Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1268: Sand People Settlement

On the planet Tatooine, in a sandman settlement deep in the desert.

At this time, adult men went to the desert to hunt. There were only a dozen women doing housework here, and seven or eight children playing.

Suddenly, a small breeze blew, and all these people fell asleep. Several strong banthas nearby were unaware and continued to shake their heads and gnaw on rare weeds.

Bantha is a long-haired quadruped with curly horns. It looks very ordinary, probably equivalent to the yak on Earth.

The amazing thing is that this creature is all over the galaxy. Until now, people still cannot explain this incredible mystery.

This strange distribution led to the inevitable development of religions centered on banthas, and some monks worshiped this animal.

Banthas are easy to domesticate, and their physiological characteristics vary as different species adapt to different environments. The entire galaxy treats them as draft animals.

Their meat and milk are common food varieties, and bantha leather products such as bantha leather boots and bantha leather jackets are quite popular.

A portal opened, and the leader's left guard (Green Xiaoming) and the fox demon Kurama walked out from it.

It was Kurama who released the special pollen that made these sand people sleep. And it was Xiaoming who blew the pollen everywhere with the breeze.

Kurama has the ability to manipulate plants, and originally he could only manipulate the plants in the demon world in Yu Yu Hakusho. For example, he turned roses into whips, and leaves into long swords...

Since following Xiaoming, he has experienced several very large reincarnation worlds, and inevitably obtained a large number of strange plant species, and Kurama's combat power has become stronger.

Even Xiaoming felt very envious. So over the years, Xiaoming often asked Kurama and Feiying, two A-level big monsters, for a lot of blood, and accumulated a little.

Now, he has finally absorbed enough. He can ensure that he can activate the [copycat] ability at any time, transform into Feiying or Kurama, and use their special abilities.

After years of asking them to donate blood, the total amount of blood they donated eventually almost exceeded their own weight. It is conceivable how much of a burden this has caused them.

Xiao Ming had to use a lot of source energy-enhanced food to please the two followers. Even if they are followers, they cannot be used to death.

Even so, Feiying had already made it clear. "You are the boss, you can take my blood, but you must not touch my sister's blood. Otherwise, I will kill you!"

Xue Cai's fighting ability is average, Xiao Ming is not particularly envious. Naturally, he agreed.

This sandman settlement just happened to cover a secret treasure house of Jabba.

Originally, Xiao Ming planned to leave this place to Anakin and Padme. Only this treasure house is very special.

Green Xiao Ming had a whim and actually came all the way from the capital to Tatooine, and brought Zangma with him.

Although this sandman tribe is an enemy of the Republic, Xiao Ming still couldn't bring himself to kill some women and children.

Sand people are also called Tuskens. In fact, they are the indigenous inhabitants of Tatooine.

After humans came to this planet to colonize, they were forced to wander in the desert to survive. Fortunately, their body structure allows them to survive in the desert for a long time.

Their armed forces are called Tusken Raiders. The distinction between men and women among the Sand People is extremely clear. Women are responsible for managing the tents, while men are responsible for hunting and fighting.

The Sand People are extremely xenophobic. They will attack all non-Sand People races in the desert, and they are very vicious.

Jabba placed his treasure in places where the Sand People often appeared, also for safety reasons. A few people could not break through the blockade of the Sand People.

When he needed to take something, he could lead a large force to drive the spacecraft. Others did not have this strength.

Xiao Ming used his mental power to search and find the correct direction. The two of them passed through the portal again and came to an underground cave several dozen meters deep.

As expected, there were a large number of treasures hoarded here, which were absolutely priceless. But Xiao Ming was only interested in one kind, that is, Kyber crystal.

This crystal is an important material for making lightsabers, and the color of the lightsaber generally corresponds to the color of the crystal. By using Kyber crystals, the Force can be collected and amplified.

In addition, Kyber crystals are very resistant to the dark side of the Force. It will not appear in front of Sith or other users of the dark side of the Force.

If Sith want to use Kyber crystals to make lightsabers, they must use the dark force to force the crystals to yield.

In that process, the crystals will turn red like "bleeding". Therefore, Sith lightsabers are all red.

Natural Kyber crystals are mostly blue-green, and there are also white, red, yellow, orange, blue, purple, pink, amber and other colors.

This underground treasure house contains most of the Kyber crystals collected by Jabba, more than 30 pieces. It is really worth Xiao Ming's trip.

With so many blueprints, Xiao Ming estimates that he can use alchemy to make this kind of crystal after studying it for a while.

Although this thing is only of great use to Sith and Jedi Knights, its price has always been high in the galaxy. Jabba is also a capable person, and he actually collected so many.

Xiao Ming put all the crystals in his pocket without hesitation and prepared to leave.

I still feel a little awkward. I always feel that it seems unnecessary to come here in person. Could it be that my intuition is wrong?

That's not right, Master Yoda didn't say that. After learning the Force, my intuition should be more accurate.

At this moment, Xiao Ming suddenly noticed something strange. Looking carefully, a group of strange creatures were flying towards here in the distance. Xiao Ming almost thought that the Zerg had come.

Only after a careful look did he see that it was a group of Geonosian soldiers.

This race is the native inhabitants of the barren rocky planet Geonosis. It is an insectoid creature with a strict hierarchy.

Similar to the Zerg, they also build huge organic-like spires and live in nests in the towers. The height ranges from about 1.68 meters to 1.78 meters. Very average.

The Geonosians are divided into two categories: wingless laborers, and winged nobles and royal soldiers. The royal soldiers serve as scouts and are responsible for defending the nest.

All Geonosians have hard chitin exoskeletons, long faces, limbs, and use a strange language that sounds like a ticking sound.

They look thin, but they are actually strong. Their hard bone shells can resist physical damage and the occasional radiation from the planet Geonosian.

The Geonosians are simple-minded, but they are good at mechanical manufacturing. They have contracts with many large manufacturing companies in the galaxy.

The automatic robots purchased by the Trade Federation were made by them. It is also because of this that Xiao Ming knows the name of this race. It can be said that he has long admired them.

It is said that some of the most amazing projects in history were created by the Geonosians. In the original book, Sidious built the Death Star with their help.

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