Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1366 The rebirth of Bison Village

The Indians in the Bison Village were very happy. Because they had a brand new life.

First of all, including the village elder Old Bison, more than half of the villagers accepted the ascetic job transfer. Everyone's physical fitness was immediately improved a lot. This has made the villagers overjoyed.

Secondly, the boss, the researcher, took out the faith value and equipped each person with a spiritual pet. Since most people are level 0, the pet is only a level 0 pet.

In comparison, the combat power of the pet even exceeds that of the owner. That is, everyone is more than twice as strong. What's more, the pet also has skills.

This is not over yet. The researcher paid for them to buy the ascetic suit, the ascetic cane, and the pet armor. Everyone was armed all of a sudden. It was simply several times stronger.

Moreover, these things are the most basic equipment of the ascetic. Although the power is very ordinary, they are quite durable.

The adults like the ascetic suit the most, which can adapt to any climate and can be worn in winter.

This saved a lot of clothing expenses for the Indians who were short of food and clothing.

What the children liked most were the spirit pets that were everywhere in the village.

Children from poor families didn't have many toys, and playing with pee and mud was already a very "good" activity. How could it be as interesting as pets.

Puppies, kittens, piglets, pigeons, ostriches, and eagles ran around in the village, attracting the children to laugh and chase and play. They were all spirit pets, and they were not afraid of being killed by the children.

Even aquatic pets such as octopuses, sharks, and naga, because they were in spirit state, would not die on land, but it was not convenient to move.

Octopuses and naga were okay, they could barely move, but sharks were miserable, lying on the ground and could only flutter, unable to move at all. But fish pets were more popular with children, after all, they were rare to see.

Several children carried a shark and paraded through the streets, which became a unique landscape in the village.

Parents were also happy to let pets be nannies for their children. When you go out to work, you can feel more at ease.

For the time being, Xiao Ming does not have to worry about the safety of the Bison Village. There are so many friendly undead troops wandering around, and the colonists should not be able to come for a while.

There are also many undead soldiers and puppets in the village, so guarding is not a problem.

Although there is only one level 1 hero, Old Bison, in the village, there are two more level 2 generals.

These two generals were not recruited by researchers from the tavern, nor did they follow refugees to the village. They are all undead generals, one is a skeleton and the other is a zombie.

So how did they come? Of course, it is because of the new skill [Redemption] of the Jade Statue of the God of Light.

Xiao Ming just wanted to test the effect of the skill at the time. He intuitively picked two guys who looked like the leaders from the surrendered undead to redeem.

He was still doubtful in his heart. What exactly is considered to be the redemption of these two undead? Is it to directly transcend to heaven? Or to make the dead flesh and bones alive and let them completely restore to human form?

The result was none of them. Their appearances did not change much, only their attributes changed. With the addition of the prefix of light, they were still skeletons and zombies.

But the benefit was obvious. With the addition of the attribute of light, they would never be regarded as enemies by the light camp again. So magical.

In addition, for some reason, this redemption actually improved their status. From leaders to generals. This is amazing, there is another way to obtain generals.

Unfortunately, Xiao Ming continued to search among other undead, but he could not find any undead that he felt could be promoted to generals.

Although the researcher seemed to be very busy, he obtained a new village and a large number of villagers and soldiers.

However, he did not get much strategic experience along the way. The destruction of the Esconte Army should have provided a lot of experience.

But the problem was that the undead that destroyed the Esconte Army were wild monsters, not the subordinates of the researcher, so the enemy died at the hands of wild monsters, and the researcher naturally had no experience.

The subsequent battles with the undead were all for surrender, and no killing was carried out at all. The enemy did not surrender, and Xiao Ming even ran away to avoid the battle, so naturally he did not have any experience.

The system meant that you had already obtained the troops, so why did you need experience? You should not be too greedy.

The mission of Bison Village really brought some experience to the researcher.

Since Bison Village belonged to the researcher. The first mission issued by the system was to ensure the survival and safety of the village.

This mission was automatically issued. Only villages in dangerous places would be forced to issue such missions.

As a boss, the player's first priority is to ensure the survival and safety of his subordinates. The system mission was issued so naturally that Xiao Ming did not pay much attention to it.

After a few days, the city wall was built; the troops were strengthened; the villagers became stronger, and finally, after the researcher transferred a large amount of food and grass, the food problem was solved. The system mission was automatically completed. It can be seen that the difficulty is not that high.

Therefore, the experience gained is not much, and the researcher's adventure level has hardly moved at all, still around level 23 of level 3.

The strategic level is on the verge of upgrading. If he fights a few more battles or completes one or two tasks, he will probably be able to upgrade to level 16.

Real growth will only occur at level 20. Xiao Ming doesn't have to rush to gain experience.

At Liu Ke's urging, the researcher led the troops to leave the Bison Village and go to the next place where Liu Ke thought a large-scale death harvest could be carried out.

In the past few days, Xiao Ming has rarely switched roles. Because there are too many places in the American continent where death harvest can be used.

Large-scale harvesting sites like the temple are not very common, but corpses can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

It is common to see natives who were killed by colonists, scalped, and hung on trees. There are men, women, old and young. These colonists are really inhumane.

Xiao Ming harvested them casually. Let them become undead to avenge themselves. It doesn't take much mana.

Liu Ke doesn't think that this is the same magic used in the temple.

The external performance is too different. One is to harvest thousands of undead, and the other is to create a few undead. How can this be the same magic? !

He thinks that the researcher should use low-level undead magic such as summoning skeleton soldiers at this time.

In Liu Ke's eyes, the researcher may have a hidden identity as a necromancer. And he was very accomplished.

He was both scared and excited. Needless to say, he was excited, because the American continent was saved, and Tia was following a powerful boss.

Considering the reputation of the undead, he couldn't help but worry whether this was a sign of the undead's counterattack on the human world. It was understandable that Liu Ke was a little scared.

It was just the lesser of two evils. Compared with the undead, the colonists and other humans were more terrifying.

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