Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1437 Children's Friendship

The relationship between children is very simple. As long as they share toys and snacks with each other, they are good friends.

Huang Xiaoming, the leader's right guard, conquered the three little ones with toys only, and he hasn't used the killer weapon of fortified food yet.

There is a give and take, and the protagonists gave Xiaoming a lot of snacks and toys from the magic world. For example, Bibi Multi-Flavored Beans, Chocolate Frogs, etc.

These are things that they thought the leader's right guard would like, but Xiaoming actually has no interest in them. This can't be blamed on others, who let Xiaoming have a 6-year-old appearance? !

The students of Hogwarts all know that this child has a talent for magic, but they don't know how strong he is. With this title, Xiaoming has an excuse to stay in the magic school.

Hermione Granger also lent her used textbooks and notes to Xiaoming so that he could learn through them.

Her magic experience is almost not worth mentioning in front of the memories of Dumbledore, Sirius and others. It is rare that the little girl has such a kind heart, and Xiaoming is still very happy to accept it.

"Right Guard, can I ask you for a favor?" Ron suddenly asked. This kid is probably going to do something weird again.

"What is it? Just tell me." Xiao Ming patted his chest and pretended to be righteous.

"In the future, there will definitely be other students who will ask for this kind of knife. Can you not give it to them?"

Well, it turns out that he wants these two sets of combination knives to become out of print. Harry thought it was a good idea and nodded like a chicken eating rice.

Hermione was more sensible and criticized the two best friends: "No, no. That will cause public outrage. If it were you, you should just sell it for money."

He looked at Ron's disappointed face and felt a little embarrassed. He added: "Uh... or... don't sell such a big one in the future. Just sell the small toys."

Harry suddenly thought of something and asked loudly: "What if a girl asks for this kind of... Hanfu? Give it to them too?"

"No! No!" The words of rejection came out of his mouth. After saying it, Hermione knew that it was not good and her face turned red with shame.

The other three children laughed without hesitation. It seems that when they encounter their favorite things, there is not much difference between boys and girls.

After the four children played for a while, Professor Lupin came back. The protagonists turned to ask the professor for magic. This is their excuse for coming here.

Xiao Ming was also very lucky that he was not good at playing with children. If Lupin didn't come back, he might take out the Chinese artifact - mahjong. In the future, it would spoil the atmosphere of the entire Hogwarts, and I don't know who to blame.

The trio stayed for a long time before reluctantly leaving. When they left, they not only took away the gifts, but also won the title of the exclusive distributor of the right guard of the leader in Hogwarts.

Xiao Ming couldn't stand the students coming to him one after another to ask for things, and he didn't have the time. So he got some small Claude six-style and Hanfu and handed them over to the three people to manage.

The condition was that they were not allowed to sell them for money, but could only exchange them with other children. As for what to exchange and who to exchange with, it was all up to the three of them.

At the same time, Lupin also said that he was very busy with work and had no time to take care of the leader's right guard. He hoped that the three of them would come here more often to play with the right guard, or take him out to play.

The professor's thoughts were not difficult to guess. Since the leader's right guard was strong, it was right for Harry and the others to be around him often. Get a free bodyguard.

Xiao Ming didn't hate these three guys, after all, they were all good kids. But he didn't want to always hang out with the protagonists.

Because most of the main storylines revolve around the protagonists. If I were there, those stories might not happen. I obviously don't intend to interfere with this world.

But then again, since I have obtained the memories of Dumbledore, Snape, and Sirius, it seems that I should do something for them.

Although Xiao Ming also got most of Voldemort's memories, Dumbledore still has the advantage of 3 to 1. Then just bear with it.

If Voldemort or the Death Eaters come to attack and happen to meet me, it's their bad luck.

Not long after, Xiao Ming got another remnant of Voldemort's soul. From [Ravenclaw's Diadem]. This thing is hidden in the Room of Requirement.

But it won't become 3 to 2, because the memory of this remnant soul is more than the previous one. It has no value.

Xiao Ming often goes in and out of the Room of Requirement because he teaches ninjutsu to professors. One day, he happened to run into it. After the collision, Voldemort was unlucky.

Ravenclaw's diadem is the only relic of Rowena Ravenclaw, the founder of Ravenclaw College.

She cast a spell on it to increase the wisdom of the wearer. The diadem is a glittering crown inlaid with gems.

The bottom edge of the crown is engraved with Ravenclaw's famous motto-"Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind." This thing was not originally in the Room of Requirement.

It was stolen by Ravenclaw's daughter Helena because Helena hoped that the diadem would make her smarter. Ravenclaw has kept this secret.

Not long after, Ravenclaw fell ill and wanted to see his daughter again, so he asked the Bloody Baron, who loved Helena, to find Helena.

The Bloody Baron found Helena in the Albanian forest. When she saw him, Helena quickly hid the crown in a tree hole.

Baron dragged her back to see her mother, but she refused to move. Finally, the Bloody Baron lost his patience and killed her by mistake.

After killing her, he regretted it, so he stabbed himself and ended his life. Ravenclaw also died of illness a few days later.

No one knew where the tree where the tiara was hidden was, and no one knew who had seen it, let alone whether it still existed. The tiara disappeared from then on.

A few centuries later, Tom Marvolo Riddle came to Hogwarts. At this time, Helena had become the ghost of Ravenclaw - known as Lady Grey.

Riddle learned from her where the tiara was hidden, and soon after graduation, he rushed to the Albanian forest to find the tiara, made it into the fifth Horcrux, and hid it in the Room of Requirement.

But Riddle did not cast a strong protective magic on the tiara, because he felt that he was the only one who knew about this house that could not even be marked on the Marauder's Map.

I was careless, in fact, there were many people who knew about the Room of Requirement. Dumbledore once took a wrong turn when he went to the toilet and entered this place, which was filled with all kinds of exquisite and luxurious chamber pots.

If Voldemort knew that the Room of Requirement was known to Dumbledore for this reason, and that his Horcrux was destroyed because of this, he would probably be so angry that he would have a cerebral infarction and die again.

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