Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1440 Invisibility Cloak

"Don't worry, Harry. If it's just because of Hagrid and Buckbeak, Minister Fudge doesn't need to come to Hogwarts. He should have something more important to do."

Luna's mind is clear and what she said makes sense. Harry, Hermione, Zhang Qiu and others all nodded in agreement. Only Ron was a nitpicker.

He nitpicked, "How do you know what those big shots think? Maybe they came for this. I have this feeling. Let me do some divination. Ah!... You hit me again!"

Ron was talking about feelings and divination. He was knocked on the head by Hermione who couldn't bear it anymore before he shut up.

It's true that Hermione is a top student. She has almost all the magical knowledge, but there is only one thing that the little girl is not good at, that is divination.

This kind of weird stuff is really not her cup of tea. As a top student, she will naturally hate the subjects that she can't learn well.

More importantly, at the beginning of this semester, during the Divination class, the Divination professor Sybill Trelawney asked everyone to do tea leaf divination.

When she saw Harry's teacup, she was extremely shocked and said that Harry had divined "Grim".

The shape of the tea leaves at the bottom of the cup is like a demon dog, which is the darkest omen in the world, and it is a sign of death. The trio was scared to death.

So Hermione was not very happy when she heard the word divination. In fact, this is the magical world, and divination makes sense.

And Professor Trelawney seems to be crazy, but she is very capable. She made important and accurate divinations many times in the original book.

A few children chatted casually, and naturally they couldn't come up with any results. After a cup of tea, they went back to their homes and looked for their mothers.

At this time, Harry Potter had made up his mind to put on the invisibility cloak to see what was going on. After leaving Xiao Ming, he, Ron, and Hermione really did it.

Originally, Harry wanted to take the leader's right guard with him. But Hermione thought it was dangerous and she shouldn't bring a 6-year-old child with her, so she gave up.

The three of them put on the invisibility cloak, sneaked out of the Gryffindor common room and went to the principal's office, passing Xiao Ming on the way.

The invisibility cloak is one of the famous three deathly hallows. It is said to be a treasure made by the god of death. Its invisibility function can actually hide from S-level masters.

But the problem is that Xiao Ming also has the identity of Hades, which is basically equivalent to the god of death. So he can feel the invisibility cloak and see through it.

In the Saint Seiya world, the god of death is the subordinate of Hades. But in most worlds, the god of death and Hades can be equated.

After pretending to pass by the three protagonists as if nothing had happened, Xiao Ming also put on his invisible uniform and quietly followed Harry and others.

He probably had a positive mind and wanted to compete with the invisibility cloak to see whose invisibility ability was stronger. By the way, watch the fun and gossip.

The three protagonists have already found out that Fudge, Dumbledore, and some other professors are having a meeting in the principal's office. So they squatted in front of the entrance of the principal's office and waited foolishly...

This is also helpless. If it is an ordinary room, they can still quietly push the door in, just as if a gust of wind blew the door open inexplicably.

But the entrance of the principal's office is guarded by a stone statue of a gargoyle. When the visitor correctly says the password, the gargoyle will jump to the side.

The wall behind it will also split in half, allowing people to enter the principal's office through a spiral staircase hidden behind that moves slowly upwards. It's like taking an elevator.

Therefore, it is impossible for the three little ones to sneak in quietly. Which wind can give a password and make the stairs automatically rise? !

They have to wait for someone to enter or leave before they can take a ride in. Unexpectedly, this wait lasted for an hour or so.

When the three little ones were about to fall asleep, Professor Lupin suddenly came out of the principal's office, and everyone couldn't help but be shocked. I hope he still needs to come back.

Sure enough, after a while, Lupin led a big black dog that looked very ferocious. Harry and the other two were shocked.

They couldn't help but murmur in their hearts, what does it mean to lead a dog to the meeting between the Minister of Magic and the headmaster of Hogwarts? ! Is he going to make dog meat hot pot?

But they didn't have time to think about it, so they followed as soon as possible, and Xiao Ming naturally followed closely.

He recognized at a glance that the black dog was the incarnation of Sirius. Lupin actually took him to see Fudge, it seems that the effect of the discussion there was good.

Peter Pettigrew was not the kind of Death Eater who believed in pure blood and swore to follow Voldemort to death. He followed Voldemort purely because he was afraid of death.

So it was almost no difficulty to interrogate him, and he confessed everything he knew. To ensure this, Dumbledore and others also used truth serum on him.

This truth serum is not a chemical agent in the human world, but a magic potion from the magic world, which has been blessed by magic. The effect is hundreds of times better.

Since the evidence was irrefutable, Fudge announced on the spot that Sirius Black was vindicated. Within a few days, the news would spread throughout the wizarding world.

After all, Sirius was from the Black family, so it was best not to offend him.

Although Sirius had been expelled from the family tree, he still controlled part of the Black family's property and had a complicated relationship with them. Even if the bones were broken, the tendons were still connected.

The phenomenon of intermarriage within the Sacred Twenty-Eight was very serious. If you count carefully, most of the families were relatives. Sirius's connections should not be underestimated.

It is true that some people in the family don't like him, but there are also some people with a gentler attitude who have a good relationship with Sirius.

Therefore, the Ministry of Magic was unwilling to make Sirius an enemy unless it had to. You have to be merciful and merciful.

In the stairs, Blake, who was restrained by the dog's body, was a little excited, finally able to return to the light. It's just too long.

Suddenly he felt that the atmosphere was a little strange, as if there were other people on the stairs. Just as he was about to bark twice to inform his friend Lupine, a voice sounded in his head.

"Shh... Boss Black, don't make any noise. I am the leader's right guard. Harry and I are invisible, just in the stairs. Don't expose us. Also, congratulations. After a while, Harry will be able to see it in person Seeing that you have been wronged, can you be happy?"

Sirius was frightened because he had always thought that the leader's right guard didn't know about the big black dog. Only now do I realize that people probably knew this already.

The ability of this hand to directly send sounds into the brain is probably some kind of advanced ninjutsu, which he cannot do. There are many question marks in his dog's mind. However, this was overshadowed by the news that Harry Potter was also present.

Black was Harry's godfather, so he thought he could clear his grievances in front of his godson. Sirius felt overwhelmed with happiness. I can't care about anything else.

The stairs rotated slowly, and soon everyone in the principal's office saw Professor Lupine who was returning, and a big black dog with a face full of joy...

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