Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1449 Hogsmeade Village

Legend has it that Hogsmeade was built at the same time as Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The man who built it was called Hengis. He was a wizard who came here to live to avoid persecution by Muggles.

You wouldn't have thought that there was a time when wizards had to suffer persecution from Muggles.

Hogsmeade and Hogwarts have experienced a long period of history together. There are many secret passages connecting Hogsmeade and Hogwarts.

Sirius Black was once a student of Hogwarts and a naughty guy. He also knew a few of these secret passages. For example, the Whomping Willow - the Shrieking Shack.

The Whomping Willow is a big willow tree in the forbidden forest of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It has a furious temperament. Whatever hits it will be beaten by the branches of the willow tree.

If you find a way to press the knot on the branch, the Whomping Willow will immediately stop moving. There is a tunnel under the Whomping Willow, which leads directly to the Shrieking Shack.

This tree was planted in 1971 because a student named Remus Lupin came to study there. Yes, it was Lupin the werewolf.

Headmaster Dumbledore made an exception to admit him to the school, and in order to ensure the safety of other students, he planted this tree so that Lupin could transform into the Shrieking Shack every full moon. Because he couldn't get out of the shed, he couldn't hurt anyone.

Since Pettigrew could transform into a mouse and was small and not easy to be hit, he always helped to press the knot on the tree.

When Lupin transformed, he was unconscious and often howled, so the villagers of Hogsmeade mistakenly thought that the Shrieking Shack was haunted and stayed away from it.

Dumbledore even encouraged people to spread such rumors to keep people away from the Shrieking Shack, ensuring the safety of everyone.

Back then, Sirius Black did something bad and instigated Severus to enter the Shrieking Shack during the full moon, which almost bit him to death by the transformed Lupin, and he also learned the secret of the Marauders.

James, Sirius, and Pettigrew are Animagus, and Lupin is a werewolf. Since then, under Dumbledore's order, Snape has kept this secret.

Because of Xiao Ming's intervention, Lupin will not become a werewolf, so naturally he will not need the Shrieking Shack. Sirius told Harry this secret passage.

Black knew that Harry's character was like his father. Like dragons, like phoenixes, like mice, and James' son will dig holes. James' son is naturally a mischievous child.

It is also good to make the Shrieking Shack a base for Harry. If he encounters any danger, he can hide in it. Most people will not suspect the Shrieking Shack, let alone know that the entrance is at the Whomping Willow.

As for the meeting between the two, this secret passage is not needed. Sirius is Harry's godfather, and his signature school is also acceptable.

In the original book, since Harry could not come to the village to play, Ron's two brothers, twin brothers Fred and George, helped Harry. They showed him a secret passage leading to Hogsmeade Village. It was not necessary in this life.

Harry could come to Hogsmeade village legitimately in the future. Sirius would come to see him often. In fact, Sirius lived in the village for a long time afterwards.

Although Dumbledore had not reorganized the Order of the Phoenix at this time, he already knew that Voldemort was not dead. He began to make some preparations in advance.

He gathered some people and often discussed plans to deal with Voldemort and the Death Eaters, among whom Lupin and Sirius were naturally included. The place for discussion was set in Hogsmeade village.

In fact, Harry was not allowed to come every weekend, so Sirius met Dumbledore more often than he met Harry.

Sirius simply set up an industry here, specializing in magical pets. With the financial resources of the Black family, this little thing couldn't be simpler.

One day, Dumbledore made some arrangements and took Neville Longbottom's parents, Frank and Alice, out of St. Mungo's Hospital.

In the basement of Black-Porter Magic Pet Shop, Xiao Ming looked at the two crazy people without saying a word, while Dumbledore and others looked at him and did not dare to disturb him.

"Principal, this situation... I can treat it. However, the things you promised me..." Xiao Ming talked about the conditions that had been negotiated before.

"No problem! I will take you into the secret room when I return to school. The body of the basilisk is yours."

Dumbledore was afraid that he would not help or could not cure it. Since it can be cured, why would he be reluctant to give up the body of the basilisk. No one wanted it anyway.

"That's good. Don't regret it." Xiao Ming clapped his hands and then used the "Ice Heart Jue" on the Longbottom couple.

Their situation was much worse than Sirius. Even because they had been crazy for too long, they had some substantial damage in their brains.

However, Xiao Ming also had a way, and the Earth Resentment Yu could just repair these injuries. So after more than 2 hours of treatment, the two of them regained their sanity.

Xiao Ming helped them not for the body of the basilisk. Asking for the body of the basilisk was just a by-product. Xiao Ming's real purpose was to help his friend Neville.

After all, he was one of the right guards of the leader. Xiao Ming felt that he was innocent and planned to give him a complete family.

However, things did not go as planned. Although Frank and Alice regained their sanity, Dumbledore actually concealed the matter later.

The reason was simple. Both of them were excellent magicians/Aurors and original members of the Order of the Phoenix.

When everyone, especially the Death Eaters, thought they were crazy. Hiding the news that they had recovered would make it easier for them to do many things in secret. It would also make the Death Eaters and Voldemort misjudge the strength of Dumbledore's side.

Therefore, not only did Neville not wait for the news that his parents had recovered and were discharged from the hospital, but he received the obituary of their death in the hospital.

As you can imagine, Neville's spirit was hit hard again. Fortunately, he was often with Xiao Ming, and his mental state did not become worse than before. He also slowly became stronger.

It has to be said that Dumbledore's heart is really cruel and black. If you want to deceive the enemy, you must first deceive your own people.

Neville's parents are actually willing to cooperate. In order to fight Voldemort's great cause, they have the heart to let their children experience such pain. Is this the sentiment of sacrificing a small family for everyone? !

Xiao Ming doesn't understand, so he can only use various abilities to help their children a little. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Dumbledore and others dare to do this.

Neville is really strong. With Xiao Ming's help, he got over his sorrow in a short time and stood up again.

His mental damage was also completely healed. At least half of the credit is his own.

Xiao Ming admires him very much. This kid will definitely become a great man in the future. This is indeed the case.

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