Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1368 Two more visitors

On October 13, the weather was fine and the apartment was warm as spring. However, as soon as I stepped out of the door, I could feel that the weather in the north was already a little cold.

With Yin Xiaoming's physical fitness of level 6, he could not detect the drop in temperature at all. When the sisters Peony and Peony came, they paid attention to keeping warm and did not feel anything.

Only Ruan Mengmeng was stimulated by the cold air and sneezed twice. This reminded Xiaoming that winter was coming.

"Mr. Zhang, Sister Ruan, we are next door, so you two don't have to be polite. Go back to the room quickly."

"Okay, um... Thank you Li family for this matter, keep in touch if you have anything." Xiaoming politely sent the twin sisters away.

Although their "help" was dispensable, after all, it was out of kindness and benefited the people. Xiaoming's thanks were not false.

Seeing that it was almost noon and Mengmeng caught a little cold again, Xiaoming simply made a meal of energy-enhanced food himself, so that Mengmeng ate it and burped.

He doesn't even need to go out to buy food. For such a long time, Guangmingding has stored a large amount of daily necessities.

Melons, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, milk... all come from all directions. Most people don't have this kind of food.

For example, he got a lot of ingredients from the universe from the European Dragon King Yijian Guanghan Zhao Jiuzhou. And he also got a lot of ingredients from the world of "Star Wars 3".

All of them are things that are not easy to see on Pangu Star. I guess even Zhao Jiuzhou would be jealous of Ruan Mengmeng's good luck.

In fact, Guangmingding has always had meals that have been prepared long ago, which have been properly stored and can be eaten as soon as they are taken out.

These are prepared by Xiaoming for his sister and brother Wen who are not around. It's okay to take them out for Mengmeng to eat, but cooking a meal in person can make it look more serious, not just for the sake of dealing with things.

After lunch, Xiaoming logged into the game again. Checking the system records, he found that there were new changes on the side of the deceased.

On the adventure map, Bi'an and Wuhebuzuo came together again. Bi'an is the boss of the Monster Guild in Gray Bone City, and Wu'e Bu'er is the boss of the Wan'e Guild in Gray Bone City.

At the end of July, the accuser had cooperated with these two guilds once. Since then, the strength of the accuser has been an unsolved mystery in their hearts.

In the past few months, they have invited the accuser to participate in several small tasks. The intention is to learn more about the players behind the scenes.

However, Xiao Ming himself did not participate in person, but asked the intelligent program Xiao Wuer to do it for him, and his performance was also quite satisfactory. Instead, the two major guilds were even more confused.

Xiao Wuer has an independent soul and does not look like an intelligent program. In addition, these people are not familiar with Xiao Ming himself, and they can't see any flaws.

Observing the usual performance of the accuser, it is difficult for them to understand how such an average player can have such a good relationship with Bai Yulin, the lord of Gray Bone City?

Xiao Ming was also wondering, this time the two came at the same time, could it be that they encountered some difficult tasks again, so he took over the control of the accuser with great interest.

Xiao Wuer had already finished the initial greetings. Bi'an went straight to the point.

"President of the deceased, have you read the city lord's notice two days ago?"

Seeing the deceased shook his head, he continued, "It's like this, the city lord is about to start a small war. With our current strength, we are not qualified to join..."

"So, you two want me to apply to the city lord?" Xiao Ming asked in confusion.

Bi'an waved his hands quickly: "No, no, president, don't get me wrong. We are only level 3, and if we participate, we will be cannon fodder. Our goal is the preliminary work."

As he explained, Xiao Ming learned that every time the system forces go to war, they will mobilize and prepare.

Currently, players are only eligible to participate in the preliminary preparations. Among them are combat missions such as reconnaissance and infiltration, and life missions such as providing supplies.

To really send troops to the front battlefield, players must reach level 4. Or complete certain special tasks.

The purpose of their guild is to provide supplies. This is a rare opportunity for players to fully practice life professions. You can also earn merits by the way.

As for the two of them saying that they were not interested in combat missions, they were just saying it casually. Xiao Ming would be stupid to believe it.

And for this kind of thing, you can't even blame them for lying. After all, it's the secret of the guild. It would be strange to tell the truth to an outsider like the deceased.

Xiao Ming even suspected that they might be doing special missions that involve direct participation in the war. They just didn't say it.

Then, why did they come to him? The deceased didn't need to come in person to accept the mission.

Xiao Ming asked, "Since you don't need me to see the city lord, why don't you take these missions by yourself? Why did you come to me all the way?"

The two looked at each other, and the evil one replied, "Well, let's just tell the president directly. We are here to apply to withdraw from the White Fang Chamber of Commerce.

We have now established a guild, but many shops are still under the command of your White Fang Chamber of Commerce. These shops and players need to contribute to the mission. But..."

After he said this, Xiao Ming understood. At first, they gathered many guild players and planned to sue the deceased. But they were slapped in the face.

Xiao Ming, with the power of the city lord, forced 88 small shops under their N guilds to join his White Fang Chamber of Commerce Gray Bone City Branch.

In the past few months, he also took a lot of money from them.

However, they have never been able to find out the specific relationship between the informant and the city lord, let alone take advantage of it.

It was fine before, but now they are going to carry out a war mission. If those chambers of commerce continue to be listed under the name of the White Fang Chamber of Commerce, their contributions will be exploited by the informant again.

It doesn't matter for the shops of other small guilds, as they can enjoy the shade under the big tree. The White Fang Chamber of Commerce is also a very thick big tree.

But the Monster Guild and the All Evil Guild are guilds that want to become big trees themselves, and they must set up their own business.

It is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. They really don't want to continue working for the informant for nothing. It will seriously delay the development progress of their own guilds.

Their two guilds are relatively strong, with more than 20 shops each, which are under the jurisdiction of the White Fang Chamber of Commerce.

Without the help of these shops, not only will it be difficult for them to develop healthily in the Gray Bone City in the future, but it will also be difficult for them to complete the tasks of the city lord now.

So they had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to the accused. Rather than come to negotiate, it was more like begging for redemption. The two had already made up their minds to rip the accused off.

Xiao Ming used telepathy to check and found that both guilds had prepared good gifts. He could even see what their bottom line was.

What price should he offer?

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