Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1451 Quidditch

In the blink of an eye, time came to November 1993. An important campus culture of Hogwarts kicked off - the Quidditch Cup.

[Quidditch] is an aerial team confrontation sport that is popular in the entire wizarding world in the Harry Potter series. It is equivalent to football or basketball in the Muggle world.

In the wizarding world, almost no one does not like this sport. Xiao Ming, as a modern senior otaku who does not like basketball and football, has no feeling for Quidditch.

The relevant information is in the memories of Dumbledore, Sirius, and Voldemort, but whenever Xiao Ming checked it, he automatically skipped it. He did not pay attention at all.

However, the little brothers and sisters around him, even the professors, ignored his wishes and bombarded these things into his mind one after another.

The Quidditch season of Hogwarts starts from November every year to April of the following year. The four colleges compete against each other, and the college with the highest cumulative score will win the Quidditch Cup.

Quidditch is named after Quidditch Swamp, where the game originated in the 11th century AD. After nearly a thousand years of changes and development, today's Quidditch game was born.

Like ordinary games, it is played on a field surrounded by stands, with three 50-foot-high golden poles with rings on top at each end of the field.

The contestants are divided into two teams riding broomsticks in the air to compete against each other. Each team has seven people, one goalkeeper, three chasers, two beaters and one seeker.

As a ball game, "Quidditch" uses three different balls at the same time:

A red ball the size of a football is the "Quaffle". The chasers pass the Quaffle to each other and try to pass it through the opponent's ring, scoring 10 points each time. The goalkeeper is responsible for guarding the ring of his team;

Two black balls that are slightly smaller than the Quaffle and more aggressive are called "Blurgers". They fly around in the air by themselves, always trying to knock the players off their brooms. The Beater is responsible for protecting his teammates from being hit by the Bludger and hitting it towards the opposing players;

The last ball is a small golden ball with wings the size of a pine cone called the "Golden Snitch". It flies as fast as lightning, and the Seeker's job is to catch it.

When the Golden Snitch is caught, the team that catches it directly gets 150 points, and the Quidditch game is over.

But this does not mean that the team will definitely win, because the difference between the two teams may be greater than 150 points.

The Snitch has physical memory and can recognize the first person who touches it with his hand to prevent disputes when catching the ball.

When the Department of Magical Games and Sports was established in 1750, a series of rules were formulated: it feels similar to the rules of football games.

1. During the game, although there is no limit on the flying height of the players, the players must not exceed the boundaries of the field. If a player flies beyond the boundaries of the field, his/her team must hand over the Quaffle to the opposing team.

2. The team captain can give the referee a "time out" signal. This is the only time during the match that players can touch the ground. If a match has lasted for more than 12 hours, the break can be extended to 2 hours. If a team fails to return to the pitch after 2 hours, they will be disqualified.

3. The referee can award a team a penalty kick (similar to a penalty kick in football). The Chaser who takes the penalty kick will fly from the center circle to the scoring area. All players, except the opponent's goalkeeper, must stay behind when the Chaser takes the penalty kick.

4. During the match, players can take the Quaffle from another player, but under no circumstances may players grab any part of another player's body.

5. During the match, if there is an injury on the field, no other player may replace the player. The team will continue the game after sending the injured player off the field.

6. Wands may be brought onto the field, but under no circumstances may they be used against opposing players, opposing players' brooms, the referee, the ball or other spectators.

7. A Quidditch game can only end when the Golden Snitch is caught or with the unanimous consent of the captains of both teams.

8. Only the goalkeeper can stop the opposing team's Quaffle throw

Rule 7 made Xiao Ming feel full of malice. If the two teams are equally strong, they can even fight until the end of time.

It is said that the longest record of Quidditch games is three months. Not to mention the players, even the audience is exhausted.

The magic world's love for Quidditch is comparable to the Muggle world's love for football. There is even a Quidditch World Cup. It seems that there is no essential difference between wizards and Muggles.

This sport has gradually become popular in the magic world of various continents. It is said that only Asia is not very popular with this sport.

Because in many Asian countries, flying carpets are still the favorite means of transportation for wizards, while flying brooms are not often used. Only Japan has just begun to popularize this sport.

When Zhang Qiu introduced it, he was still imagining that it would be great if this sport could be popularized in China. Xiao Ming has no interest in this.

Because this is in the reincarnation world, except for some places related to the plot and some derivative areas, other places, including China, do not really exist.

Otherwise, Xiao Ming would have done something else long ago. Of course, it would not be such a boring thing as promoting Quidditch.

He would probably find various museums in Great Britain and send back all the cultural relics from China, and send other cultural relics as interest. As for whether he would do something more interesting, it depends on Xiao Ming's mood.

The protagonists all expressed regret for the stubbornness of the leader's right guard. Harry Potter also wanted to show off his skills in front of his new friends.

In the first year of school, Harry showed flying skills beyond everyone's imagination, so Professor Minerva McGonagall recommended him to join the Gryffindor team and become a seeker.

The seeker has only one task, which is to catch the golden snitch. The golden snitch is the fastest flying ball, and those who can serve as seekers are also good at flying.

Harry lived up to expectations and caught the golden snitch in the finals twice in the first and second years, winning the championship for Gryffindor. There is no doubt that his goal this year is of course to win three consecutive championships.

There is also a small episode here. In the original book, Harry's right arm was broken in the second-year competition. The bone in his right arm was also broken by Gilderoy Lockhart, a teacher who was not good at spells.

In this life, with the participation of reincarnations, several reincarnations took turns to use various abilities to protect Harry, so that he was not injured at all.

As for the abilities used by reincarnations, the system will automatically block the curiosity of magicians and will not investigate the abilities and identities of reincarnations.

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