Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1279 Vague Excuses

The Sith Lord Sidious, like the useless thing called the Death Star, is not worthy of Xiao Ming's thinking too much.

Sidious's own strength is really very strong, and he is also very good at playing tricks. But he does not know how to manage the national economy and people's livelihood.

This surprised Xiao Ming. After all, he climbed up step by step from a low-level official. It shouldn't be so substandard.

Even after his coup failed and he fled Coruscant, Sidious still had huge manpower and material resources at his disposal. It can completely compete with the Republic.

Who would have thought that he would lose almost all his family wealth in 10 years. It's really staggering. Of course, Xiao Ming played a big role in this.

The bottomless pit of money-burning Death Star was the hole Xiao Ming dug for him. This guy has fallen into the pit and still hasn't figured it out.

In the original work, the situation is actually similar. Sidious's coup was successful and he ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor. Rule the galaxy with iron and blood.

As a result, for decades, rebel armies in various places rose up one after another, becoming stronger as the war progressed, and finally overthrew the Galactic Empire, which had an absolute advantage. This shows his poor ability to govern the country.

Tell the truth. The common people did not care whether the ruler was a Sith or a Jedi. As long as life is good and safety is guaranteed, everyone will support it.

And from a certain perspective, an iron-blooded regime may be more conducive to establishing a stable and peaceful social order.

Sidious's basic conditions are really good, as long as he doesn't mess around a few more times and lets the people recuperate. There is no soil for the rebels to exist.

Even if he messed up the situation along the way, no one should blame him. It was all due to his own incompetence.

What really worries Xiao Ming is the Anti-Monopoly Act that he pushed for. When this bill was first formulated, there was not much resistance.

Why? Because almost all the large financial groups that will be affected by this bill have already joined the trade alliance. Originally the enemy.

The businessmen on the parliamentary side are more supportive because they have not yet developed to that level.

But after so many years, the Trade Alliance was completely defeated, and the merchants on the Republic side began to become stronger and stronger. It is inevitable to encounter the restrictions of the Anti-Monopoly Act.

The butt determines the head. Once they are rich and powerful, they begin to be dissatisfied with this bill. There is an undercurrent in the parliament now.

Of course, there are many people who support this bill. For example, the Naboo galaxy is a staunch supporter.

The reason why these capitalists have not caused trouble yet is entirely due to the status of the leader and others, and the status of the Jedi Temple, which is too much of a deterrent to them.

Xiao Ming estimated that within three to five years after he left, this matter would definitely cause trouble. But he didn't have any good solution.

Xiao Ming even felt that even if he didn't leave. But even if we can suppress it for a few more years, it will eventually cause trouble.

The greed of capitalists cannot be deterred simply by force. I'm not a qualified politician, so I can't control that much. Let them choose the future of the Republic.

Xiao Ming put aside this idea. I heard Master Yoda's next question again.

"Master Master, where are you going? You said you would never come back. Why is that?"

Xiao Ming really didn't know how to explain it. You can't tell everything about the reincarnation space.

I had to use an ambiguous Buddhist statement. "Come from where you are and go where you are going. This is just a journey for us."

Master Yoda frowned and thought about it carefully for a while, and suddenly realized it. asked:

"Did you gain the heritage of the Rakata people? I see, that's it. I understand!"

Nani? ! What are the Rakata people? Xiao Ming was confused. But in order to fool Master Yoda, Xiao Ming did not admit or deny it.

Master Yoda actually didn't wait for Xiao Ming's answer. He had already decided in his heart that this was the case. Probably only in this way can we explain many miraculous things about the leader.

Legend has it that the Rakata people, with their home star of Lehen as their capital tens of thousands of years ago, formally established the first clearly recorded unified regime in the history of the galaxy - the "Infinite Empire".

They are Force-sensitive and very technologically advanced. Dominate the entire galaxy with force. Their methods of rule can be described as brutal.

Later, the Infinite Empire unexpectedly fell, and the Rakata disappeared from the galaxy. But legends about them persist. It has been passed down for tens of thousands of years.

It is said that some strong men have appeared in history because they found the heritage of the Rakata people.

There is also a legend that the Rakata people are not extinct, and some of the remaining forces have left the Milky Way and gone to other galaxies to develop again. Having established a new infinite empire, maybe they will come back at some point.

Of course, most of these rumors are false. However, for a power as large as the Infinite Empire, it is normal for some "precious heritage" to be hidden and not discovered.

Master Yoda believes that the leader and others should have obtained the inheritance of the Rakata people to have so many strange abilities.

Now he has decided to leave, probably to follow the traces of the Rakata people and go to another galaxy to find them. As for what to do after finding it, that's unknown.

After years of being together, Master Yoda has been confirmed.

The leader of the group does not care much about fame and fortune; nor are they fans of fighting; instead, they focus on learning various skills and knowledge.

It is likely that he wanted to use this to explore the ultimate mysteries of the universe. This is a very great and lofty ideal.

That’s why they pursued the Rakata people to other star systems. They hoped to learn more from the Rakata people.

How could Master Yoda know that this was the first time the Master heard the name of the Rakata people. The rest of the plot was just his own imagination.

The Master (Silver Xiaoming) heard the new term, so it was impossible for him to ask Master Yoda.

So, the Master’s guard (Red Xiaoming) on ​​Kamino asked this question to Kamino Prime Minister Rama Su.

Rama Su was not sure either, but fortunately, the Kamino people had a very rich knowledge reserve, and found a few words about the Rakata people and the Infinite Empire from the archives.

After reading it, Xiaoming roughly understood the situation. He also guessed that Master Yoda might have had some misunderstanding.

But it’s okay this way. Finally, there is a "reasonable" explanation.

Xiaoming immediately learned and applied it, and used this reason to evade the inquiries of Anakin and Padme.

The couple has always regarded the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) as their master. Now that the master is leaving, they should follow him unconditionally.

However, everyone knows that they can't leave.

The Naboo Galaxy absolutely cannot do without Queen Amidala; the 501st Legion cannot do without Anakin Skywalker, the commander-in-chief.

Even Leia and Luke are destined to be the rulers of the Naboo Galaxy in the future. The lives of tens of billions of people depend on them. It is impossible for them to just leave.

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