Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1435: Finally settled down

The crowd then realized that no matter how powerful the leader's right guard was, he was still a 6-year-old child and had to go to bed so late.

The ninjutsu he showed just now was so powerful that people had unconsciously ignored that he was still a child. After all, being short was nothing, Professor Filius was shorter than him.

Professor Lupin should have slept with the leader's right guard, but they had to sleep in two separate rooms. This was very strange at first glance.

However, the professors present knew that Lupin was a werewolf. On the night of the full moon, he would turn into a wolf and lose his mind.

It seemed that the child didn't know that although he was strong, he might be killed if he was caught off guard. So it was reasonable to sleep separately.

And Lupin would take some other measures, asking Snape to prepare Wolfsbane Potion for him.

As long as it is taken one week before the full moon, the werewolf will remain rational even if it turns into a wolf. Unfortunately, it cannot cure the werewolf.

Even if it is not for Xiao Ming, Lupin needs to take the medicine for the students.

In fact, Xiao Ming already knew about this from Sirius's memory. He even helped a little. Recently, he inserted a sword of rewarding good and punishing evil into Lupin.

Because Lupin is a good person, his character is almost the best among the predators. This sword has stood in Lupin's soul.

Xiao Ming originally just wanted to increase his lifespan and health. It would be better if he could have some superpowers.

But what he never expected was that Xiao Ming's sword of rewarding good and punishing evil has become very flexible. Rewards can be given according to different people.

Lupin has gained a superpower, that is, from now on, Lupin's vision will automatically block the full moon.

Even if he sees it, it's as if he didn't see it. In other words, if he can't see the full moon, he will never turn into a wolf again. I believe Lupin will be very happy about this.

Sirius knew that Lupin was not a natural werewolf. When he was four years old, his father offended the werewolf Fenrir Greyback.

This guy is one of Voldemort's Death Eaters, the leader of the werewolves, and is very cruel.

In revenge, Fenrir broke into the bedroom through the window and bit little Lupin. Lupin became a werewolf from then on. His parents tried various ways to save him, but to no avail.

And werewolf blood is also unsolvable in the magic world. Lupin could not have thought that a child he met had quietly solved his problem.

In a few days, when the first full moon comes, Lupin will find this out. Maybe he will become the object of research by the magic world later, but that's all for later.

This kind of thing will definitely not produce any results. Not to mention the magicians, even Xiao Ming can't replicate this result.

Most werewolves who are inserted with the reward and punishment sword are probably the objects to be punished.

Even if a few can be rewarded by the reward and punishment sword, they may not be the same as Lupin. Xiao Ming still doesn't understand this mechanism. It may change with the other party's wishes.

So this matter is destined to have no results, and it may be attributed to Lupin's special physique in the end.

In view of the special situation of the right guard of the leader, he and Professor Lupin were arranged in a large suite on the 8th floor of Hogwarts Castle.

Because the headmaster's office is on the 8th floor, if he has any problems, Dumbledore can respond immediately.

On the same floor, there is also the Gryffindor common room, Professor Filius Flitwick's office, and the famous Room of Requirement.

After Professor Lupin watched Xiao Ming "sleep", he set off for the headmaster's office. Here Dumbledore and the professors were chatting enthusiastically.

Of course, they would not go to bed honestly. At this time, they must discuss how to arrange the right guard of the leader.

After Lupin came, as a relative, everyone asked him many questions, mainly to confirm the character of the right guard of the leader.

Dumbledore actually knew that the right guard of the leader was not a relative of Lupin, but there was no need to let everyone know about this.

After discussion, everyone agreed with the headmaster's decision. On the surface, the right guard of the leader will temporarily live in Hogwarts as a relative of Professor Lupin.

In fact, he was hired as a visiting professor and opened a special course, which is Ninjutsu.

This course is not open to all students in the school. Only interested teachers are allowed to learn Ninjutsu from Xiao Ming. And they must keep it secret for him.

The deans of the four colleges each have one recommendation quota, and can recommend one person to learn. The principal has two quotas. Of course, Xiao Ming has the right to refuse a student.

Correspondingly, the school will pay the right guard of the leader the same salary as other professors. Basically, all the facilities in the school are open to him, including the library.

As for the classroom for teaching Ninjutsu, Dumbledore chose the Room of Requirement.

It is a magical room, also known as the "Coming and Going Room". It sometimes appears and sometimes disappears, and can only be entered when a person really needs it.

When it appears, it is always arranged to meet the needs of the person seeking help. This room is located on the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, opposite the tapestry of the troll beating the fool Barnabas with a stick.

When the user concentrates on the required venue and walks through that wall three times, a very smooth door will appear on the wall, and the person seeking help can enter the Room of Requirement.

Given that many ninjutsu are highly destructive, not to mention Hogwarts Castle, even the Forbidden Forest is not suitable for use. Instead, the Room of Requirement can meet teaching needs.

At the beginning, only a few teachers learned ninjutsu from Xiao Ming. There was no ordinary student. Probably they planned to test the waters with teachers first.

There was only one class every Saturday night. The first batch of students only had the following five people, the headmaster and the deans of the four branches.

Albus Dumbledore, Filius Flitwick, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Pomona Sprout.

The last one, Pomona Sprout, was the dean of Hufflepuff College and the teacher of Herbology. She was a short witch with flowing gray hair.

She usually wore a thick hat full of patches and was covered in mud. Because she always stayed in the greenhouse to fiddle with flowers and plants, she was an optimistic and compassionate person.

Sprout's combat ability was average, but she was extremely talented in herbs and was considered a strategic talent. In peacetime, she could only grow flowers and plants.

Hufflepuff House, famous for its food-related spells, is perhaps the most caring of the four major houses of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with the most students.

House spirit: integrity, loyalty, honesty, and fearlessness of hardship. Admission criteria: hardworking and loyal, and treat them equally.

House logo: badger; representative colors: yellow and black; roughly corresponding element is earth.

The Sorting Hat said: "You may belong to Hufflepuff, where people are upright and loyal. Hufflepuff students are perseverant and honest, and are not afraid of hard work."

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