Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1450: Basilisk

Located in the secret room beneath Hogwarts, Dumbledore watched in stunned silence as the leader's right guard raised his hand and the huge corpse of the basilisk disappeared.

It is said that the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is in the girls' bathroom on the second floor of Hogwarts. And only a Parselmouth can open the entrance to the passage. How did the two of them get in?

In fact, in the last school year, Harry Potter discovered the Chamber of Secrets and killed the basilisk. This secret room has basically been completely exposed.

After Harry led Dumbledore around here, the principal can use the magic [Apparition] to come here at any time. It wouldn't be a problem to bring the leader's right guard over.

Apparition is equivalent to teleportation, suitable for the movement of a few people, and saves a lot of magic power than opening a space door.

This magic actually has certain dangers. If you are not careful, it will tear the person's body apart, causing part of the body to reach its destination while the other part remains in place.

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic requires that only students aged 17 and above can learn Apparition. 13-year-old Harry and the others haven't learned yet. Xiao Ming, a 6-year-old child, has already learned it.

In fact, Xiao Ming already knew the approximate location of the Chamber of Secrets. He had experienced the secret realm of the game "Harry Potter: The Lost Chamber of Secrets" before.

However, the setting of the secret realm is not exactly the same as that in the reincarnation world. After all, it is not a company's product. There are many differences, especially in details. That’s why Xiao Ming only knows the approximate location.

However, Xiao Ming's reconnaissance ability can break through space, and it is not a problem to scan the secret room underground. If Xiao Ming is willing, he can take away the basilisk body at any time these days.

The reason why he didn't take it was, firstly, because it was not very urgently needed; secondly, his relationship with Hogwarts was not bad.

Besides, he also "borrowed" Dumbledore's memory. It would be inappropriate to take things without telling them.

That's why Xiao Ming asked for the basilisk's body as payment. It just so happened that Dumbledore had no use for this thing, so giving it to the leader's right guard was considered waste.

After being incorporated into the Bright Summit, the rotting corpse of the basilisk was immediately harvested by death and turned into a B-level undead unit - the skeleton basilisk.

A basilisk is a snake-like magical creature that is essentially different from a venomous snake.

Until now, there have been only a few records of basilisks. Dumbledore has this relevant information in his memory.

The first basilisk recorded in history was bred by a Greek black magician named Herbo the Despicable who spoke in a parseltongue.

After many experiments, this person discovered that if a male egg is hatched under the body of a toad, a dangerous snake with extraordinary abilities will hatch.

The basilisk is a large, dazzling green snake that can grow up to fifty feet in length. The male snake has a bright red feather on its head.

Its long fangs are extremely venomous, but its most dangerous attack method is to stare at the target with its big yellow eyes.

Any creature that meets its gaze directly will be killed immediately, and any creature that meets its gaze indirectly (such as looking in a mirror) will be turned to stone.

This kind of monster has a long lifespan. As long as there is enough food, it will not be a problem to live for hundreds of years. The basilisk of "Helbo the Despicable" is thought to have lived to be almost nine hundred years old.

Creating basilisks has always been considered illegal. But this behavior is easy to hide, as all it takes is to remove the rooster's egg from under the toad before the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures arrives. Why aren’t there many people cultivating it?

Because the basilisk can't be controlled by anyone but the Parseltongue. So not only are they dangerous to other people, but they are also dangerous to most black magicians.

There have been no recorded sightings of basilisks in Britain for at least four hundred years.

As early as the Middle Ages, breeding basilisks has been illegal. Now, this prohibition has been included in the "Prohibition of Domesticating Animals for Experiments."

Even the black magicians raised their hands in approval. Anyone as willing as Rubeus Hagrid to raise magical creatures would not violate this prohibition.

It can be seen that the danger of basilisk is deeply rooted in people's hearts. Even the hybrid giant didn't dare to try.

The basilisk that lives in the Chamber of Secrets was specially bred by Salazar Slytherin. Only controlled by the true heir of Slytherin, not just any Parseltongue.

Therefore, Harry Potter who entered the Chamber of Secrets was unable to control it through Parseltongue. Instead, he was hunted down miserably by it.

Fortunately, first the basilisk's eyes were pecked out by Dumbledore's phoenix; and later the Sorting Hat gave Harry Gryffindor's sword. Otherwise he might have died young.

A living basilisk is roughly at the B-level level. Compared with the skeleton basilisk created by Xiao Ming, each has its own merits.

On the one hand, the Skeleton Basilisk is not poisonous, nor does it stare anyone into death. The attack power has really been reduced a lot.

On the other hand, as an undead creature, it has almost no key parts. No more dying from being stabbed in the vitals.

Undead soldiers can still continue to fight even if their heads are chopped off. There is no such thing as blindness or deafness. So the vitality has improved a lot.

This increase and decrease resulted in the Skeleton Basilisk's combat effectiveness being roughly the same as before. The way of fighting has changed a lot.

If there is any blind Death Eater in the future who offends Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming absolutely unceremoniously released the skeleton basilisk.

Let him taste the power of the Skeleton Basilisk. If Xiao Ming still remembers it by then. Otherwise, I might slap that guy away. There's no such thing as a basilisk.

Currently, this skeleton serpent monster lives in the Kuafu underworld. Xiao Ming's underworld does not have a three-headed dog of hell, but a skeleton serpent monster can also support the scene.

The dozens of dementors are still a bit low-level and do not have a strong deterrent power. They wander around the underworld. They are having a lot of fun.

"Hey, Old Dumbledore," Xiao Ming looked around and said to Dumbledore, "I think this place is good. There is a lot of space, and I can use ninjutsu freely. Can I come here to play by myself in the future?"

Dumbledore is in a good mood now because he has two capable men, Longbottom and his wife, under his command. He doesn't care that this kid calls him "Old Dumbledore" without respect.

He smiled with his beard sticking to his face, "Sure. You can come and play anytime you are interested. But I have to remind you. Tom Riddle also came to the Chamber of Secrets in the past. He may run in at any time. If you are not afraid of meeting him, just come."

"Okay, then it's settled."

Xiao Ming is not afraid of Voldemort. If he really comes and I meet him, it can only be considered bad luck. I don’t know where this guy is hiding now. Xiao Ming is still waiting to see the show.

But I am not afraid that he will not come. Hogwarts where the protagonist is must be the center of the storm. As long as we wait, there will be a good show to watch.

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