Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1439 A big shot comes to visit

In addition to the characters in the plot, Xiao Ming also had to receive other reincarnations. Of course, reincarnations don't show up so easily, and only three people came to see Xiao Ming in person.

Among these three reincarnations, none of them sneaked into Hogwarts as a student. Two of them were errand boys, and the other was a little better, an assistant teacher.

The reincarnations in this world are roughly divided into two teams. One team is naturally sent by the Su family; the other team is a group of retail investors who automatically form a group in the face of the Su family.

Among the retail investors, only one person came to see Xiao Ming. That person cosplayed Hawkeye from One Piece, and his own ability was Huashan Swordsmanship + Zixia Gong, a D-level reincarnation.

He came to Xiao Ming just to say hello on behalf of the retail investors. There was no special purpose.

The world of "Harry Potter" is a magical world, and martial arts can barely be used. It depends on the ability of this reincarnation to adapt to changes.

Those retail reincarnations united together just to avoid being bullied by the Su family, but there was no special goal. And it is difficult to unite as one.

Fortunately, the Su family is the most Buddhist faction among the various forces in the reincarnation space. There is no need to worry about being in the same world with them.

Besides, this time, the Su family actually only formed a team of a few people to enter the mission world. They just prepared to get a Boggart. They did not send in much power, and they did not have the capital to be arrogant.

There are two people sent by the Su family to meet Xiao Ming. One is called Su Jiang Elbow, a D-level magician. He is probably a collateral descendant of the Su family. It was his handiwork to send a paper crane message to Xiao Ming before.

Xiao Ming actually knew the other one, Li Hong from the Li family. In the event of eliminating the zombie cave in Mount Fuji on Pangu Star, he was the leader of the Li family's team.

He is a C+ level magician. He is like a fish in water in this world. He has obtained the status of an assistant teacher, which is much better than other reincarnationists.

Logically, Li Hong should be with the retail reincarnationists. But the Li family is also a big family and has some friendship with the Su family.

Therefore, he accepted the employment of the Su family, and with the help of his position, he could help the Su family a little and earn some extra money.

Of course, Xiao Ming is now a child, and Li Hong did not recognize him. He just felt a little familiar.

The two of them came to see the leader's right guard together, naturally to avoid conflict. To finalize the ownership of the Boggart. After that, there was no more contact.

On this day, a big thing happened in Hogwarts School, and Su Jiang Elbow hurriedly knocked on the door of Professor Lupin's suite.

Xiao Ming just went over and opened the door, and he hurriedly said: "Brother, something big happened, Minister of Magic Fudge is here, you know..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw a room full of people and swallowed back the next question he wanted to ask.

In the original plot, Minister Fudge should have come in the summer of 1994, and it was still the end of 1993. He shouldn't have come.

Since the plot suddenly changed, Su Jiang Elbow came to ask this special reincarnation with a try-it mentality. Just in case he knows, I can spend some money to buy some information.

However, for such a big thing, he is not the only one who comes to the leader's right guard. Before Su Jiang Elbow, several plot characters have come.

"Brother Elbow, you are late. Ron was the first to tell me about this."

Su Jiang Elbow looked and saw that the three protagonists were all there, but their expressions were very ugly. After asking around, he found out the whole story.

At the beginning of this semester, Rubeus Hagrid brought out a hippogriff, Buckbeak, in the Care of Magical Creatures class.

This is a powerful magical flying creature with a giant eagle's head, wings and front claws, and the back half of the body, including the legs and tail, is like a horse. It can run, fly and fight.

The hippogriff is a very ferocious carnivore before it is tamed, and only well-trained wizards can tame it.

Hagrid used it to teach, intending to let the students broaden their horizons. During this time, Harry Potter also got a chance to ride on Buckbeak's back and fly happily for a long time.

This class was originally very successful. Unexpectedly, Draco Malfoy was so stupid that he actually provoked Buckbeak, and was scratched by it. His arm was suspended for half a year.

This was actually Malfoy's fault, but the boy used the power of his family, and it was Hagrid and Buckbeak who were sued in the court of the Ministry of Magic.

The reason was that such a dangerous creature should not be brought to the classroom of junior students at Hogwarts. The case is still under trial.

Today, the Minister of Magic Fudge suddenly visited Hogwarts. Harry and others thought that he was probably here to deal with Buckbeak and Hagrid.

The three were very worried, so they ran to find the leader's right guard, a person with mysterious oriental blood, to see if he would have any special way to help.

After getting this news, Su Jiang Elbow left as if he had found a treasure. He thought this was the standard answer. He was so happy to get important news without spending money.

Neville, Luna, and Zhang Qiu arrived a little later than the three little ones. The first two were just here to hide.

Zhang Qiu was planning to take the right guard to see the Minister of Magic from a distance. As a result, the three of them were pulled by Harry and others to find a solution together.

Xiao Ming estimated that Fudge was not here for this matter. It might be because of Ninjutsu, or it might be because of Sirius, either of which was more important than Buckbeak's matter.

In fact, it was exactly the case. At this time, Dumbledore had already led people to capture Pettigrew.

Because he was turned into a statue, this guy had no power to resist. Xiao Ming was an outsider and was young, so this kind of action was not carried out on him.

Dumbledore invited Fudge to the school to clear Sirius's name. To interrogate Pettigrew. It would be best if the Minister of Magic was present for this kind of thing.

Of course, with such a great contribution, Dumbledore suggested that Hagrid and Buckbeak be exempted from punishment, which is not a difficult thing.

The collective learning of ninjutsu by the five great magicians is still in the experimental stage. There is no rush to explain to the Minister.

In addition, Fudge came this time for another very important matter, which is about Dementors.

These days, Xiao Ming not only collected all the Dementors surrounding Hogwarts School, but also collected two batches of Dementors sent by the Ministry of Magic later.

There are not many Dementors in total, about a hundred or so. Xiao Ming has collected almost half of them.

So many Dementors were "lost" in Hogwarts, but Dumbledore was clueless. As a minister, it would be a dereliction of duty for Fudge not to investigate.

These things are intertwined, and different people have different priorities.

For example, in Fudge's mind, the Dementors are the first; in Dumbledore's mind, Pettigrew's is the first; only in the children's minds, Buckbeak's matter is the most important.

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