Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1438 Ravenclaw's Crown

Ravenclaw's diadem was quite lucky. If it hadn't met Xiao Ming and extracted the remnant of Voldemort's soul inside it, the end of this treasure would have been terrible.

In the original book, after Harry's repeated requests, Ms. Grey (i.e. Helena) finally told Harry everything about the diadem.

So the protagonists went to the Room of Requirement to destroy the diadem. They happened to run into Malfoy and the other three and had a big fight.

When Malfoy's partner Crabbe attacked, he accidentally released "Fiendfyre" - a substance that can destroy Horcruxes. The diadem was destroyed by Fiendfyre.

Except for Harry, all Horcruxes ended up like this. Magicians must destroy Horcruxes to destroy the remnant of Voldemort inside.

Voldemort is a stuffy guy. Just look at his Horcruxes, [Ravenclaw's Diadem], [Slytherin's Locket], [Hufflepuff's Gold Cup].

Well, except for Gryffindor, he ruined the founders' relics of the other three colleges. It makes sense that Gryffindor's relics survived.

The relics left by Gryffindor are the Sorting Hat and the Sword of Gryffindor.

The Sorting Hat has always been in the public eye, so it is difficult for Voldemort to get his hands on it; it is also difficult to hide. Things like Horcruxes must be hidden to avoid being destroyed.

As for the Sword of Gryffindor, only those who truly possess the unique qualities of Gryffindor can get it when they need it.

This is not about simply picking it up with your hands, but pulling the sword out of the Sorting Hat. Voldemort obviously does not have this quality and has no chance of getting the sword.

The sword was forged by goblins, and Godric Gryffindor just bought it. The goblins have always wanted to get it back.

The sword can absorb things that can strengthen it. In the story of 1 Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry stabbed the basilisk to death with the sword, and the sword was soaked with the basilisk's venom.

The venom of the basilisk is a substance that can destroy Horcruxes. The sword of Gryffindor absorbed the venom and also had the function of destroying Horcruxes.

In the original book, the three Horcruxes [Marvolo Gaunt's Ring], [Slytherin's Locket], and the snake [Nagini] were all destroyed by this sword.

However, in this life, with the huge variable of Xiao Ming, everything is not certain.

Through Voldemort's memory, Xiao Ming also knew that it was the crown of Ravenclaw, and took it out of the Room of Requirement.

He kept pretending that he didn't know it and played with it. Later, Dumbledore saw it and was shocked. So the item was returned to its original owner.

The treasure was taken by the headmaster to the dean of Ravenclaw, Professor Filius Flitwick, for placement. Xiao Ming gained the achievement of +10 favorability of these two.

There was another thing that was taken away by Dumbledore at the same time, which was a statue of a mouse. Hmm? Nani? What does Dumbledore want this thing for?

In fact, this statue is the mouse Scabbers who was cast a Transfiguration spell, that is, Peter Pettigrew.

It fell into Xiao Ming's hands because of his master Ron, who valued "knife" more than "pet".

Xiao Ming used the two Claude six-style combination knives to exchange it with Ron to play with it for a few days. After that, he never returned it.

In fact, as soon as he got it, Xiao Ming used the Transfiguration Spell to turn it into a statue to prevent him from escaping.

Although it is impossible for Pettigrew to run away from Xiao Ming, it is too much trouble to keep an eye on him all the time. Xiao Ming simply turned him into a statue.

This matter was done in front of Professor Lupin. At that time, he wanted the professor to take it to Dumbledore to do the right thing. As for Ron, someone will naturally tell him the truth in the future.

However, in order to overturn Sirius's case. Dumbledore planned to be more fully prepared, so he kept it with Xiao Ming for a while before taking it away for disposal.

During this period, the three protagonists came to Xiao Ming's place many times, but Ron never thought about asking for Ban Ban back. What a ruthless master.

In fact, Ron didn't want it back, but Xiao Ming changed his mind every time with his telepathic ability [Whisper], and he always forgot to ask for it.

At the beginning, it was really big news that the 6-year-old child, the leader's right guard, moved into Hogwarts. Many students came to watch the leader's right guard under various pretexts.

After a while, the novelty wore off. After that, apart from Harry, Ron, and Hermione, there were only a few people who often came to Xiao Ming to play.

For example, other members of the Weasley family often came to Xiao Ming because they were interested in the Muggle world.

There were also three other regulars, Neville Longbottom from Gryffindor, and Luna Lovegood and Zhang Qiu from Ravenclaw.

Needless to say, Zhang Qiu is of Chinese descent just by looking at his name. The reason for coming here often is naturally because they are both yellow people.

In fact, the Naruto that Xiao Ming pretended to be should be considered a Japanese in this world, but don't worry about such a small matter.

Neville and Luna like the atmosphere of staying around Xiao Ming. Both of them have some small problems in their personalities. They are not very comfortable getting along with their classmates.

Neville is stupid and a little dull. Luna is a little mysterious. They are not very sociable.

Luna is often bullied by classmates around her. Neville's classmates are willing to help him, but he doesn't like to always hold his friends back.

Only the leader's right guard treats them with a calm attitude, which makes the two feel very comfortable, so they often come to play with Xiao Ming.

When the three of them are together, they hardly talk, each reading their own books and doing their own things. There is a feeling that the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.

This kind of atmosphere is not what children like, so gradually, except for some specific characters, most students stopped coming.

It just so happened that Xiao Ming was too lazy to care about so many foreigners, and these two actually played the role of mosquito coils, and Xiao Ming was very happy.

There are reasons for the two of them to form this kind of character. It was all caused by childhood tragedies.

Luna is very beautiful, with silver eyes and dark golden brown hair. Her bulging eyes make her always have a surprised expression, pale skin and light eyebrows.

When Luna was 9 years old, her mother Pandora Lovegood died unfortunately because of a spell that went wrong. She was greatly stimulated by this.

Neville is even more pitiful. Because he is average in appearance, has a round face and is slightly fat.

The Longbottom family is actually one of the twenty-eight sacred families, but unfortunately it is now somewhat declining.

His parents Frank Longbottom and Alice Longbottom are both Aurors and the original members of the Order of the Phoenix, fighting against Voldemort and the Death Eaters with Dumbledore.

Auror is a profession, usually called a hunter of dark magicians, with excellent combat power.

After Voldemort's death, they were captured by the Death Eaters and tortured to insanity. Young Neville once witnessed that scene.

Because it was too cruel, he was cast with the Oblivion Curse, which damaged his mind.

In view of the tragic life stories of the two, as long as they are around, Xiao Ming will quietly and slowly treat them. Maybe he and the two subconsciously felt it, so they became frequent visitors.

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