn the thousands of years of wand making tradition! Thinking that he also has the opportunity to leave a name in the history of magic, Ollivander can't help but feel excited.

Xiaoming's idea actually came from a dish. In "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Xiao Huangrong made "Whose Jade Flute Listens to Falling Plums". Xiaoming was fortunate to have eaten it several times as Nancy Ren.

She just mixed five different kinds of meat together to form an infinitely varied and rich taste.

This made Xiaoming think about what changes would occur if multiple cores or materials were mixed together. There are countless options for such arrangement and combination.

Most of them are probably not feasible, and the materials will conflict with each other. There are also some combinations that may be usable, but the power is not as good as the original model;

However, it is estimated that a very small number of combinations will stand out, and the wands produced will have various magical effects. This depends on Mr. Ollivander's luck.

Yin Xiaoming himself will also do experiments in this area in the future, but at present he is still focusing on learning the basic production process, and it is not advisable to be too ambitious. Of course, these are all later.

Let's turn our attention back to the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming). After leaving the wand shop, he went to the newspaper office of the Daily Prophet.

Under the introduction of Rita Skeeter, he met the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, Barnabas Guffey. This guy is just like Rita before, reporting only for the sake of attracting attention, and it is hard to say how much integrity he has.

Although Xiaoming has controlled Rita with parasites, the problem is that this can only ensure that Rita does not write the kind of sensational reports, but it does not mean that others will not write.

So the best way is to control this editor-in-chief with parasites. The style of the Daily Prophet will be changed from now on.

But it is not enough to just control people. The reason why the daily newspapers used to be that style was not to make money.

Most reporters and editors actually have consciences. If they were not under pressure from a lot of sponsors, they would at least not do anything too much.

So, Xiao Ming filled a secret room in the newspaper with gold coins. From now on, the Daily Prophet no longer needs to worry about money, and it is difficult for others to use them.

Even if aristocrats like Lucius Malfoy use their power to oppress others, the newspaper can use money to open the way and find a backer for themselves.

Xiao Ming is too lazy to care about such trivial matters. In fact, unless he suppresses with strong strength, Xiao Ming really can't do this well.

Fortunately, Rita and Barnabas have extremely rich social experience, and they naturally know what to do. Xiao Ming doesn't need to worry too much.

At the same time, the Daily Prophet will also make long-term reports on the [Yue Nu Jian] store. It will even serialize those novels of Jin Da Da. Let the wind of martial arts blow all over Great Britain.

After changing the core concept of the newspaper, Xiao Ming went to [Florin's Cold Drink Shop] to have a cold drink; he passed by the door of [Ella Owl Shop] without entering. He was not interested in owls.

He bought almost every magic potion that [Slug \u0026 Giggs Pharmacy] had. But he turned a blind eye to the products of [Madam Primpenier's Beauty Potions Shop].

Xiao Ming was not short of money, and he knew how much girls liked beauty products. But he just didn't want to buy such things.

Cosmetics are all cheating things, which is a deep-rooted idea that Xiao Ming has developed in the first thirty years of his life. It is basically impossible to change.

There is also a [Junk Shop] in Diagon Alley. This shop is full of second-hand waste items, such as broken wands. These things can be repaired with a repair spell and sold for a lot of money.

Such a simple thing, of course, magicians also want to do it. Therefore, you can't see anything that has a little repair value in this store.

Now the items stored here are basically not worth using the repair spell. It is better to spend some money to buy a new one than to waste that magic power.

If you are lucky, you can also find some valuable treasures here. This behavior is called "picking up leaks" on Pangu Star.

Picking up leaks is a good way to get rich quickly. But you need to have extraordinary vision and luck. Otherwise, you will probably lose both the wife and the army.

However, like normal people, magicians always feel that they are the ones favored by the goddess of luck. Therefore, there is an endless stream of magicians coming to the scrap shop.

Xiao Ming took a few glances at the door and decided not to go in. Today is not a weekend, nor a holiday, and there are so many people in the store.

It is conceivable that the scrap shop has been "raided" by many people over the years. Even if a strand of Merlin's beard fell on the ground, it would have been discovered long ago. If there is still a good thing to be found, it would be a miracle.

In comparison, the [Second-hand Robe Shop] is a bit more upscale, at least everyone knows what it sells. Xiao Ming doesn't mind buying cheap second-hand goods, but he doesn't need more clothes.

According to Ron, his mother Molly Weasley often comes to this store to buy clothes for her children because her family is relatively tight.

As a result, they are often ridiculed by wealthy noble children like Draco. Now Ron prays every day, hoping that when the Yuenu Sword Shop makes money in the future, his mother will not have to be so frugal. My brothers and sisters can also wear some new clothes.

Xiao Ming thinks that thrift is a good habit. Extravagance and waste are definitely not a good thing. Maybe humans think that I can spend the money I earn however I like.

However, according to the rules of the soul gem, waste is not a small sin.

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