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Chapter 1253 Taking office as a member

Within a few hours after Sidious activated Order 66, most of the Jedi Knights scattered throughout the galaxy were killed by clone soldiers.

Only less than half of them escaped. In the next three days, about 20% of the Jedi Knights were found and killed by clone soldiers.

The rest of the lucky ones are still hiding, and they probably won't be able to hold on for much longer.

At this time, 90% of the reincarnations have given up, and their losses are even more serious. Only a few people are not convinced and resurrected again to continue to be hunted down.

Three days later, the temporary speaker issued a new order, which caused the clone army to be divided into three and entered a stalemate.

The remaining 1/4 of the Jedi Knights can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Not only did the number of clone soldiers chasing them decrease, but there were also two safer havens.

Whether they went to find the Bell faction or the neutral faction, they could survive. This is definitely much better than the ending of being strangled to death in the original book.

Unfortunately, this is the treatment of the characters in the plot, and the reincarnations are still found and killed one after another.

Because in fact, what they have to fight against is not the Sith forces, but the means prepared by the reincarnation space. Usually, the Sith Lord appears out of thin air.

After killing the reincarnations, these people will also die inexplicably. It will not affect the balance of power between the Jedi and the Sith.

The reincarnations who can survive are rare. There are only a few guys with extremely good luck and equipment.

And even if they survive, the Sith will not stop hunting them down, but they will be forced to increase their strength. It can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

The so-called heroes emerge in troubled times. In this turbulent war period, some people died in the war, and some people became successful officials. The current Speaker is a typical example.

If it were a peaceful era, Bail Organa would have to stay in the war for at least another ten years before he would have the opportunity to consider running for the Speaker's seat. Now he has ascended to heaven in one step.

Similarly, more than half of the members of parliament were arrested, and their positions would be replaced by some rising stars in the political arena. The waves behind push the waves ahead.

This is the case with the Republic Parliament and the Jedi Supreme Council. More than half of the 12 members are absent again.

Although 1/4 of the Jedi Knights escaped, except for Master Yoda, the other members were taken care of by the Sith and did not survive.

The Supreme Council urgently needs to add manpower, and also to reward the contributions of the leader and others. The leader became one of the 12 members.

Also promoted to the committee was Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. In view of the fact that the situation in the capital has stabilized. He continues to lead the clone army to fight in the outer circle.

The reputation of the other Xiao Mings is actually quite high. In the past few days, they have made considerable contributions. They have also demonstrated their own strength. Even Kurama has been supported by some Jedi Knights.

But Master Yoda knows some of the tricks between these people. He dare not let these people enter the committee in groups. Therefore, only the leader was promoted out of turn.

For this reason, the committee felt a little sorry for the other Xiao Mings, and took this opportunity to make a request.

"Masters, I hope to exchange our merits for one person's life."

Hearing this, Master Ayla Secura was a little interested: "Oh? This is strange, whose life does the leader intend to exchange?"

Many people also want to ask the same question, wondering whether the leader wants to kill people or save people. They all stared at him with curious eyes.

Master Yoda suddenly understood: "Anakin Skywalker! Right?" As expected of the strongest Jedi Knight Master, he saw through the leader's thoughts at a glance.

"No! Absolutely not! Anakin killed Master Mace Windu, he must be executed!" Master Depa Billaba was emotional and immediately stood up to refute.

She actually had a very good impression of the leader and others. Putting aside the big things, cutting off Anakin's limbs and arresting him would make Billaba grateful for a lifetime.

However, she could not give in on this matter. Anakin killed her master, and Billaba had made up his mind to make Anakin pay with blood. Although Anakin later made some contributions.

The other masters did not hate Anakin so deeply. However, they had worked with Master Windu for a long time, and they also felt that Anakin should pay with his life.

If the leader exchanged his team's credit, it seemed that it would not be a bad idea to spare Anakin's life.

Anyway, Anakin had lost all his limbs and posed no threat. Letting him live was a more appropriate punishment.

After a while of debate, Xiao Ming threw out a killer weapon - [Sword of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil].

The characteristic of the Sword of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil is that if Xiao Ming intends to kill someone, he will call on the power of the Soul Gem, which is the orange source energy. It is extremely lethal to those who are extremely evil.

If it is used to punish evil people, it will be even more powerful. The person who is stabbed with the sword will be hurt by the bad things he has done in his dreams every night. All the feelings are very real.

Note that you have to endure it every night. Ordinary people, if tortured like this for a while, would either go completely crazy or commit suicide long ago.

But if someone has great willpower and really wants to repent, he can do good deeds to make up for his past mistakes. Xiao Ming thinks Anakin should be able to bear it.

When such conditions were put forward, the other committee members thought it was very good. They could feel that the leader was not lying. This punishment was quite considerate.

Only Billaba still had a dark face. Deep down, she actually accepted this punishment. It was just that Anakin would not die once. She always felt a little bit unhappy.

Xiao Ming understood her feelings very well. So he threw out the second trump card - [I would rather die than die].

However, he would adjust the method of use and give Anakin a duplicate body and transfer his soul into it. Mark the soul and let him die for real once.

Then put his soul back into the original body and continue to live. But he had to endure the "torture" of the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil.

The duplicated body can only exist for 24 hours. It is perfect for Anakin to be sentenced to death. Xiao Ming said that if Billaba was unhappy, he could let him die a few more times.

Such conditions finally moved Billaba. This execution was carried out in secret. On the surface, the Jedi Order pardoned Anakin and let him make meritorious contributions while guilty.

Anakin finally survived. The couple was grateful to the Jedi Council, especially to the leader and others.

They said that from now on, the lives of the couple belonged to the leader and they would be at his disposal.

During this process, a small accident occurred. The sword of rewarding good and punishing evil did not work on Anakin.

The reason was that he had just betrayed and had not killed many good people. On the contrary, he had done a lot of good things before, and his merits and demerits basically offset each other. So the sword of rewarding good and punishing evil did not work.

The leader and Anakin and his wife tacitly concealed this matter. However, Anakin signed a telekinesis agreement with the leader, asking him to promise to be a good person in the future.

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