Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1270 Death Star

Geonosis has a long history of business dealings with the Sith.

At the beginning, Sidious encouraged the Trade Federation to cause trouble, which was the robots and production lines purchased here.

Later the Separatist movement swept across the galaxy. The droid manufacturing plant and the remote location of Geonosis make the planet an ideal military base for the Separatist movement.

Archduke "Bogle the Low" of Geonosism presided over an important summit of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Bogle is the leader of the large group of insectoid Geonosians. Unlike other Geonosians, he has an insectoid version of a long beard.

Although he was born in a lower caste, Bogor had great ambitions. In the early days, Bogor united other lower-class people to form a rebel army in an attempt to challenge the Geonosian nobles.

His behavior was secretly supported (or used) by Darth Sidious, and Bogle, who gained power, firmly held the title of Grand Duke.

He eliminated dissidents, purged all Geonosians who were dissatisfied with him, and threw them into the arena to be executed by wild beasts.

Owing a favor to Darth Sidious, Poggle increased production at the Geonosian Arsenal.

Build a massive army of battle droids for the Sith Lord and be responsible for building the ultimate weapon, the Death Star.

Note that Poggle helps the Sith just to return a favor. Geonosians only care about money.

After Sidious's coup failed, he still followed the orders of the Council. There was no full-scale fall to the Sith. Because of this, he was not eliminated by the new parliament.

The business magnates present at the Bogle Conference (including but not limited to the Trade Federation) all offered their mechanized armies to Count Dooku.

Count Dooku was originally a Jedi Master, but later voluntarily gave up his Jedi status because he hated the corruption of the Republic, and eventually defected to the Sith.

He became Sidious's apprentice and led the separatist movement under his instruction. He was a very charismatic leader.

The Separatists prepare for war, but their plans are overheard by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Unfortunately he was captured and news spread.

Later, 200 Jedi Knights went to the rescue, but suffered heavy losses under the siege of massive robots. In the end, it was Master Yoda who brought the clone army to victory.

Even though the Geonosians blatantly supported Separatism, they were not wiped out by the Republic.

Because they have too many business partners, and the major business giants have a great influence on the Republic Council, Geonosis has not been substantially punished so far.

This also shows that the Republic’s Parliament is indeed relatively corrupt. Money can make the world go round.

After Bail Organa took office as the interim speaker, he was besieged on all sides and faced many crises. Don't dare to provoke them. Avoid pushing them completely to the Sith side.

After several years of struggle, the new parliament gradually gained the upper hand. After Xiao Ming conquered the Trade Alliance, the parliament discovered that the robot army was indeed useful.

As a result, the new council also gave long-term orders to Geonosis. Therefore, the current situation is that the Geonosians continue to take advantage of both sides.

On one side, he built a robot army for the Republic, and on the other side, he helped Sidious build the Death Star.

The Death Star feels like the Iserlohn Fortress in "Galaxy Chronicles" to Xiao Ming. But it is more powerful and more outrageous.

The main gun of Iserlohn Fortress, Mjolnir, is only powerful enough to destroy tens of thousands of warships in one blow. The Death Star's main gun can destroy a planet with one hit, which is completely different.

If the Sith really succeeds in building the Death Star, it goes without saying that the threat of the Death Star alone can make the Republic and the Jedi Order bow their heads and negotiate.

Without further ado, Lu Xiaoming and Kurama immediately took these Geonosians back to the Jedi Temple. And he appeared directly at the Jedi Council meeting venue.

At the same time, the leader (Yin Xiaoming) who was practicing in the underground training ground also informed Master Yoda. The two went to the venue together to hold a committee meeting.

Other committee members, even if they are not present, can also use communicators to participate in the meeting.

These Geonosians could not resist the hypnotic ability of the Jedi, and they poured out everything they knew like beans from a bamboo tube.

Although they didn't know much, the news of the Death Star alone shocked the Jedi Supreme Council enough. Fortunately, construction of the Death Star had just begun.

Master Obi-Wan Kenobi hurriedly said: "No! We must stop the construction of the Death Star, otherwise the Republic will be completely destroyed."

It seems that this matter is indeed terrible, and even Master Obi-Wan, who has always been a good old man, is anxious. Several other masters agreed with his opinion.

It’s just that this is all nonsense! Everyone knows it must be stopped. The key question is what exactly should be done?

The Jedi Council alone is no longer enough to deal with this problem. So Master Yoda invited the new Speaker Bell and several important officials of the new parliament to discuss it together.

With these relatively mature politicians, many things can be sorted out. Everyone decided to divide their troops into several groups and take action.

The first thing to deal with is intelligence. The galaxy is very vast, and it is not easy to find the base where the Sith built the Death Star.

However, for such a huge project as building the Death Star, even the Sith would not be able to start building several Death Stars at the same time, only one at most.

At the same time, this project will consume a lot of construction materials, manpower and material resources. Transportation is also a huge problem.

As long as we carefully trace the direction of relevant resources, we can always find clues.

The early intelligence is provided by the Republic's intelligence organization. Following the suspicious intelligence, the Jedi Knights need to take action.

Under the guidance of the Force, Jedi Knights are more likely to find key information than ordinary spies.

The second route is to control key materials. To build the Death Star, a lot of top-notch technology products are needed. These things can be controlled and traced.

Especially Kyber crystals. This kind of material happens to be needed by the Jedi Order, and it can be used as an excuse to compete with the Sith for resources.

In terms of financial resources, the Republic will strongly support the Jedi Temple, and the two sides are probably tied.

However, the Temple has a reputation for righteousness. It will definitely have the upper hand in the competition for resources.

The third route is to deal with Geonosius. Both the Parliament and the Jedi Committee hope to win over the Geonosians.

Let's build a Death Star ourselves, so that the Geonosians don't have to guard the Sith. Without their help, the progress of the Sith was slowed down by at least 4 times.

However, the construction of the Death Star requires design drawings. This thing can't be made by just talking.

At present, the best thing is to get the Sith blueprints. It is estimated that the Geonosians must have a copy. We must send a capable person to Geonosis.

In addition, there are many other tasks to be handled, and the activities of suppressing the separatist forces cannot be stopped.

Both the Republic and the Jedi Order are in a state of extreme shortage of manpower. The matter of going to Geonosis can only be left to Xiao Ming.

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