Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1277 Nabu's Birthday Party

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

"Happy 10th birthday to Princess Leia and Prince Luke! Oh——"

Inside and outside the palace of Naboo, there were loud gongs and drums, firecrackers, red flags, and crowds of people.

Although Padmé no longer holds the position of Queen Amidala. But everyone in the Naboo galaxy still regards her as the eternal queen.

Especially in recent years, Anakin and Padmé have mobilized a lot of resources to increase the construction and development of the Naboo galaxy.

Today, the Naboo galaxy has made great progress in economy, military, culture, education, etc.

In addition to the capital Coruscant economic circle, it has established the second largest center in the entire galaxy. The influence covers a large area.

Now the couple is the uncrowned king of the Naboo galaxy group. The reputation is almost unshakable.

What's more, the current Speaker of the Republic, Bail Organa, is also their good friend.

There are several main reasons why the Naboo galaxy can have such development.

First, the Naboo system itself has a very good foundation. It is the home planet of Chancellor Palpatine. Previously, the Republic's resources were slightly tilted towards it, and it was also quite famous.

Fame is sometimes very illusory and even useless. But sometimes, it can attract talents from all walks of life.

Second, Queen Padmé Naberri Amidala has extremely outstanding political ability. Without the constraints of Sidious, she has made great achievements under her full play.

Third, the powerful military force of Anakin's army gives the people of Naboo system an unparalleled sense of security. This is not to mention the military force of Xiao Ming in secret.

Fourth, the wealth from the Trade Federation and Tatooine. As the saying goes, a man cannot get rich without windfall, and a horse cannot get fat without night grass.

Although this huge windfall has to be divided into the capital and other parties, the remaining is enough to give Naboo system a shot of cardiac stimulant. The big boss still stayed.

Fifth, the cooperation from the Geonosians and Kaminoans. Their strong scientific and industrial capabilities also provided great help to the development of the Naboo galaxy.

Needless to say, the Geonosians are all Xiao Ming's loyal subordinates, and the Kaminoans are won over by Xiao Ming's feeding. It is natural to help the "owner" do something.

With the addition of these multiple advantages. The rapid development of the Naboo galaxy is inevitable.

Nowadays, the proposal to upgrade Naboo to a secondary capital has been widely discussed. Various forces are also playing games for this. But it is basically a done deal.

No one expected such a result. After all, they didn't expect Naboo to inherit nearly 80% of Tatooine's hidden wealth.

After Tatooine was wiped out by Anakin, the hidden wealth of criminals such as Jabba became the target of the entire universe. Many people are still looking for it.

Who would have thought that Xiao Ming learned all the treasure locations through the power of the underworld, and "selflessly" told Queen Amidala all of them.

The Geonosians are famous for their money and not their people, and the Kaminoans are famous for their aloofness. It is unpredictable that these two races will cooperate deeply with the Naboo Galaxy.

Therefore, the Naboo Galaxy can develop rapidly to its current level in a short period of time.

As the representative image of the Naboo Galaxy, Queen Amidala, her fame now resounds throughout the Milky Way.

Today is the 10th birthday of her twins, Princess Leia and Prince Luke. It can be regarded as a "major" happy event.

All the bigwigs in the Naboo circle came to participate in the celebration. There are also many people who come from all over the Milky Way.

At this time, most areas of the Galactic Republic have been pacified. The Sith still controls a few small scattered areas. It can be seen that there is no big wave.

War is no longer the main theme of the Milky Way. The society is stable, and the Republic has a lot of work to do. It is in the tide of large-scale production and construction.

Merchants are profit-seeking, and merchants from all over the Milky Way want to get a share of the development of the Naboo Galaxy.

Many regional leaders hope to get support from the Naboo galaxy. Even a small loan would be great.

As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. With the size of the Naboo galaxy, even if it reveals a little soup, it can make many galaxies full.

Some leaders come to learn from others. It is almost certain that Naboo will become the secondary capital. Of course, they are envious.

As Naboo is the first "crab eater", it is understandable that other regions want to emulate and replicate its success.

In addition, there are also many people from the capital circle. Their purpose is more embarrassing.

On the one hand, they also want to work together with the Naboo galaxy to establish better trade relations.

On the other hand, once Naboo becomes the secondary capital, their power and interests will inevitably be diluted. It needs to be curbed. Even Bail Organa is very conflicted.

However, on the first day of the birthday party, no one talked about business or politics, and everyone gave enough face to the little princess and the little prince.

But on the second day, when everyone else was still happy, a certain place in the palace was filled with the sadness of separation.

"Wow, brother, don't you want Leia anymore? Why do you want to leave? When Leia grows up, she will marry you!"

Princess Leia hung on the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) like a koala, crying her heart out.

Prince Luke next to him didn't cry, but just held Xiao Ming's clothes and refused to let go.

On the other side, a little girl who was 2 or 3 years older than the twins was holding Xiao Ming's right leg and crying loudly. She was Jyn Erso, the daughter of Galen Erso.

Galen's family was protected and later moved to Naboo to settle down and participate in the construction here.

His daughter Jyn naturally mixed with Leia and Luke. She was also adopted as a goddaughter by Padme and her husband.

Everyone called her Princess Jyn. Princess Jyn took care of her younger brothers and sisters carefully like an older sister.

Because their parents were busy, the three little guys always played with the leader's right guard. They were very attached to Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming not only gave them delicious and fun things, but also taught them to learn the Force, and even developed different skills for them.

Now Princess Leia is a good magician; Luke is also a very powerful Naruto; Jyn's telekinesis training is even more unique.

The most important thing is that the three of them often receive the source energy emitted by Xiao Ming every moment.

They may not be able to express this benefit, but they can feel it subconsciously, so they naturally like to follow Xiao Ming.

Especially Huang Xiao Ming still looks like a high school student, which has not changed in ten years. Leia and Qin often joke that they will grow up together and marry their brother.

Because he couldn't bear to leave these three children, Xiao Ming stayed in the "Star Wars" world for so long; it was also because of them that Xiao Ming decided it was time to leave.

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