Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1278 About to leave

Xiao Ming once thought about leaving quietly without telling anyone. Save yourself the trouble of parting.

It's a pity that it can't be done at all. At least Master Yoda can sense that the leader wants to leave. Some other people, including Anakin, Shakti and other Force-sensitive people, can also feel it.

Even the two little guys, Luke and Leia, were vaguely aware of it. During this time, I stayed close to him all day long.

If you can't hide it from them, you can't hide it from many people. Xiao Ming decided to leave openly.

Although the leader and others are not very famous now, many people among the top leaders know them.

To a certain extent, they can also be regarded as one of the anchors of the Galactic Republic. Once the group disappears, it will definitely cause an uproar.

Therefore, when Xiao Ming and his subordinates leave, there must be an explanation. Certain things also need to be handed over.

Regarding the Force, cloning technology and all aspects of knowledge, Xiao Ming would never be able to finish learning in his lifetime.

However, what I have mastered so far has reached a certain height. In the future, we will focus on practical operations, research, and practice. The knowledge in books can be put aside for a while.

The leader of the group (Cheng Xiaoming), who was still a child back then, has now grown into an adult.

I went on several missions with my master, Master Shakti, and performed quite well. The master was also very reluctant to let him go.

The planet Geonosis has been completely covered by the Zerg fog. Nearly all Geonosians evolved in the Mists of Plenty. A few evolve to be quite powerful.

It can be said that apart from the Jedi Order and the Sith, they have few opponents in the universe.

The Geonosians are accustomed to the spiritually connected life of the entire race. Even if they leave, they can still live well.

As for the Sith delegation that was placed under house arrest by Xiao Ming, it was later handed over to the Republic after Sidious became weaker and weaker.

Former Deputy Speaker Mas Ameda was sentenced to death, while Orson Krennic was sentenced to 10 years in prison. Xiao Ming also inserted a sword in his body to reward good and punish evil. Other followers also have their own punishments.

Orson's crime in the original work is not unjust even if he is cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. But in this life, Orson didn't have time to do evil at all.

Xiao Ming doesn’t know the plot of the original work either. So I'm not that harsh on Orson. Just a slight punishment.

Besides, without the prerequisites of Sidious + the Galactic Empire, people like Orson can't make any big waves.

Xiao Ming has a total of three Victory-class Star Destroyers under his various identities. Before leaving, he gave them to the Jedi Temple, Naboo System, and Geonosis respectively.

It hurts, but there is no way. The reincarnation who made him wait for 10 years has never come to the world of "Star Wars".

In terms of practicing the Force, Xiao Ming has reached a very powerful level. Various techniques are also available.

Even in the next few years, he still had enough energy to practice the [Hundred-Style Guanyin] move in reality.

Unfortunately, after practicing, Xiao Ming felt a little depressed. It was completely different from what he had imagined.

Chairman Nitro's Hundred-Style Guanyin in "Hunter Hunter" is a move that can compete with the S-class master Ant King Meluem.

In the original work, Meruem applied the art of chess to battle, found the president's flaw, and defeated Netero with one blow.

Of course, Meluem believed that even if he didn't find the president's flaw, he would still win in the end.

Because "Hundred Styles Guanyin" can only cause skin trauma to the ant king, it cannot even cause serious injuries such as breaking bones.

In the end, when it came to the consumption of telekinesis, the pinnacle of human beings could not compare to the king of chimera ants.

After all, such a powerful move consumes a huge amount of telekinesis. Nitro didn't have the stamina to fight for days and nights.

Xiao Ming wondered if if he used Baishi Guanyin himself, it would be more effective than the president.

First of all, his defense is strong enough, even Meruem shouldn't be able to defeat him with one blow.

Secondly, he has enough energy, and Xiao Ming has not been afraid of anyone in a war of attrition.

Finally, I used the Qiyao Shadow clones. Maybe each clone could summon a Hundred Styles Guanyin. If you fight dozens of them, you should be able to win.

However, I really mastered this skill. Xiao Ming discovered that this was not the case at all. This score is used by anyone.

His Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara and President Nitro’s Hundreds of Styles of Avalokitesvara are vastly different.

Because Baishi Guanyin is an operational type of mind beast, not an automatic type of mind beast. The operator behind the huge Guanyin statue is the telepathic person himself.

The strength of President Nitro's Hundred-Style Guanyin comes from his profound martial arts attainments and endless tricks. That's why it's so powerful.

Xiao Ming was embarrassed because he did not have such martial arts attainments. Even if you try to summon a huge Guanyin statue.

Under Xiao Ming's control, he was unable to exert too much strength. You can only think of Baishi Guanyin as a bulky human shield tank.

Probably for this reason, Xiao Ming was able to implement this trick in reality. The power is slightly weak, even a bit dispensable.

Fortunately it's not all bad news. The good news is that the Qiyao Shadow Clone also has the ability to summon the Hundred Styles of Guanyin, which can be used to scare people in the future.

Of course, Xiao Ming’s Baishi Guanyin is not particularly bad either. After all, he had learned a lot of kung fu from the Golden Book. Still helpful.

Other reincarnations should not have expected that Xiao Ming's Hundred Styles of Guanyin is not very powerful.

Besides, he has plenty of time. Xiao Ming's martial arts attainments will become more and more profound with time.

One day, his Hundred Styles of Guanyin will be comparable to the president. Even better.

In the underground training ground of the Jedi Temple, Master Yoda fought with Hundred Styles of Guanyin for the last time. This time Xiao Ming spent a little more effort.

Master Yoda and the seven Hundred Styles of Guanyin arranged in the Tiangang Beidou formation fought to a draw. As I said, in a war of attrition, Xiao Ming is not afraid of anyone.

"I will never see this trick again. Haha, what a pity." Master Yoda sighed sincerely. He had never seen such a magical skill in his 900 years of life.

I really want to fight a few more times. However, Master Yoda is not a sentimental person. Respect Xiao Ming's personal choice.

In the Republic, only this master can be so open-minded. Of course, he symbolically retained him.

"The Death Star incident is not over yet, and Sidious is still alive. Is it really okay for you to just leave like this?" Master Yoda asked with a smile.

Xiao Ming also smiled back: "The Death Star is under our surveillance throughout the process. We can deal with it at any time. It has been used to bleed Sidious all these years.

I have finally figured it out. Sidious is a guy who can't grasp the key points. Even if he really takes power, he can't govern the galaxy well.

With the current strength of the Jedi Order, it is only a matter of time to eliminate Sidious. It doesn't matter whether I am there or not."

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