Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1441 Fudge and Umbridge

Thanks to Sirius's smug dog face, a group of powerful magicians ignored the subtle changes in the environment, and Harry and others were not discovered.

It is true that the invisibility cloak can make people invisible, but it cannot cover up the impact of the invisible person on the surrounding environment. Covered by the cloak, the airflow and sound generated by breathing can be concealed.

But if there is dust on the ground under your feet, it will definitely leave some traces. The airflow caused by walking may also be noticed.

In the original book, Harry walked on the snow with a cloak, leaving a series of footprints. It was discovered by two senior students at once.

The floor of the principal's office is relatively clean, and even if there are traces, they are very slight, not as obvious as in the snow.

But the people in this room are not two ordinary magic students, they are all top masters in the magic world. It is not easy to hide under their noses.

Fortunately, the big black dog, who was beaming with joy and jumping three feet high, attracted everyone's attention and perfectly covered the three protagonists. Xiao Ming estimated that Sirius was definitely intentional.

Even so, it seemed that Dumbledore still noticed that his aura had a slight fluctuation. He glanced in the direction of Harry and the other two, but did not react, tacitly accepting it.

In fact, Dumbledore's [Elder Wand] and [Invisibility Cloak] are both Deathly Hallows, so it is normal for them to have some induction with each other. The last of the three holy artifacts is the [Resurrection Stone].

As for the leader's right guard, his body floats in the air and only touches the air; in addition, the ability of his mind beast-invisible uniform is also strong enough.

Especially a while ago, Xiao Ming absorbed the chameleon Merewon, the leader of the Chimera Ant Division, in the secret realm of "Hunter x Hunter".

After analyzing his ability, Xiao Ming's invisibility ability has made great progress. Even an A-level master like Dumbledore finds it difficult to find him.

The leader's right guard looked around and saw that many big figures in the magic world gathered in this principal's office.

The highest-ranking one among them was the Minister of Magic-Cornelier Oswald Fudge.

He comes from a pure-blood wizard family and always leaves a generous impression. He is a bit weak, likes money, and is obsessed with status and power.

On the surface, Fudge is a kind, irritable person, a little exaggerated, and not bad in nature. So far, he has a good relationship with Dumbledore and Harry Potter.

Not long after Xiao Ming entered this world, Fudge went to the Leaky Cauldron to meet him after Harry Potter ran away from home. He comforted him with warm words and did not punish him.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Fudge intends to use Harry's fame to raise his popularity.

But after all, he has no malicious intentions and only benefits and no harm to Harry. More friends, more roads, and everyone can lift the sedan chair.

Fudge became the Minister of Magic in 1990 after the previous minister resigned. To be honest, he was not qualified at the time.

It happened that the strong competitor, Barty Crouch, the Minister of Magical Enforcement, lost the opportunity to become the Minister because his son was a Death Eater.

Another nominee, Dumbledore, took the initiative to refuse the position. This is when he got the chance to be the tallest among the short ones.

At the beginning, Fudge really had no confidence in his ability, and he relied on Dumbledore's help. At this stage, he is still very grateful to Dumbledore.

According to the development of the original plot, things will take a 180-degree turn next year or the year after.

The current plot is in the stage of "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" in 1993-1994. The next 1994-1995 is the story line of "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire".

In the Triwizard Tournament in 1995, Harry Potter witnessed the return of Voldemort. He brought the news back in tears and won the support of Dumbledore.

The headmaster believed that the magic world should strengthen its defense against Voldemort and the Death Eaters. But Fudge thought that this was a lie that Dumbledore told to replace him.

Harry Potter is a troublemaker and even mentally unstable teenager, and doing this is nothing more than sensationalism.

When his own power and position were threatened, Fudge ignored the facts and did his best to slander and belittle Dumbledore and Harry.

He was also manipulated by Lucius Malfoy's money and made many perverse decisions. At the same time, he missed the best opportunity to fight Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

It was not until Voldemort personally attacked the Ministry of Magic and appeared in public that he had to believe it, turned to Dumbledore for help, and actively made up for his mistakes.

But it was too late, and he was soon driven out of office. According to him, the magic world was so united in the call for his resignation, which was the first time in his life.

Fudge ended up like this, and his own character flaws were the main reason, the internal reason. Then the secondary external reason was the villain's mischief.

This has to mention Dolores Jane Umbridge, the senior deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic, who is now standing in the principal's office, following Fudge behind him.

She is a short, fat and ugly woman. She has a broad, flabby face and a small black velvet bow on her short curly hair.

Umbridge has a shrill voice and sounds like a little girl fussing. She is used to speaking in a pretentious girlish voice and wearing a fluffy, pink cardigan.

This person is domineering, self-righteous, unreasonable, rigid and oppressive, and has an overwhelming desire for power and control.

Umbridge likes to control people. In her opinion, anyone who challenges her authority, opposes her, or disagrees with her values ​​should be punished.

She often coughs loudly to attract the attention of others. She is also a madman with a strong desire for revenge. She is extremely keen and enjoys controlling and humiliating others.

Umbridge is a half-blood wizard. Like Voldemort, she is extremely dissatisfied with this identity, so her personality is distorted.

Umbridge graduated from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with excellent grades. After that, she entered the Ministry of Magic. And used all means to climb up.

She has achieved her current position by hypocritically flattering her superiors and ruthlessly taking the credit of other colleagues and taking it for herself.

As for Minister Fudge, she was actually just using him. The slander that Dumbledore wanted to seize power was fabricated by her.

As we all know, Dumbledore refused to serve as Minister of Magic 12 times. Normal people would never believe such a thing. Fudge actually believed it.

In fact, even Umbridge herself did not believe it. Her purpose was nothing more than to sow discord between Fudge and Dumbledore so that she could fish in troubled waters and gain greater power.

If everything really developed as Umbridge wanted, Fudge would inevitably become her stepping stone in the future.

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