Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1367 New Neighbor

Lu Xun once said, oh no, it was Confucius who once said: A harsh government is fiercer than a tiger. Xiao Ming said: European colonists are fiercer than ghosts.

Because of the oppression of harsh government, the ancients would rather live in areas where tigers roam. Now under the oppression of colonists, the Indians in the American continent would rather live with the dead.

Although it is in the game, I believe that in real history, the situation will never change.

When Xiao Ming was sighing, the system prompted that Mengmeng informed him outside the game cabin that a neighbor came to visit.

He couldn't help but wonder. You know, in modern society, the relationship between neighbors has become very estranged.

It is normal for everyone not to know who lives next door. Xiao Ming didn't know who lived next door before.

Later, he had the ability of [circle] and the mental power of [scan map]. Naturally, he knew the neighbors above, below, left and right.

However, now the housing can fly around. As long as the management agency of the community allows, residents can change their positions at any time.

Even if they are managed by the same property management company and in a community of the same standard, they can move back and forth. Therefore, these neighbors are not fixed.

The Zhang family has lived here for many years, and almost no one has come to visit. Why did someone come today? There must be something fishy.

Xiao Ming did not need to leave the game cabin, but just temporarily exited the game and scanned it with his mental power.

Seeing the people coming, Xiao Ming sighed again. He had really seen these two people, but they were not familiar with each other.

They are twin sisters from the Datang Guild (Li Family), Datang·Peony and Datang·Peony. They are both good-looking and have good figures.

Xiao Ming and them met in the game. The first time they met was when they were exploring a cave. They were accidentally killed by Xiao Ming's alien beast.

Not only the two of them, but the entire Li family team, including Datang·Li Yuanji (Li Songrui), were killed by the aliens, and the two sides did not meet at that time.

The official meeting was when the Li family asked Xiao Ming to help with the guild's station mission, and the two of them were also in the Li family's team. It seems that they have never spoken to Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming's forehead was full of question marks: What are they doing here?

Since they have been scanned, let's use telepathy. From their minds, Xiao Ming saw a TV series.

A few days ago, the heroic Long Wu stood in front of them, which made the two girls feel a little excited. Unfortunately, Long Wu didn't understand the situation and simply issued an order.

The general idea is that Zhang Xiaoming had been concerned by all parties before, and the small town where he lived was flooded with agents and spies from all forces. Monitor Xiao Ming in all directions.

This kind of surveillance is of course ineffective, but there is a side effect, which leads to a very good security environment in this city.

All the ruffians, thieves and gangsters disappeared. But later, Xiao Ming became a civil servant in the underworld. All forces have stopped and withdrawn the surveillance personnel. Who dares to monitor the underworld?

So, when there is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey becomes the king. Those little hooligans slowly show their heads again.

The major forces don't care about these things. If the Yinchai can be bullied by street hooligans, it can only be said that he is "fishing for law enforcement".

The officials of the New Han Kingdom are a little worried about this matter.

If the city where the Yinchai lives has a bad security environment, it means that there is a problem with the rule of the New Han Kingdom. It will affect the image of the royal family and the top families in the eyes of the underworld.

The fact that there is a civil servant in the underworld in the country makes the ruler of the New Han Kingdom, the Tiger King Liu family, proud. In front of the other families of the Twelve Kings of Daqin, it is not difficult to have face.

Although Zhang Xiaoming's becoming a Yinchai seems to have nothing to do with the Liu family, it is really face. Therefore, the Liu family needs to carefully maintain Xiaoming's good mood.

You can make enemies with 10,000 living people, but you can't be hated by a Yinchai. This is the consensus of the twelve kings' families of Pangu Star's top forces.

Therefore, the Li family, which had a close relationship with the royal family, took over this heavy responsibility. Let Zhang Xiaoming, the newly promoted Yincha, always be in a good mood.

Don't let Xiaoming be unhappy because of some boring little things. For example, a street thug with dirty mouths, a civil servant in a government agency who takes chicken feathers as a token. This should be avoided.

But this matter cannot be done in a big way. In particular, Xiaoming's identity cannot be made public. The people who come forward cannot be too eye-catching. What they do cannot be too out of line.

According to the Liu family's predecessors, Yincha generally does not like to be ostentatious, and hates troubles in the world even more.

Therefore, the people sent out are only of average importance in the Li family, and Peony and Peony are just right.

As Long Wu's confidants, they are allowed to know Xiaoming's true identity. They also know the purpose of their mission.

It's nothing more than mobilizing some staff of local government agencies to thoroughly clean up the dark side of this city.

This small city of 7th, 8th, and 9th tiers turned out to be the only city in the New Han Kingdom without the underworld and any corruption. This is something that even several capital cities cannot do.

Perhaps it is because this is a very small city, otherwise it would not be so easy to make it look peaceful and tranquil.

If Xiaoming lived in a capital city, the New Han Kingdom would really not be able to do this.

It took some time for Peony and Peony to get it done. After reporting to Long Wu, they were arranged to explain it to Zhang Xiaoming.

Because this matter could not be concealed from the Yincha. The New Han Kingdom treated Zhang Xiaoming with caution and tread on thin ice.

The two girls didn't have to explain the matter clearly, just say that this was a small gift from the Li family to Mr. Zhang.

In addition, Peony and Peony will live next door to Xiao Ming. One is to avoid annoying neighbors; the other is to help Xiao Ming take care of things if there is anything. The purpose is self-evident.

As for whether the twin girls were sent to seduce him. That's hard to say. Anyway, they didn't have this plan in mind.

In Xiao Ming's opinion, it was completely unnecessary for the Li family to do this. Doesn't Xiao Ming know what this city looks like?

Doing this face-saving project is purely for nothing. Do you really think that you will vent your anger on the New Han Kingdom because of a little grievance? You underestimate yourself a little.

In fact, this is Xiao Ming's shallow knowledge. The new civil servants in the underworld have a strong sense of good and evil, and are often swayed by emotions and do some impulsive and irrational things.

Because of some social injustice, anger at the country has happened before.

Sometimes, they even put their identities as underworld officials at risk and cause great trouble. This is the first difficulty faced by almost all underworld civil servants after they start working.

What the Liu and Li families did was not meaningless. It would be good for everyone if Xiao Ming could smoothly spend the first few hundred years as an underworld official.

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