Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1255: Changes of the Jedi Knight

Xiao Ming's other suggestion, in fact, it should be said that it was another suggestion made by Xiao Ming, was adopted by the Jedi Order.

From now on, in addition to the lightsaber, the Jedi's main battle weapon will also include an energy shield.

The technological level in the world of "Star Wars Episode III" is extremely high, and making energy shields is not difficult at all.

In Xiao Ming's opinion, using a lightsaber specifically to bounce enemy lasers is really sick. Full of food.

The lightsaber is so small, but to use it to bounce laser light, the positioning must be very precise.

Even if it's just a little bit off, the laser will leak over and hit you. Why don't the Jedi know how to use shields?

Such a simple truth has never been thought of by Jedi Knights in the Star Wars world. It can only be said to be "plot-killing". Because even ordinary people’s intelligence should be able to think of it.

Xiao Ming could only guess that this was an opportunity specially left by space for the reincarnators to commit crimes. After all, he has never read the original work and does not know that the original work is like this.

The prototypes of the world of reincarnation are just various works of art. Some of these bugs are normal. It is abnormal to have no problem at all.

With the energy shield in hand, a Jedi's combat effectiveness is doubled almost immediately.

An ordinary Jedi Knight can wield a sword in one hand and a shield in the other, capable of both offense and defense. No more effort to use a lightsaber to block lasers.

Jedi with slightly higher abilities have the ability to move objects with their thoughts. They can make the shield float around their body.

You can even operate multiple shields at the same time to defend yourself back and forth, leaving no dead ends. If necessary, you can also control multiple lightsabers to attack.

This was also inspired by seeing the leader attack Darth Vader with the Ten Thousand Swords Technique.

Of course, this kind of fighting method also consumes a lot of Force power. Jedi masters who are not strong enough would not dare to play like this.

However, normal training, especially the way children train, does not use shields.

In that kind of training, they are actually practicing their connection with the Force. Using a shield at this time will cause trouble. Only with high concentration can we achieve better results.

After Xiao Ming's reminder, the minds of the Jedi seemed to open up in an instant. In addition to lightsabers and shields, someone also added guns.

It's just that, in that case, the Jedi become more like soldiers. Some more conservative masters also complained about this, but they did not try to stop it. After all, the combat effect is really great.

In addition, Xiao Ming also contributed a skill to the Jedi Order-[Spiritual Shield]. It's still to enhance the Jedi's defense.

Although Jedi Knights focus on cultivating the Force, all Jedi Knights who have reached the master level have considerable mental power. You can put a shield on it from time to time for fun.

A veteran powerhouse like Master Yoda can wear a mental shield for a long time. However, warriors below the average master level do not have sufficient mental strength.

The leader has paid so much and reciprocated, and Master Yoda must also give adequate rewards.

So he took the leader with him and taught him carefully like he would his apprentice. But the master-disciple relationship was not established.

What Master Yoda didn't know was everything he taught. In Xiao Ming's underworld, there are hundreds of clones practicing.

Seeing Xiao Ming quickly mastering various Force skills, he thought he had met a genius more powerful than Anakin Skywalker. Teach harder...

As the situation in the capital becomes increasingly stable. Jedi masters equipped with energy shields began to rush to battlefields across the galaxy to quell the rebellion.

Xiao Ming also had to participate in this matter, but he did not go all out. To be honest, there are many rotten places in the system of the Galactic Republic. Xiao Ming doesn't want to worry too much about the Republic.

He sent about half of his strength: the leader's right guard (Huang Xiaoming), the leader's rear guard (Hong Xiaoming), as well as Feiying, Xuecai, Xiaohong, and Xiaolu rushed to the front line. Others remained in the capital, Coruscant.

Everyone's main mission is to learn knowledge and technology and collect various high-tech items. Contributing to the war is just incidental. No matter what, the battlefield is still beneficial.

In peacetime, Xiao Ming had to spend money to buy whatever he wanted. On the battlefield, basically no one cares about how many things he pulls. With the underworld here, you don’t have to worry about having nowhere to store the good things you’ve collected.

Unfortunately, large spacecraft are still too big. It is a pity that Guangmingding, which is a transfer station, does not have that much space.

However, various small and medium-sized spaceships, various robots, and various weapons and equipment are everywhere in the underworld. They are basically piled up behind the Palace of Hades.

Xiao Ming, who has always adhered to the principle of diligently picking up and running the house, made a lot of money this time and was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

The only person who did not participate in this "feast" was the leader Zuo Weiwei (Lu Xiaoming). Because he is digesting something very, very powerful.

Do you still remember that before entering the reincarnation space, Xiao Ming gave the S-level scroll [Reincarnation of the Dirty Land] to the zombie lineage?

At that time, Kuang Tianyou, Ma Xiaoling, and the three corpses of Hongchao did not have anything suitable to exchange with Xiao Ming.

S-level items are generally not kept by reincarnators. Those that can be transformed into one's own strength have long been used. Or wait for a better time to use it later.

Useless things will also be exchanged with other forces as soon as possible, each taking what they need and getting some useful things back.

So even if they are big forces, they rarely have too many S-level items.

The three of them didn't have any S-level items, but they were all needed in the future. So they could only owe them at that time.

They reported this matter to Jiang Shizu. Relatively speaking, Jiang Shizu had more money on hand. He really gathered a few things and sent them to Xiao Ming through the reincarnation space when Xiao Ming just entered the reincarnation space.

And it was a three-choice. Because Jiang Shizu was not sure what Xiao Ming wanted, he sent 3 S-level items at once.

When Xiao Ming chose one of them, the other two would automatically return to Jiang Shizu.

If Xiao Ming didn't like any of them, he could refuse them all. Jiang Shizu would spend more time looking for them.

Because the situation was urgent at the beginning of this world. There was no time for Xiao Ming to consider. So Xiao Ming didn't choose at that time and delayed it for a few days.

All three things were good, and one of them was even a method of cultivating immortals. Xiao Ming wanted to choose that one at first.

However, Xiao Ming's intuition guided him to choose another thing - [EVA Unit 3].

Xiao Ming liked the huge robot, which was several dozen meters high, black in color and with white patterns, at first sight.

He had long wanted to get a large robot. Unfortunately, Xiao Ming could not make such a large robot with the Transformers' ability.

Driving such a large robot would be so cool, it would scare people to death.

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