Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1267 Jabba and Watto

This thing is too ugly! Can it still be considered a "human"? He looked at the guy who was kowtowing to Anakin and begging for mercy.

The avatar of the Hades Warrior of the Sky Crying Star, wearing the Harpy Hades Clothes, was confused about the "Hutt" Jabba in front of him.

This was Xiao Ming's first time seeing a Hutt. It was clearly a big bug, but it had a head, facial features, and two arms at the front of its body, so it seemed to be considered a human.

In other words, the Hutt actually looked a bit like a Naga, but it was thick, fat, and particularly ugly. It didn't have the beauty of a Naga at all.

Of course, as a civil servant of the underworld, Xiao Ming shouldn't judge people by appearance. This feeling was just the influence of his human habits.

The reason why some of the Hades Warriors (Judges) of the Sky Crying Star were sent to the surface was not for fighting, but only to distinguish between good and evil. Some people that Anakin was not sure whether to kill or not were decided by the Judges.

However, this Jabba didn't need the avatar of the Hades Warrior to judge. Anakin had long hated him.

After all, Anakin had spent his childhood on Tatooine, and he knew at least half of the bad guys in this Gadda. Jabba was the best of them.

Jabba the Hutt was a hateful gangster, the leader of a well-known criminal group in the outer regions of the Milky Way. His base was on Tatooine.

Jabba's fat black hands reached out to many evil activities that could bring him huge profits, such as slave trading, arms smuggling, spice smuggling, extortion, etc. Now he has finally done enough evil.

This guy's appearance is as disgusting as his decadent spirit. He is bulky, like a big slug without legs and covered with mud.

Jabba's monotonous face has a wide, drooling, toothless mouth. He looks quite ferocious.

Two reptilian orange eyes greedily stare at the surrounding things from his huge head.

He lived in a palace in the Tatooine desert that was eroded by wind and sand but still luxurious. Such an obvious building was naturally the first target of the 501st Legion.

Although Jabba was surrounded by a group of lazy social scum, a group of thugs and mercenaries to ensure his personal safety. There were even some good guys among them.

But no matter how powerful these guys were, they were no match for the battle-hardened 501st Clone Corps. The corpses lying all over the ground at the scene were very telling.

Jabba was a complete villain who liked to have fun by torturing and humiliating his servants and slaves. He chained the female slaves, who were dressed very coolly, in the palace for entertainment.

In the original book, Princess Leia, Anakin's daughter, became his female slave when she grew up, but she finally strangled Jabba with a chain with her own hands.

(By the way, the image of Princess Leia in a golden bikini in the original novel has become a classic in the hearts of countless otakus on Earth. Unfortunately, Xiao Ming does not have this blessing.)

In this life, Anakin's original plan was to send Jabba back to the capital of the Republic for trial.

The execution of such a famous criminal will also enhance the reputation of the Republic. It will greatly help to stabilize Bail Organa's position as the Speaker.

But when he saw the rows of slaves rescued by clone soldiers, his anger was so strong that he could not suppress it.

He was also worried that this guy might use a huge amount of money to redeem his life. So he waved his lightsaber and directly chopped Jabba into seventeen or eighteen pieces.

It was fate. Although Jabba did not die at the hands of Leia in this life, he died at the hands of her father. He died more than ten years earlier.

The group of slaves rushed up and actually ate the body of this guy. It can be seen how deep their hatred for him was.

The Tiankuxing clone waved his hand, and Jabba's soul was taken into his pocket. Hurry up and check his life.

Xiao Ming doesn't care about the bad things he did, the underworld will naturally give him a suitable punishment.

Xiao Ming cares about Jabba's wealth. That is, the materials, money, treasures, business, etc. that he has accumulated. Jabba will definitely not keep all these things in this palace.

As long as he is a "successful" criminal organization leader, he knows the principle of having three burrows. At least half of his wealth has been hidden by him.

However, this kind of hiding is meaningless for the civil servants of the underworld. You can't fool the King of Hell and the Judge.

The leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming) on ​​the spaceship quietly told Padme all the information.

The group of slaves who ate Jabba saw Anakin kill Jabba with their own eyes, and they all rushed over to kneel down and thank Anakin. They cried bitterly, and some even cried bloody tears.

Later, these people were sent to the Naboo galaxy. They were all die-hard fans of Anakin and his wife. Some of them even joined his army.

This incident also baptized Anakin's soul. It's really good to be thanked for doing good things. It's much more comfortable than using force to scare people.

The Tiankuxing clone had to use healing magic on all the slaves. After all, eating raw meat is not good for the body, and their physical constitution is very poor. If they don't treat them, they may get sick.

If Anakin cut a dozen more swords, it would be better. The meat pieces will become smaller, and the high temperature of the lightsaber will roast the meat pieces by the way. Just think of it as eating barbecue.

After dealing with Jabba, Anakin and his party walked out of Jabba's palace. A team of clone soldiers came to Anakin with a prisoner.

The word "arrested" is not very accurate. It should be said that it is a pet bird. Watto was flying in the air, with shackles and chains tied to his body, more like flying a kite.

When Skywalker was still young, he hated Watto. Because Watto exploited them so badly.

Later, when he was older and more sensible, Anakin was grateful to Watto. Fortunately, he won them away from Jabba's wife, Gadulla the Hutt.

If they had stayed in the hands of Jabba and his wife, they would have been tortured to death.

Jabba didn't care about the life and death of one or two slaves. Usually, he might have executed a few because he was unhappy for a while. He really took human life lightly.

Watto was different. He cherished the resources in his hands. He was reluctant to let the slaves die in vain, and even kept the slaves in basic health. He was a good master.

Watto was a second-hand machinery retailer. Young Anakin learned many mechanical assembly skills from him and was known for his repair skills.

The diplomatic robot C-3PO was made by him when he was young to help his mother with her work. It can be seen that he was very talented.

Watto really made a lot of money from Anakin, so he was okay with these two cash cows.

Moreover, the death of Anakin's mother in the end had nothing to do with Watto. The last time he came to Tatooine, Anakin was furious and avenged his mother, but he did not hurt Watto.

This time, Anakin sent people to capture him, not to avenge him, but to protect him.

In war, laser guns have no eyes. What if this old guy relies on his ability to fly and chooses to escape, and it would be unfair to be shot dead.

Later, this blue Toydarian became Anakin's royal merchant. Business was booming within the scope of the Naboo galaxy. This is all later.

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