Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1436: You can’t always bully Banban

These five people are worthy of being the principal and branch dean of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They are all geniuses. In this semester, they all developed chakra.

Moreover, the attributes of chakra are divided according to the academy. Professor Pomona Sprout of Hufflepuff House awakened earth chakra;

Filius Flitwick of Ravenclaw House awakened wind chakra; Professor Severus Snape of Slytherin House awakened water chakra;

Albus Dumbledore, who was born in Gryffindor House, and Minerva McGonagall, the headmaster of the house, both awakened fire chakra.

Not a single one of the five has the thunder attribute, let alone Yin Escape and Yang Escape. Xiao Ming swore to God that he did not plant chakra seeds for them. They really did it on their own.

Putting aside these advanced combat powers for the moment, Xiao Ming and the trio of protagonists have also become friends in the past six months. The cause of everything is naturally the Claude Six Style.

A few days after school started, the three little ones took the initiative to play with Xiao Ming in the name of visiting Professor Lu Ping.

"Brother, please help me to change again. It's all Hermione's fault. I have to restore Scabbers." Ron squeezed the pet rat Scabbers tightly and asked with a flattering smile to the leader's right guard.

What a bad person! This mouse is Peter Pettigrew. After all, you have been in Ron's house for 12 years, so you have to have some feelings, right?

Unexpectedly, Ron sold Claude so easily for the Sixth Form. Xiao Ming actually saw faint tears in the mouse's eyes. You can't always bully Banban.

To be honest, Pettigrew actually didn't mind being turned into a combo knife. After all, after turning into a knife, it would be even harder to be discovered by Sirius and Lupine.

Moreover, the combination knife is hard and not easily damaged. Much stronger than a mouse's body. Life is more secure.

But facing Ron's betrayal without hesitation, it really made him feel a little uncomfortable. At this time, he seemed to understand the feelings of the Potter family. The way of heaven is so cyclical.

"Ron, don't be stupid." Hermione really had no way to deal with this idiot. "The knife doesn't have to be Scabbers. Anything can be used."

"Ah, really?" Ron asked innocently. Hermione and Harry were both speechless. This is common sense in magic.

Unlike Hermione, who has no interest in Claude's Six Styles. Harry also liked the look of the knife. When Hermione used the reduction spell on Scabbers, he wasn't very supportive.

Ron has been stealing the show these days. Claude's Six Styles attracted almost all the male students in the school, and they almost didn't sell tickets to visit. Many people came to borrow it and play. I earned a lot of favors for nothing.

Especially when the limelight overshadowed Draco Malfoy, it felt most comfortable. He is Harry Potter's nemesis.

The Malfoy family is an ancient, wealthy and influential pure-blood wizard family, and one of the twenty-eight pure-blood holy families. He is related to many pure-blood families.

The family believed in blood purity, so Draco's parents, Lucius and Narcissa, were both Death Eaters. In the future, little Draco won't be able to run away.

Draco has a slightly pale face, a pointed chin, light blond hair and gray eyes, and he can be considered a handsome boy.

In fact, when he was in first grade, he extended a hand of friendship to Harry Potter.

At that time, he said to Harry: "You will soon find that some wizarding families are much better than others. Potter, you don't want to make friends with the wrong kind of people. At this point, I can help you."

The "other families" he meant were none other than the Weasley family. Although they both belong to the Twenty-Eight Sacred Clan, they have conflicting ideas. The Malfoy family looked down upon the Weasley family.

Harry's parents are both magicians, so he is considered a pure-blood magician. Even if the Potter family is not one of the twenty-eight clans, it's because they destroyed Voldemort. Draco was willing to condescend to be friends with Harry.

In his opinion, this was already a very generous invitation. Harry Potter should just accept it and flatter himself wildly.

Well, Draco could give in one more step, and it wouldn't even matter if he didn't flatter him. Draco felt proud to be friends with the descendant of the wizard who destroyed Voldemort.

But how could Harry like such a domineering guy? With just "I think I can tell who is the wrong kind of person, thank you.", the two became mortal enemies.

After all, that's all there is to a sworn enemy between children. There is a difference between mortal enemies and adults.

Because the Malfoy family is very rich, and Harry doesn't know that he is actually very rich, so Draco often shows off his wealth in front of him. Ron and Hermione were of no help in this regard.

Things will be different when school starts this year. Ron has Claude Six Styles in his hand. This combination knife is unique in the world of Harry Potter.

No matter how rich the Malfoy family is, they won't be able to get another one in a short time. Of course, if Draco remembered the style, he could go home and spend money to customize another one.

However, this requires him to be very familiar with Claude's Six Forms. Draco was too embarrassed to bow his head to Ron to borrow the knife. It made him very depressed. So Ron and Harry were always happy.

Only Hermione is a girl and she really can't understand boys' love for swords and guns. Not very happy. Otherwise, she would not take the initiative to use the reduction technique on Banban.

However, Hermione insisted that she couldn't bear to see Scabbers being a knife all the time, and it wasn't because she was jealous that it stole her limelight.

Ron's plea, Harry's eagerness to try, and Hermione's disdain, Xiao Ming saw them all, and just thought these 13-year-old kids were so cute.

"Haha, no problem, you don't need Transfiguration, I'll just make you a similar knife, be careful not to be Transfigured by others."

Hermione seemed to feel it a little, and her face flushed. Ron still answered foolishly:

"Don't be afraid. We have Hermione, even if someone uses Transfiguration, we can change back."

ε=(ο`*)))Alas, silly boy, Xiao Ming means to be on guard against Hermione, okay? You still expect her to change you back, you're dreaming.

But then again, as long as Ron and Harry ask for it in a good way, Hermione will probably really help them if she gets the attention she needs. Children's friendship is simple and pure.

Xiao Ming put his hands on the ground and used alchemy to directly transform several floor tiles into Claude's six-style combination knife. Of course, it is unbladed and can't hurt people.

Xiao Ming made two swords at once, one for Ron and one for Harry. They were so happy that they jumped three feet high.

In addition, we couldn't ignore the pouting little beauty Hermione. I guess she doesn't like swords, so Xiao Ming made her a white-based blue-edged female Chinese costume. She was so happy that she almost lost her mind.

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