Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1276 Orson and Galen

Orson Krennic forces Galen Erso to work for him, tearing apart his wife and children, with fatal consequences.

That is when Galen designed the super laser cannon, he deliberately created a fatal weakness in the Death Star design drawings.

It was a small thermal exhaust port that led directly from the core reactor of the base to the surface.

If destroyed through the hatch, a proton torpedo can cause a chain reaction that can destroy the entire Death Star.

It was this weakness in Galen's design that caused the Death Stars built several times by the Galactic Empire to be destroyed in this way.

To be honest, it is impossible to hide such a design from other scientists, and Orson did not get it for nothing. Galen should design his weaknesses more cleverly.

It can only be said that Galen's design will be successful because it is completely required by the plot and forcibly lowers the enemy's IQ.

Orson, as well as other imperial scientists and military strategists, turned a blind eye to this major design flaw.

From Orson's mind, Xiao Ming learned that the people he sent to Coruscant to deceive Galen and his wife set out at the same time as him. We are probably almost reaching the capital now.

The leader (Yin Xiaoming) who was at the temple training ground quickly took action. Activate a mental scan.

Sure enough, Galen and his party were intercepted at an airport leaving Coruscant. The spies sent by the Sith were also captured.

Galen, a fool, still thinks that his old friend Orson is a good person. The men sent by Orson said to Galen:

Orson has now figured it out. Didn't you, Galen, ask him to resign from his official position and start a business with you?

Now people agree. Have found a very good private company. I specially invited Mr. and Mrs. Galen to come and take a look. The benefits are great and the location is safe.

Even if Galen is not optimistic about that company, then go back to the capital. The company will reimburse the round trip expenses.

When Galen heard that it was a good thing, he was good at technology, and Orson was good at interpersonal relationships. The two of them would definitely be the best partners together.

Immediately, he took his wife Lila Erso and his youngest daughter Qin Erso and followed the visitor. No doubt at all.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming moved quickly enough and took action as soon as he got the information. Two clones who appeared in the space battle intercepted Galen's family in time.

Some people may ask, Sidious is such a cunning guy, how could he let Orson go to the planet Geonosis before "inviting" Galen? Aren't you afraid of leaking secrets?

Here's the thing. On the one hand, Darth Sidious is eager to restore relations with the Geonosians. I don't have the patience to wait that long.

On the other hand, it was too easy to steal an unimportant person from the capital. Because there are too many loopholes in the current capital.

Orson was picked up from the capital by the Sith not long ago. The whole process was very smooth. Not only was no one intercepting it, but no one even pursued it afterwards.

Of course, it would be very difficult to cause sabotage or assassinate political figures. But people like Orson and Galen were not taken seriously.

Besides, when negotiating with Bogle, Orson mentioned that he had a friend who could solve the weapons problem.

But he definitely did not reveal Galen's name or details. Xiao Ming could only know this through his mind-reading skills. Who would have thought of such a thing!

Therefore, it was not that there was anything wrong with Sidious's plan, it was just that he encountered Xiao Ming's cheating bug.

After listening to the explanation of Neo, the shadow clone of Qi Yao. Galen and his wife looked at each other.

Galen said with some suspicion: "No way? Orson is my good friend. Don't talk nonsense or sow discord."

Alas, had it not been for Galen's character of trusting his friends, he wouldn't have been so easily deceived by Orson.

It's no wonder that the Galen family was once imprisoned by the separatist forces, and it was Orson who rescued them. It was not without reason that he trusted his friend.

Neo didn't say much and directly showed him the video of the negotiation between Orson and Bogle. After reading it, Galen was speechless.

Although he still couldn't accept this fact. But the friend Orson said could solve the super laser cannon problem was undoubtedly him.

In addition, Orson was with the famous wanted criminal and former Deputy Speaker of the Galactic Republic Council, Mas Ameda, negotiating with the Geonosians. This is already very telling.

Galen also had some idea of ​​the Sith's behavior. If I don't agree to Orson's request this time, I probably won't get any good results. It will even harm my wife and daughter, which makes me feel scared just thinking about it.

From then on, Galen's family was properly protected by the Jedi Order. And it's not just them.

Other well-known experts in crystallography and energy enhancement technology in the Republic, as well as their families, are secretly protected by the government and Jedi Knights.

Since this is the weakness of the Sith's construction of the Death Star, we must start from this aspect.

In addition, Kurama also proposed a "Death Plan". It is to choose an expert, meet all his requirements, and make him willing to be "invited away" by the Sith.

There is no need to say more about what this person should do when he ran into the Sith group.

This plan is extremely dangerous, but also extremely rewarding. Gladly adopted by the Council and the Jedi Order.

Of course, one must be very careful about who is chosen for the death chamber. The process of penetrating into the Sith must also be extremely cautious. Once the other party's suspicion is aroused, everything will be lost.

At present, the biggest advantage of the parliament is that it already knows the Sith plan, while the Sith does not know this. This gives the parliament an opportunity to take advantage of it.

However, these things have nothing to do with Xiao Ming. His mission is to stabilize Mas Almeda and Orson Krennic.

Grand Duke Bogle did it with just one sentence. "Wait for your lord to send the design of the super laser cannon, and then we can continue to talk."

Then, the entire team of the Sith envoy was "kindly retained" on the planet Geonosis. In fact, they were detained as hostages.

The former deputy speaker did not expect things to develop like this. But he was not angry but happy.

This shows that the negotiations are effective. Otherwise, Bogle would not have to react so much.

Although this approach is very outrageous, it is not surprising that these guys who evolved from insects have different brain circuits from humans.

There are countless strange races and strange rules in the universe. There are many weirder ones than the Geonosians.

This result is much better than not being able to smell anything and finally parting on bad terms.

I just hope that Lord Sidious is strong enough. If he can control Galen as soon as possible and design the blueprint, everything will be fine.

He never thought that it was actually Xiao Ming's outsider who was behind this. His result will only be a disaster.

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