Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1256 EVA Unit 3

In the underworld of Kuafu, Lu Xiaoming (the left guard of the leader), guarded by Zhang Zhong on the left and Nefebit on the right, released the EVA Unit 3.

The huge machine can only appear smaller if placed in the underworld. Fortunately, I didn't lose my mind and figure it out in the world of reincarnation. How many eyeballs do you need to attract? !

Xiao Ming's consistent strategy is to try not to attract attention and look for opportunities to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

When EVA Unit 3 was displayed in front of him, Xiao Ming realized how pitiful this thing was.

First of all, the energy stored in EVA Unit 3 is only enough for it to fight at full strength for 5 minutes. If the time is exceeded, it will lie down. The consumption of energy is extremely huge.

Secondly, its cockpit needs to be filled with an LCL liquid. This thing only exists in the EVA world. It's not easy to get either.

Finally, EVA's fighting method is quite special and requires the use of something called [AT force field].

AT force field is also called [Absolute Field]. It is mysterious and mysterious, and almost only those who have experienced reincarnation in the EVA world have a very small chance of mastering it. Very impractical.

This makes EVA's body not very popular among reincarnators. No wonder Jiang Shizu was willing to take it out in exchange.

Xiao Ming thought that he had wronged Jiang Shizu. He was given three choices. If you don’t like Unit 3, you can choose something else.

Jiang Shizu would consider it one of the options because he thought highly of Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming did live up to Jiang Shizu's expectations and had the ability to carry forward Unit 3.

There is no need to mention the issue of energy. Xiao Ming himself is a huge energy source, and he also reserves a large number of hacker energy blocks. It can definitely support EVA to fight happily.

LCL liquid is really difficult to handle. However, there is a part of the reserve in the No. 3 machine, which is enough for the last two or three times.

Don’t forget, Xiao Ming is good at alchemy. After figuring out the ingredients of LCL, he can make it casually.

The AT force field is indeed powerful, but if given the chance, Xiao Ming will definitely be able to learn it.

And even if he never learned it, with the abilities that Xiao Ming has already mastered, he can still bring out the power of Unit 3.

The two insect human guards were also very happy, as their king's survivability had improved again.

Nephibit was full of expectations when he thought about being able to spar with such a big robot in the future.

However, as Xiao Ming got closer and closer to the cockpit, a strong throbbing and desire arose deep in his heart, and it became stronger and stronger.

He opened the cockpit calmly and wanted to absorb some LCL liquid. I should have just absorbed a little bit and analyzed it slowly.

However, after he absorbed a little with his tail, Lu Xiaoming suddenly leaned down and drank directly. In less than a moment, he drank all the LCL liquid in the cockpit.

It wasn't over yet. Under the surprised gazes of Zhang Zhong and Nephibit, he actually started chewing on the cockpit bulkhead...

What's going on? ! Is this thing edible? The two of them saw that Xiao Ming was almost crazy, so they didn't dare to persuade him, and they weren't particularly worried.

Now they are clear. The king has several bodies, even if something goes wrong with the insect king's body. You can also give up your body and rebuild another one. A piece of cake.

It took Lu Xiaoming a long time to actually eat the No. 3 machine, which was nearly 80 meters high.

Because it ate so fast, its body was stretched to a height of tens of meters. If it were any other person, he would probably be bursting at the seams.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming can control his own body shape, and the Insect King's body is also relatively "extensible". Finally, I forced myself to eat it.

I never expected that such a huge robot was not made of metal. EVA Unit 3 is alive!

Precisely because it is alive and has extremely high nutritional content. Only then did the Insect King's most primitive desire arouse - to devour.

This desire comes from the Zerg, from chimera ants, from aliens, and actually from humans themselves. Ordinary things cannot seduce Xiao Ming at all.

So far, the only one that Lu Xiaoming can involuntarily choose to devour is EVA Unit 3.

Unit 3 even has some intelligence, but it cannot be considered to have a soul. When Xiao Ming ate machine No. 3, this part of his intelligence disappeared.

Xiao Ming also calmed down. Confused by his own behavior. However, it didn't take long for Lu Xiaoming to fall into a deep sleep.

Even the huge body automatically secretes worm silk and forms a large cocoon. He needs to concentrate on digesting what he eats.

Zhang Zhong and Nephibit just stayed beside the big cocoon. Even if there is a need for combat, they just take turns to go out and help. At least one person must be here to protect you.

Intuition told Xiao Ming that he should have found a treasure. It is definitely a good thing that needs to be "digested" like this.

At the same time, the leader's left guard will not disappear. After all, such a master suddenly disappears from everyone's sight, which will arouse suspicion.

Therefore, Xiao Ming has been sending Qiyao shadow clones to pretend to be Lu Xiaoming and go out. To prevent someone from becoming suspicious.

He estimated that the only character in the plot who could see through it was Master Yoda, so the clone has been avoiding Master Yoda.

More than two years later, Master Yoda still has no suspicion.

This is the life of a Jedi master, although he does not often practice in seclusion like a martial arts master.

But they are not very sociable people. We don't visit each other often unless necessary.

At this time, Xiao Ming finally didn't have to worry about being exposed. Because Green Xiao Ming finally broke out of the cocoon.

After the No. 3 machine was digested, it was integrated into Xiao Ming's [copycat] ability.

In the past, the copycat ability could only simulate some Asgardians, dark elves, Chitauri, etc., which were all small races.

Now there is a new transformation form-"EVA No. 3 machine form". The specific size of this form is not fixed, and Xiao Ming can control it according to the situation.

The super huge and strong body, with almost permanent endurance. Even when facing giant creatures or giant mechas, Xiao Ming has the strength of "equal battle".

In fact, even without this form. With Xiao Ming's ability, he can still fight against huge enemies. After all, our energy is strong enough.

It's just that the scene is ugly. In front of the enemy, I am like a speck of dust, which is really embarrassing.

This form just makes the scene more beautiful. It is not particularly great for the improvement of actual combat power.

Even if Xiao Ming absorbed the No. 3 machine, he was unable to comprehend the AT force field. He is not the kind of genius who can draw inferences from one thing and know ten things from one thing.

In addition, in order to be able to transform into Unit 03 at any time, Xiao Ming must store enough energy for a long time.

This is not a problem. With the 9-meter-high orange energy tree, Xiao Ming has sufficient energy reserves.

People who know the business know that EVA's body has a great origin and there is huge potential waiting to be developed.

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