Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1254: Orange Xiaoming's Daily Life

Jedi Temple, underground training ground. A large virtual mountain jungle terrain. Many young Jedi Knights are receiving training in different locations.

The content of the training is basically the same. In complex terrain, they fight against a small machine that can automatically fly and automatically launch laser attacks. There are spherical and square ones.

It is not easy for children to fight against such a machine. They must be able to fight at least ten of them before they are allowed to go on missions or go to the battlefield.

Ordinary children need to train for many years to reach that level. Even a large number of children cannot graduate at all and can only do work such as logistics support.

Such training is meaningless for Xiao Ming who is fully powered. His mental shield will not be broken even if he is hit by hundreds of small machines for several years.

However, doing so will not play the role of training. The leader vanguard (Orange Xiao Ming) automatically suppressed his mental power, followed the teachings of his master, and simply sensed through the Force.

With Xiao Ming's qualifications, it took almost no effort to communicate with the Force, but Orange Xiao Ming's physical fitness was slightly weaker. He could sense it, but his hands and feet could not keep up with the speed.

When there are fewer machines, he can still handle it. If there are a little more, it won't work.

For example, now, when Orange Xiaoming fights against four small balls at the same time, he is obviously struggling and unable to do his best.

After fighting for more than ten minutes and blocking hundreds of laser attacks with a laser sword, he was shot in the back by a laser.

This is a virtual terrain. The lasers shot by the small balls are just ordinary beams and have no lethality. But they can activate the sensors installed on the leader's forward.

An electric current will make Orange Xiaoming twitch all over and fall to the ground. After 30 seconds, the current disappears.

A pair of arms gently lifted him up, but the voice was extremely stern. "How many times have I told you. Don't be distracted, don't be blinded by what you see, and keep in touch with the Force at all times. This is especially true in battle."

A red and white, slightly scary face came in front of Orange Xiaoming. But Xiaoming didn't mind at all.

On the contrary, seeing the imitators of Peking Opera masks in the world of "Star Wars 3" is very pleasing to the eyes of all descendants of the Yellow Emperor.

"Yes, Master." Xiao Ming knew the temper of Master Shaak Ti. He immediately got up and said he would learn from him. Then he went back to training.

That's right, Orange Xiao Ming has now become Master Shaak Ti's disciple.

Although she looks fierce on the surface, she is actually very delicate and very good to her disciples.

For example, just now, when Orange Xiao Ming couldn't see her, she always had a very appreciative expression. She was very satisfied with the training progress of the leader striker. It turned out to be a good seedling.

And when Orange Xiao Ming fell, he could obviously use the Force to lift him up directly. Shaak Ti was afraid that the Force was too "hard" and would hurt the child, so he came to help him up and checked if he was injured. A very considerate master.

Master Shaak Ti once trained two apprentices to become Jedi Knights. But they were killed by criminals one after another.

Since then, she has been hiding the pain in her heart, and the Jedi Supreme Council also respected her wishes and did not assign new disciples to her.

After the Battle of the Temple, the situation stabilized a little. One thing was put on the agenda.

The two children, Zet Jucasa and the Master Vanguard, performed very well in this battle. The committee decided to assign them as the master's personal disciples.

No one expected that at this time, she would take the initiative to stand up and apply to teach the Master Vanguard. The committee naturally agreed.

Why did Shaak Ti suddenly want to accept disciples? In fact, it is not difficult to understand.

In the past, the status of the Jedi Temple was high and there was no big trouble. The situation allowed her to stop accepting disciples because of sadness.

After Sidious's failed coup, Shaak Ti also realized the crisis of the Jedi Order. At this time, she was no longer allowed to continue to be sad.

In other words, it was time to turn grief into motivation. As a member of the Supreme Council, she naturally had to shoulder the responsibility of revitalizing the Jedi.

Shaak Ti's swordsmanship can at least rank in the top three in the Jedi Order. It is a very lucky thing for Orange Xiaoming to be favored by her and accepted as a personal disciple.

In Xiaoming's group, there are more than one leader who is favored and taught by the Jedi Master.

Xiao Xiaoer was favored by Madam Jocasta Nu, the administrator of the Temple Library and Archives. She was brought by her side and taught carefully.

She has a very high qualification in the Jedi Order. Because of her old age, her combat effectiveness has declined a lot. But her knowledge and experience are absolutely beyond reproach.

It's a pity that Xiao Xiaoer is not her personal disciple, but only an auditor.

Madam Jocasta Nu would choose Xiao Xiaoer, probably because she is still interested in Xiao Xiaoer's magical race. After all, there is no monster like "Ten Wei" in the Star Wars world.

Teaching Xiao Xiaoer is just a by-product, and studying it carefully is her real purpose.

But this matter has no harm and Xiao Xiaoer will not suffer any loss, so Xiaoming agreed. The Jedi Order is not a villain, and they will not slice up Xiao Xiaoer for research.

Xiao Xiaoer is also very happy, because Lady Jocasta Nu is so knowledgeable and has a huge library and archives, so Xiao Xiaoer can learn a lot of new and interesting things.

The other two naughty kids, Maomaoer and Xiao Shennong, are also learning. The computer technology and programming technology of the Star Wars world are quite helpful to them.

However, at present, their main business is to continue to break the chip in the brain of the clone soldiers.

Xiao Ming thinks that clones also have souls, and it is very inhumane to control them with chips. And it is also very dangerous.

So he ordered Maomaoer and Xiao Shennong not to stop and continue to destroy the chips in the brains of all clone soldiers. Let them have the power of free choice.

Even if they may stand on the side of the Sith, it is worth it.

At the same time, Xiao Ming also made a suggestion to the Jedi Committee. Don't continue to make new clones.

Clones are also human beings. It is very inhumane to forcibly deprive them of their right to choose and train them all to become soldiers.

If there are not enough soldiers, you can learn from the Trade Union and use robots controlled by intelligent programs instead.

If you are worried that robots will not adapt to changes. That's not a big problem. Just replace the captains at all levels with humans.

In fact, it is not necessary for all soldiers to be able to adapt to changes in war.

Unfortunately, the current military strength of the Republic has been greatly reduced, and the enemies it faces are very troublesome, and the clone army is so easy to use.

Neither the Parliament nor the Supreme Council supports it. Xiao Ming's proposal can only be put on hold temporarily. I hope that after the war, there will be a turnaround.

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