Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1275 Technical Director

Under Xiao Ming's instructions, Bogle began to practice Tai Chi with Mas Almeida. After all, he was a big businessman, and he could come up with all kinds of excuses.

And as a leader and a big businessman, Bogle could speak the universal language of the Milky Way.

What about the family being poor and unable to make ends meet; receiving several large orders and not having enough manpower; the price of raw materials has risen again recently... It was all very vague.

Mas Almeida was also a master of negotiation. Naturally, he would not directly expose Bogle's obvious nonsense excuses, but would respond with various Tai Chi. The main purpose was to judge what went wrong based on his observation of Bogle.

To be honest, there were hidden meanings in their words. Xiao Ming felt that he didn't even understand half of what they meant.

Fortunately, Bogle was his own man, and the other party didn't have a master, so Xiao Ming could use telepathy openly. Finally, he was able to understand what both sides meant in time.

The two masters of conversation talked around for a long time, and Xiao Ming almost fell asleep. When Bogle was making an excuse, he mentioned the issue of super weapons.

The Geonosians were not capable of completing the super laser cannon. Without super weapons, the Death Star would become useless. It was nothing more than a military fortress. They were not very interested.

Mas Amedda quickly dispelled Bogle's concerns. He said that we already had a solution to this problem, and then waved to a human officer behind him.

Then he introduced Bogle: "This is my technical director, Lieutenant Colonel Orson Krennic, who has a way to solve this problem. Come on, tell me."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Ming and Bogle were both interested.

It turned out that Sidious thought that the Geonosians gave up because they could not build super weapons. Bogle did mention this issue several times.

So Sidious asked his subordinates about this matter. Mas Amedda thought of "the instigator".

During the Clone Wars, Orson Krennic proposed the construction of super weapons through him. He won the favor of Chancellor Palpatine.

However, Orson Krennic was just a small technical officer. Sidious did not take him with him when he escaped.

However, the new parliament did not take him seriously and let Orson continue to do his job under the leadership of the new parliament.

After Mas Amedda's reminder, Sidious quietly sent someone to take him out.

Orson is an opportunist. He is more willing to be loyal to the Sith than the Republic.

In addition, such an inconspicuous person, even if he disappeared, did not attract the attention of the Republic. There are so many people who disappeared during this period.

Orson came forward with vigor and spoke passionately. At the end of the speech, Xiao Ming finally understood.

It feels that he himself can't solve this problem. But he knows who can solve the problem. Orson's classmate Galen Erso.

He was admitted to the Republic's Future Plan in his early years. He is considered a classmate and a very good friend.

After graduation, Orson joined the Republic Engineering Corps and was soon promoted to major, supervising the construction of one large project after another.

Galen Erso continued his studies and by the age of 25, he had written many books and became a well-known scientist.

It was with the help of Orson that Galen became a visiting professor at the Institute of Applied Sciences. The relationship between the two sides was quite good at this time.

Galen Erso and his wife Lila were both pacifists and strictly maintained political neutrality. They were unwilling to participate in the war.

Orson repeatedly persuaded his friend Galen to serve the Republic, which would also add some wings and capital to himself. However, Galen was unmoved.

Instead, he suggested that Orson resign from his public office and start a business with him, but Orson also declined. Although the two had different ambitions, they still had a good relationship.

When Sidious brought up the issue of super weapons and asked his subordinates for advice. Orson immediately thought of his old friend Galen.

Because Galen's main research direction happened to be crystallography and energy enhancement technology. This is the key talent for building super weapons.

Orson had thought it through. He planned to trick his old friend and his family out of the capital, Coruscant. He was confident that he could do it. He might need to use force to force his old friend to help.

Although this was a bit excessive, he had thought it through. Galen would definitely compromise when he was pointed at by a gun.

After the weapons were built, he would compensate him tenfold or a hundredfold. At that time, both of them would be appreciated by Sidious and in high positions.

I believe Galen would also change his mind. With fame and fortune in front of him, who can refuse it? ! After becoming a favorite of Sidious, maybe this old friend would be grateful to him.

This is the common problem of bad people. They always judge others by themselves and are good at finding excuses to exonerate themselves. The bad things they did were all done out of necessity.

Orson always felt that money could solve everything. Even if he had deceived Galen at the beginning, if he had given enough money, the other party would not be angry. Temporary deception and threats were nothing.

He was still deceiving himself at this time, firmly believing that he had no bad intentions towards Galen. He was just trying to scare him, and would not really hurt him.

He was even doing this to help this old friend. To prevent him from wasting his talent. After gaining fame and fortune in the future, Galen would know how good he was to him.

After reading his inner thoughts, Xiao Ming was also drunk. It was really speechless...

In the original book, after the establishment of the Galactic Empire, Krennic asked Galen to serve as the director of the research center of the Empire's "Heavenly Energy Project".

The Heavenly Energy Project was ostensibly to provide continuous energy for planets damaged by war, but in fact it was aimed at studying the Death Star super laser cannon.

Galen was not aware of it at first. When he learned the truth, he fled from Coruscant to the remote Lamu with his wife and daughter, with the help of Saw Gerrera.

Unfortunately, the Death Star could not be built without him. So not long after, he was captured by Krennic to continue studying the super laser cannon.

Orson attempted to blackmail Galen by controlling Galen's wife and daughter. In the melee, Galen's wife Lila Erso was killed and his daughter Jyn Erso was separated. The former friends broke up completely.

More than ten years later, Jyn Erso grew up and went to rescue her father with the help of the Rebel Army and friends. Unfortunately, Galen died.

During the Battle of Scarif, Jyn and her companions stole the design drawings of the Death Star and sent them to the Rebels, creating the prerequisite for Luke Skywalker to destroy the Death Star.

At the end of the battle, Wilhuff Tarkin used the Death Star's super laser cannon to completely destroy the planet Scarif. All members of Jyn's team died heroically.

And Orson Krennic, the culprit who harmed Jyn's family, was also destroyed along with the planet. He died on the super weapon he developed. It's all his own fault!

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