Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1271 Skills that have not been used for a long time

At the beginning of this world, after defeating Sidious, Xiao Ming actually planned to use clones and parasites as coordinates and spread them among the major galaxies in the Milky Way.

This method is quite effective. With the coordinates, Xiao Ming can easily travel between galaxies, even across the entire Milky Way.

It feels that the longer the distance, the more energy is consumed, but it is not particularly consumed. Xiao Ming has not yet figured out the principle.

However, it is very regrettable that the two parasites Xiao Ming sent to Geonosis all died.

Because the Geonosians themselves are Zerg, they eat the small bugs when they see them. Xiao Ming didn't have time to activate the ability of [Bone Attachment].

Fortunately, Geonosis is not far from Tatooine. This time Xiao Ming sneaked in secretly and could not bear the title of Jedi Master.

He returned to Tatooine first, and in order not to be exposed, he flew directly over in a small spaceship seized on Tatooine.

Because of his extraordinary wisdom, Kurama had to stay in the capital to help analyze intelligence, so he did not go with him.

In the Star Wars world, superluminal jump technology is rampant, even small spaceships can do it. Xiao Ming has a lot of such spaceships.

When this world ends, they will not be so useful when brought into reality. Because the systems of these spaceships do not have the coordinates of the real universe.

If you want to continue to use superluminal jumps, you must connect to the [Tai Chi Diagram]. Or you have to use the pan-universe transmission network established by the space gem. This is a later story.

Not long after, the spaceship arrived in the outer space of Geonosis.

Xiao Ming was not in a hurry to land, and directly observed the planet with a scanning map in outer space.

Geonosis is a harsh rocky planet with planetary rings. Its lifeless surface is full of terraces, hills, and large areas of barren and hot desert hard soil.

The sky and rocks here are red, and the creatures evolved in Geonosis have the ability to survive in harsh ecological environments.

Xiao Ming can find and observe most Geonosians, although he can't understand their language that sounds like a telegraph.

However, Xiao Ming has the superpower of telepathy, which allows him to easily understand what everyone is thinking.

Suddenly, an inexplicable sense of intimacy arises, which is... the intimacy brought by blood.

Yes, it is blood. Green Xiao Ming is a Zerg, a branch of the Zerg. Geonosians are also descendants of the Zerg.

The ancestors of both sides naturally have no direct blood connection, and they are not even from the same world. Just the relationship of being Zerg, they have a strong sense of intimacy with each other.

Before, the Geonosian team that Green Xiao Ming encountered on Tatooine was composed of nobles and royal soldiers.

They have a higher personal will, so the connection between blood is suppressed. That is, reason suppresses nature.

These low-level laborers are different. They are simpler, more driven by nature, and more accepting of this blood connection in their bones.

They feel that Xiao Ming is a higher-ranking Zerg than the nobles. Obeying the superior is an almost natural instinct of Geonosians.

Green Xiaoming suddenly had an idea and quietly performed [Zerg Conquer]. The result was very good, and hundreds of nearby laborers immediately became subordinates of the Zerg King.

There is such a good thing! ? Xiaoming was shocked.

Zerg Conquer is a skill that Green Xiaoming learned from the Zerg Spiritual Sea. The Zerg Overlord uses this trick to conquer Zerg soldiers.

In the early days, Xiaoming used this skill more frequently, but later he moved to the Demon Realm with his Zerg.

Although there are still a small number of subordinates left in the Chiyou Galaxy, the Zerg King himself rarely goes to the Chiyou Galaxy. This skill has gradually been neglected.

I didn't expect that in the world of "Star Wars", Zerg Conquer can be used. This is great! Xiaoming was worried that he had no tricks to deal with Geonosians. Now he finally has a killer.

To be honest, the skill of Zerg subjugation is not so useful on the Zerg.

But it's no wonder. Every Zerg is born with the blessing of the Zerg spiritual sea and possesses a spiritual power that cannot be underestimated. Naturally, the resistance to spiritual skills is higher.

The lower-level Geonosian laborers do not have such strength at all. Xiao Ming subjugated a Zerg and released it, and a large number of laborers were subjugated.

The leader's left guard spent nearly a week quietly running around the entire planet and subjugated more than 90% of the laborers.

During this period, the subjugated laborers still worked honestly and did not let the upper level see the flaws.

Then, Xiao Ming gave an order. Millions of Geonosian lower-level laborers took up arms and revolted, dividing and surrounding the nobles and royal soldiers, and captured them all as prisoners.

Although the laborers do not have wings, Xiao Ming can provide aircraft. In terms of quantity, the lower-level laborers have a 100:1 advantage over the upper level.

Bogle and his minions were caught completely off guard. They were all captured before they even had the thought of resisting.

The few soldiers and nobles who resisted were all blasted into pieces.

Looking at the upper class trembling under their guns, the laborers felt a strange feeling in their hearts. It turned out that these guys were not that great.

How could they have been foolishly ruled by these people for so long? It seems that they are not as brave as themselves.

With the captives, the next step is to collect intelligence. For this, Xiao Ming doesn't even need to torture them, just check their life stories. It can be said that everything is clear at a glance.

Xiao Ming was still muttering in his heart: The ability of the judge of the underworld is too foul in the reincarnation world. So it makes sense that the space prohibits my master A Cha from entering.

He didn't know that there was actually another reason why the reincarnation space prohibited my master A Cha from entering. It was really not for the golden finger.

The series of civil servants in the underworld, whether it is ghost messenger, impermanence, judge or Hades, there are these guys in the reincarnation space. They are not prohibited from using the power of the underworld.

The prerequisite is that before entering the reincarnation space, the civil servants must extract all their souls from the underworld.

There are too many golden fingers in the world. The ability of the underworld is only above the middle level.

In addition, the civil servants of the underworld are constrained by the soul gems and rarely do things that anger the heavens and people. They are very qualified reincarnations. The space does not exclude ghost messengers.

In the end, Bogle and all the nobles and royal soldiers were also subdued by Xiao Ming.

It was only more difficult to subdue them with the Zerg, but it was not impossible.

Especially under the threat of death, these Geonosian leaders gave up their psychological defenses. One after another, they became Xiao Ming's Zerg subordinates.

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