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Chapter 1272 The Origin of the Death Star

It took only 7 days to basically deal with the Geonosians. Even Xiao Ming himself couldn't believe such high efficiency. It was too smooth.

Even Master Yoda, who knew Xiao Ming's strength, did not expect Xiao Ming to conquer this race.

The first goal was to find out the design drawings of the Death Star. If the relationship between the Sith and the Geonosians could be destroyed by the way, it would be even better. As for conquering this race, Master Yoda didn't even dare to think about it.

When Xiao Ming conquered the Trade Union before, he made more efforts. But it took a month to control most of the top leaders.

There are still many trivial tasks to incorporate the power of the Trade Union, which are continued by the Republic Parliament and officials of the Naboo Galaxy. Until now, it has not been completely completed.

Of course, this is the best opportunity for all parties to share the benefits. Both the Parliament and the Naboo Galaxy are happy to do this.

The reason why the Trade Union can be dealt with is mainly because the other party's military strength is all robots, and there are not many high-level Neimoidians.

The Geonosians are different. They are very united and have strong military strength.

Even if Xiao Ming can quickly eliminate some high-ranking officials, other Geonosians will continue to resist. You can't just kill all of this tribe, right? !

The main reason why this unexpected result was achieved was race. If it were any other race, it would never be possible.

The skill [Zerg Conquest], when it came into contact with the Geonosians who evolved from the Zerg, everything became a natural outcome.

For this achievement, the Republic specially rewarded a Victory-class Star Destroyer as the flagship of the Right Guard of the Leader (Huang Xiaoming).

However, all the Victory-class Star Destroyers of the Republic are currently on the battlefield and have owners. So the one of the Right Guard of the Leader is still under construction, and the construction period is obviously not very urgent.

Xiao Ming estimated that it might not be completed by the time he left the world of "Star Wars 3". What an insincere reward.

And he couldn't do anything with the Star Destroyer. This thing is too big to fit into the underworld, what's the point of it? !

Now that Green Xiaoming has dealt with the Geonosians, will he also get a Star Destroyer as a reward? Thinking of this, Xiaoming feels troubled.

Remember, in the world of "Guardians of the Galaxy 1", he also got three sky carriers. At that time, he couldn't take them away either.

He took them to exchange interests with various forces. One of them was traded to the Song (Dog) King family of the Twelve Kings of Daqin.

It would be great if a reincarnation from a big family appeared at this time. Xiaoming could also trade the Star Destroyer.

Unfortunately, this is destined to be a wishful thinking.

At this time, the time node of the story line is very awkward.

At this moment, the plot of Star Wars 3 has ended for a while, but the plot of Star Wars 4 has not yet begun.

At this time node, the reincarnation space will not send reincarnations into this world.

In other words, Xiaoming will have to wait for more than ten years until Leia and Luke grow up before he can welcome the next wave of reincarnations. There is only a little possibility.

And those reincarnations who came in at the same time as him all failed their missions because of his involvement. No reincarnation can live to this day.

Xiao Ming is now a standard four or three people who are not dependent on anything. He himself is stupid and doesn't know it.

The inferior Boger told Xiao Ming that the Sith's plan to build the Death Star, even with the help of the Geonosians, would not be successful in more than ten years.

In the original book, the Galactic Empire used national power to build the Death Star. It was not until more than ten years later, when Leia and Luke had grown up, that it was close to completion.

Now without the support of strong manpower and material resources, it would be more difficult for the Sith to build the Death Star than in the original book.

But then again, as the emperor of the Galactic Empire, Sidious must reasonably allocate the resources at hand, and the country must continue to rule. Therefore, resources have to be used in a dispersed manner.

Things are different when the coup fails. Although Sidious has fewer resources, he also has fewer places to spend money. The positive and negative offsets can probably slow down the construction speed for a few years.

Now Xiao Ming has caused even more trouble. The Parliament and the Jedi Order work together, and Sidious has to spend more money and energy to get the key materials.

Without the help of the Geonosians, whether the Death Star can continue to be built is a big question mark.

According to Bogle, the construction plan of the Death Star was first thought of by the Geonosians. Only this group of mechanical fanatics would think of such a crazy thing.

This design drawing was highly recognized by the then Speaker Palpatine.

Just as the Clone Wars were in full swing, the Death Star was secretly formed over Geonosis. Even the Republic Parliament was kept in the dark.

But in the sketches of the Geonosians, the Death Star was really just a "dead" star, and the Geonosians did not know how to install super weapons.

After the Clone Wars started in Geonosis, they had no time to improve their design. The Death Star, which was less than half built, was floating over Geonosis.

When Sidious's coup failed, he fled the capital, Coruscant, without even taking a few of his followers with him. But he did not forget the Death Star.

While the Jedi Temple and the New Council were stabilizing the situation, he quietly sent people to Geonosis. Because the eyes of the New Council would soon be on this place.

So under his instructions, the frame of the Death Star was quickly dismantled and sent to another secret location for reassembly.

The person who came to represent Sidious to take over was called Wilhuff Tarkin. He was born in a wealthy family on Eriadu, and the Tarkin family had lived here for a thousand years.

His parents taught him that respect, discipline, and obedience were the most important things. In this environment, Tarkin grew up to be a natural soldier.

In the early stages of the Clone Wars, Tarkin served as a commander in the Battle of Murkhana and successfully struck the local separatist forces. Later, he became the captain of Jedi Master Evan Pier.

He was once captured by the Separatist forces and was promoted to the rank of general after being rescued. Unfortunately, Master Pier died in the rescue operation.

Logically, he should be grateful to the Jedi Order. However, the facts are just the opposite.

His philosophy advocated iron-blooded rule, and he gradually became a follower of Chancellor Palpatine. Sidious took him with him when he escaped.

In the original book, Tarkin later became the second-in-command of the Galactic Empire and the emperor's trusted general. His status was even higher than Darth Vader.

He vigorously promoted the construction of the Death Star and was also one of the highest managers of the Death Star.

When Luke Skywalker destroyed the first Death Star, Wilhuff Tarkin was killed.

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