Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1467: The Transaction in Knockturn Alley

There is a magical zoo in Diagon Alley, selling all kinds of animals, including magical creatures.

Hermione bought a ginger, bow-legged, flat-faced pet cat here - Crookshanks. It often chases Ron's pet Scabbers.

Before coming here, Xiao Ming was full of expectations for this store. After visiting it, he found that they were all relatively common animals. Although there were magical creatures, there were not many. And they were all small and docile. In terms of the richness of species, it is not as good as the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.

This is understandable. After all, there are often underage wizards shopping in Diagon Alley, and regular stores dare not deal in more dangerous species.

So Xiao Ming had to move to Knockturn Alley. This place is connected to Diagon Alley, but it is a mixed bag, equivalent to the black market in the magic world. Dark wizards often appear here.

Dark wizards are not so bad, not every one of them is extremely evil. Seeing these people, Xiao Ming would not have the urge to kill them.

For some wizards who look pleasing to the eye, Xiao Ming will stab him with a sword to reward good and punish evil, urging him to turn over a new leaf. As for whether he can understand it, it is hard to say.

In the later part of the plot of the Harry Potter world, Death Eaters can often be seen here. If Xiao Ming encounters Death Eaters, he is likely to kill them directly.

Fortunately, at this point in time, most Death Eaters are still imprisoned in Azkaban Prison, otherwise some of them might have died early.

In Knockturn Alley, Xiao Ming bought a lot of things related to magical creatures.

Most of the good things are "scattered parts". For example, dragon scales, unicorn horns, and poison sacs of venomous cats...

Because it is difficult to catch a living creature of this kind, their "parts" are relatively much easier. After buying these things, they were devoured by Xiao Ming to increase the gene pool of the Zerg.

It's not that there are no whole living magical creatures, but because Xiao Ming appeared here with a strange face and had no credibility, others generally did not dare to sell them to him.

For small things, it doesn't matter if you pay for them and get them in return. So what Xiao Ming bought the most were all kinds of weird bugs. And he had to buy them.

Because when these bugs saw Xiao Ming, the bug king, they felt the strong blood suppression. Bugs are the creatures that can best recognize the king, and they immediately showed their submission.

Staring at Xiao Ming with all kinds of strange compound eyes, they looked at Xiao Ming pitifully, so he had no choice but to spend a huge amount of money to buy all the bugs. They were all raised in Guangmingding.

The black market would cheat people. The first two merchants were okay, and the price they asked was not too high.

But soon, the news that someone bought the bugs spread, and the merchants raised the price higher and higher. Xiao Ming was choked up. He didn't mind spending money, but he didn't like being treated as a sucker.

So, the last few profiteers who raised prices were secretly inserted with the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil, and they would feel that they were cheated very badly by profiteers every night.

Of course, if they did other bad things, they would also be punished.

After some bad things, Xiao Ming finally calmed down and went to Gringotts to rent the warehouse with his gains. He planned to return to Hogwarts after storing the things. These gains were enough for him to digest for a while.

What he didn't know was that his venting of anger had inadvertently contributed to the development of the main plot. It is estimated that the reincarnation space also pushed behind the scenes.

This is what happened. When Voldemort used the Avada Kedavra curse on the 1-year-old Harry Potter, it was rebounded.

Voldemort's body was destroyed and his soul was shattered. Part of the soul fragments entered Harry's body, making him an unexpected Horcrux.

The remaining Voldemort soul body had greatly reduced mana, was dying, and was worse than a ghost. In order to avoid the pursuit of the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, he had been hiding in the forests of Albania, waiting for his followers.

However, at this time, most of the Death Eaters were arrested and thrown into Azkaban prison. Others, such as Lucius, claimed to have been under the Imperius Curse and were exempted from punishment.

The Ministry of Magic was not really that stupid to completely believe their one-sided words. It was mainly because these people were powerful and it was not convenient to provoke them.

If Voldemort was still alive, the Ministry of Magic would not be so careless. They really did not let go of the wrong people and dared to put them in Azkaban without trial.

But at that time, the Ministry of Magic believed that the Dark Lord had died, and keeping these people would not cause any trouble, so they just turned a blind eye.

And these Death Eaters were basically fence-sitters, and they were not interested in looking for their former bosses. Instead, they lived a good life.

Until 10 years later in 1991, Quirinus Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, came to Albania on vacation and met Voldemort.

The weak-willed Quirrell was quickly persuaded by Voldemort to become the temporary host of his soul and brought him back to Hogwarts, where he recovered by killing unicorns in the Forbidden Forest and drinking unicorn blood.

At the same time, Voldemort also learned the whereabouts of Nicolas Flamel's Philosopher's Stone, and wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone to make an elixir of immortality to restore his body.

However, this plan was destroyed by the young Harry Potter who had just entered school. Quirrell was burned to death, and Voldemort's soul had to escape back to the forest of Albania to continue to survive.

He had a Horcrux to protect him, so no matter how he was beaten, he could not die.

According to the original plot, Peter Pettigrew would expose his identity and flee during this period, and met the almost desperate Voldemort.

Finally there is a magician around the Dark Lord who can help him. Otherwise, he would have to live half-dead in the forest. He can't do evil at all.

In this life, due to Xiao Ming's interference, Pettigrew was captured early. What should Voldemort do? The space is troubled by this.

As a result, someone sent a pillow when he was sleepy. Xiao Ming stabbed several dark magicians with the sword of reward and punishment today in Knockturn Alley.

Among them was a pair of siblings, brother Amycus Carrow and sister Alecto Carrow, who happened to be Death Eaters like Lucius who were fence-sitters.

After they returned home, they were tortured by the sword of reward and punishment for several consecutive nights.

Instead of reflecting on their sins, the two mistakenly thought that this was Voldemort's method, which scared them. The brother and sister discussed and decided to find the boss quickly to atone for their sins.

Under the guidance of the space, they soon came to the forest of Albania and found Voldemort.

In this way, the Dark Lord actually has two powerful subordinates. It is more convenient to do things.

Of course, he knows that the torture of the Carlo brothers and sisters was not his handiwork, but he will definitely not tell the truth. Everything is based on the first goal of restoring strength.

Even if the Carlo brothers and sisters find out in the future, what can they do? ! At worst, they can just be killed.

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