Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1465 The Legend of the Elder Wand

This wand is very famous in the magic world. If it weren't for seeing it in Dumbledore's memory, Xiao Ming would not have known that the wand in Dumbledore's hand was one of the three Deathly Hallows.

The legend about the three Deathly Hallows is quite interesting. Simply put, there were three brothers who defeated the trap set by the god of death, and the god of death said that he could give each of them a reward.

The eldest brother wanted the most powerful wand in the world. The god of death walked to an elderberry tree on the shore, made a wand with hanging branches, and gave it to the eldest brother. This is the [Elder Wand].

The second brother wanted the ability to resurrect the dead. The god of death picked up a stone from the shore and gave it to the second brother, telling him that this stone had the ability to bring the dead back to life. This is the [Resurrection Stone].

The third brother was the most humble and smartest one. He wanted something that would prevent the god of death from finding him no matter what. The god of death reluctantly gave him his [Invisibility Cloak].

After that, the three brothers parted ways and headed towards their respective destinations.

The eldest brother showed off his wand in a tavern, and another wizard cut his throat in his sleep that night, and stole his wand.

The second brother went home and used the resurrection stone to make his former lover reappear in front of him, but she was sad and indifferent, and there seemed to be a veil between them.

Although the lover returned to the world, she did not really belong here, and she was very painful. In the end, the second brother committed suicide in despair and grief.

It can be seen that the god of death did not really reward them kindly, but set a new trap and successfully took the lives of the eldest and second brothers.

Only the third brother wore an invisibility cloak. The god of death looked for him for many years but could not find him. After he lived to a very old age, he took off the cloak and gave it to his son, and died of old age.

These three are the original owners of the Deathly Hallows - the three brothers of the Peverell family, Antioch, Cadmus, and Ignotus.

Dumbledore believed that the theory of the god of death was just a legend, and the three holy objects should have been made by these three powerful and dangerous magicians.

Later generations were impressed by the power of the three holy artifacts, but they could not imagine that magicians could make such powerful magic props, so they used the god of death to explain it.

This is the same reason that the ancients did not understand the principles of natural phenomena such as thunder and rain, so they used Thor and the Dragon King to explain them.

Harry Potter is the descendant of the third brother Ignotus Peverell, and the invisibility cloak is a treasure inherited from the family.

Dumbledore does not know where the Resurrection Stone is at present. In fact, Voldemort has been coveting the Resurrection Stone. He is a man without love and would not want to resurrect others.

Judging from the fact that he made several Horcruxes, Voldemort is very afraid of death. He probably wants to use the Resurrection Stone to give himself an extra insurance.

Ironically, Voldemort is one of the descendants of Cadmus, the second brother of the three brothers.

The Resurrection Stone is hidden in the family ring of Marvolo Gaunt. The Dark Lord was completely unaware of this and made this ring into a Horcrux.

According to the original book, Dumbledore searched for and destroyed his Horcruxes everywhere, but the Resurrection Stone ended up in Harry's hands. This is called a coincidence.

Among the three holy artifacts, only the Elder Wand often "shows its holiness in front of people". Because those who hold it are all influential figures in the magic world and have done a lot of great things. Naturally, it is famous.

This wand is also called the Death Stick, the Wand of Destiny, or the Elder Wand. It is the most emotionless, calm and cruel wand, and only considers the ability of the wizard.

Other wands will have a certain degree of loyalty to a person. Even if the owner fails in the magic battle, as long as he still holds the wand, the wand will still serve him.

But the Elder Wand is only loyal to ability, and its loyalty follows strength. As long as you win the owner of the Elder Wand, you will gain the loyalty of the Elder Wand, and you don't even need to kill its original owner.

Now the owner of the Elder Wand is Dumbledore. The reason why he is called the most powerful wizard in the magic world is that the Elder Wand also has a lot of credit.

Its previous owner was called Gellert Grindelwald. The relationship between this person and old Dumbledore is more complicated, and it can be said that it is a mixture of love and hate.

The two met when they were young, and they got along very well. They formed a blood oath and vowed never to hurt each other. Dumbledore even fell in love with each other.

However, the good times did not last long. Dumbledore and his younger brother Aberforth had a conflict. Grindelwald was furious and used the Cruciatus Curse on Aberforth.

This is an unforgivable spell in the magic world. Dumbledore hurried to stop it. The three of them fought in a melee, resulting in the death of Dumbledore's sister Ariana. The two best friends turned against each other.

Afterwards, Grindelwald obtained the Elder Wand and became a famous dark wizard. He was also the Dark Lord of Voldemort's predecessor.

In 1945, he was already at the peak of power. Dumbledore stood up and had a legendary duel with him, and finally defeated him.

While saving the magic world, he also gained the loyalty of the Elder Wand. Due to the existence of the Blood Alliance, Grindelwald did not die, but was imprisoned in the highest tower of Nurmengard.

According to the original book, a few years later, Voldemort, who was seeking power, would come to find him and ask about the whereabouts of the Elder Wand. Dumbledore was dead by then. The Elder Wand was in his coffin.

To prevent the tomb of his former lover from being destroyed, Grindelwald lied that he had never had it, and taunted Voldemort, and was then killed. He died at the same time as his lover.

As an unarmed old man who was over 110 years old. He confronted the Dark Lord in person, basically for the sake of love, and deliberately sought death.

The disagreement between Grindelwald and Dumbledore was not just caused by a misunderstanding or tragedy.

The fundamental reason was the difference in world views. Dumbledore would never degenerate into a dark wizard. Even without that tragedy, the two could not have made it to the end.

The material of the Elder Wand is elder, and the core is also very special, which is the tail feather of the Thestrals. In the words of Mr. Ollivander, this thing is not stable enough and it is difficult to make a wand.

Antioch, the eldest of the three brothers, is really amazing. In addition to his powerful magic, he should also be a powerful wand craftsman. It is estimated that he is far superior to Ollivander.

However, even so, he probably didn't want to make a wand like the Elder Wand, which is a wand that only the winner can run away.

Xiao Ming estimated that Antioch's original purpose was probably to take these two very special materials and try to mix them together.

Unexpectedly, the effect was surprisingly good, and a super powerful wand was made.

Before he was defeated with the Elder Wand, he didn't know that this wand was so "snobbish".

In fact, Antioch has never been defeated. He was slit in the throat in his dream and his wand was stolen. The thief did not defeat her and it is very likely that he could not get the loyalty of the Elder Wand.

But Antioch is dead, and after a while, the loyalty of the Elder Wand will probably be reset to zero. Then we will see who is stronger and follow whoever.

Of course, this is just Xiao Ming's guess. The incident happened a long time ago, and no one knows what happened back then.

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