Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1269 Geonosians

The Geonosians have something in common with the aforementioned Kaminoans. They are all people who get paid to do things and have no position themselves. Not biased towards either the Jedi or the Sith.

Usually such people are considered to be on both ends of the spectrum, and may be dealt with by both parties. Especially the Sith side who turned their backs and disowned others.

But these two races do have the ability to not take sides. Their own skills are really strong. And it’s irreplaceable.

In the original work, the Kaminoans accepted orders from the Jedi in the early days to produce clone legions; in the later era of the Galactic Empire, they continued to provide clone soldiers to the empire.

This is especially true for the Geonosians, who provided robots for the Trade Federation in the early stage and helped the Empire build the Death Star in the later stage. This shows its importance.

Xiao Ming feels that these two races are a bit like the Zerg and Gods in the real world.

The Kaminoans have an elegant temperament and are somewhat similar to the gods. To be honest, it looks better than the Protoss.

The Geonosians are also a race that evolved from insects. In appearance, they are comparable to the Zerg. It's just a bit monotonous, not as complex as the Zerg species.

In terms of strength, unless there are Jedi Knights or Sith among their clan. Otherwise, compared with the Gods and Zerg, these two races are still far behind.

Having said that, if the world of Pangu Star is really what Yoshiko Kawashima thinks, it is actually the world of reincarnation that was transformed into a private world and merged into reality.

Then the origins of the three star systems of Yan and Huang and the three alien races of humans, gods, and insects are probably very fishy.

The harsh living environment and harsh social hierarchy have cultivated the barbaric side of the Geonosians. Their simple minds view brutal violence as entertainment.

Geonosians often gathered in the Colosseum to watch their condemned victims being mauled to death by wild beasts.

Their hierarchy developed over thousands of years. Each tribe member is marked with a class from birth, and different classes even have different physical characteristics.

The rule of the aristocracy was cruel and ruthless, and forced laborers risked everything to work in various cruel environments. From this point of view, the Geonosians are far inferior to the Zerg.

The alien Zerg just look a little ferocious, which is not in line with human aesthetics. In fact, the social structure of the Zerg is quite fair and reasonable.

Every Zerg is well fed and well housed. The Zerg below the level of dominance do not have personal property, so there is no such thing as exploitation. Xiao Ming actually admires it very much.

The royal soldiers of the Geonosians have the bravery of the Zerg. Occasionally appears on the mercenary stage. But rarely do so many appear at the same time.

There are a total of 56 royal soldiers and 2 nobles. No matter how you look at it, they are unlikely to be mercenaries, more like people specially sent from Geonosis itself.

In Xiao Ming's observation, the instrument in the hand of one of the nobles should be pointing in his direction. Everyone flew here following this instrument.

This is Jabba's secret treasure house, and it's unknown what the Geonosians are here for.

But these guys are fierce and full of killing intent. There is an aura that kills people if they stand in the way, and kills the Buddha if they stand in the way of Buddha.

Xiao Ming was convinced that if they rushed to the Sandman tribe on the ground, they would definitely kill all the women and children without hesitation.

Now that I am here, I cannot let them do such evil things. With a thought in his mind, Xiao Ming appeared in front of the group of Geonosians with Kurama.

As expected, the other party didn't even ask. Without hesitation, he raised the sonic blaster in his hand and fired rapidly at the seemingly helpless two people.

Then, there was a sword light flying, and all the Geonosians had their wings, hands and feet cut off by their Zanpakutō, and fell to the ground. Completely lost his ability to fight.

[Ten Thousand Swords Technique] was a move that could trap even Pu Fu, and these unscrupulous guys had no way of resisting. It's just that Xiao Ming is too lazy to kill.

The two people walked forward unharmed, and Xiao Ming activated his telepathy. It took only a moment to understand the ins and outs of the matter.

It's actually very simple. They are indeed from the Geonosian homeworld. This time I came here just for Jabba's treasure house. The main purpose is precisely those Kyber crystals.

Of course, if they see other things, they won’t let them go and will definitely pack them away together.

Why do the Geonosians suddenly need kyber crystals? Because the Kyber Crystal is one of the core components of the super weapon-[Death Star Super Laser Cannon].

A while ago, Sidious's men contacted them and proposed a deal to hire them to help build the Death Star at a high price.

Building machinery is their favorite, not to mention the ultimate weapon like the Death Star. The Geonosian leaders immediately agreed.

The so-called Death Star is actually an artificially constructed metal celestial body. The main weapon is a super laser cannon that can destroy entire planets.

The design volume of the Death Star is very large. According to the current preliminary plan, its diameter is 160 kilometers long. It is truly the ultimate weapon.

Sidious plans to use this weapon to make a comeback. The Geonosians, on the other hand, planned to make a name for themselves with the Death Star. Each takes what he needs.

Super laser cannons require a large amount of kyber crystals. Sidious was wasting no time collecting.

He is not the emperor of the empire in the original work now, who can call upon the resources of this galaxy. Now he has to go around plundering and harvesting crystals.

But be very careful. After all, most of the Republic's crystal production is controlled by the state.

Although Sidious had a chance to grab it, he didn't dare to do it directly. Because doing so would definitely alert the Jedi Order.

Even before he did it, the Force might remind Master Yoda and others. So Sidious had to do it secretly.

Try to collect those Kyber crystals that are not under the surveillance of the Republic. Jabba's collection was naturally targeted by them.

A few days ago, the Geonosians sent a team to discuss this deal with Jabba.

Although both parties knew that Jabba must have a large number of Kyber crystals. However, Jabba gritted his teeth and refused to let go. His purpose was nothing more than to raise the price.

The Geonosians didn't dare to force it. Although Jabba's troops couldn't deal with the 501st Legion, it was no problem to deal with this small group of Geonosians. The two sides could only argue.

However, the Sith were not easy to deal with. Through certain means, they learned that the Kyber crystals and some treasures were hidden by Jabba on the planet Tatooine.

Kyber crystals cannot be detected, but one of the treasures can be. It's just that the distance at which this detector works is limited.

So several high-ranking members of the Geonosian people continued to negotiate with Jabba, and another team was sent to carry the detector to explore the planet. Prepare to rob the robbers.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Anakin led his army down from the sky. Their spacecraft in space was destroyed.

Those guys who negotiated with Jabba were captured by the 501st Legion. And the group of guys who came out to find the treasure house met Xiao Ming by chance, and their end was even worse.

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