Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1220 Application of the Force at Level 3

Having become the vice star of Tianxian Star, the explorer can now choose to end this trip down the mountain.

As long as he returns to Liangshan to end his trip now, the explorer can conquer the strategic map.

However, Xiao Ming believes that if he continues to travel, he will definitely encounter various copies related to Liangshan heroes, which will improve the favorability between the explorer and the major leaders.

This will be of great help to his future development in Liangshan. So he chose to continue to travel in the territory of Song Dynasty and not return to Liangshan.

In fact, the improvement of the explorer's status this time has some additional benefits. They will be slowly revealed in the future.

In terms of recruiting soldiers, more hidden soldiers and high-level soldiers are open to explorers.

In terms of the power that can be purchased in shops, many major merchants in Song Dynasty also allow explorers to buy high-level products.

For example, the blueprints of high-level barracks. Before becoming an earl, the explorer must complete the relevant tasks to have the opportunity to obtain the blueprints.

Now as long as you find a suitable shop, you can buy it directly. Of course, the number of such things that survive is limited, and the number that can be purchased is also limited.

In addition, in terms of accepting tasks. The identity of the Earl and the identity of the deputy star of Tianxian Star can allow the explorer to receive more secret and powerful tasks. This is all for later.

Xiao Ming did not immediately control the explorer to go out and continue the barbecue, but thoroughly sorted out the attributes and equipment of the current character.

Let's talk about the ascetic equipment that has just been strengthened.

Jedi Knight Alchemy Swordsman Strong Crossbow Ascetic Set: 3rd level 15 orange epic inheritance equipment.

Attributes: Life +960, Strength +960, Mana +1280. Physical defense +240, magic defense +320.

Jedi Knight Alchemy Swordsman Strong Crossbow Ascetic Cane: 3rd level 15 orange epic inheritance equipment.

Normal form: magic attack +640; Strong Crossbow form: long-range physical attack +480; One-handed Sword form: melee physical attack +480; Alchemical Tool form: puppet making success rate +80%; Light Sword form: melee physical attack +800.

That's right, the monk's cane has this feature, it can be transformed into a lightsaber. The improvement of physical attack is still a small matter, and being able to use the skills of the Jedi Knight is the biggest advantage. Xiao Ming is very much looking forward to seeing what skills the Jedi Knight has.

Upgraded to level 3 and level 15. The five attributes of the explorer are currently like this. Strength, physique, and agility are all 39; intelligence 51; spirit 66.

Including equipment, the explorer's health is 1580, strength 1580, and mana 2120. The Earl's Medal is really powerful.

It's just that the spiritual power and original force are still very little, after all, they have just started practicing. The amount of spiritual power depends on the level of the second professional Taoist priest.

At present, the explorer is a level 2 Qi Refiner, so the spiritual power limit is only 200 points.

The original force grows by 100 points every 5 levels from the level 3 explorer to the Jedi Knight, and now there are 300 points.

These two items are basically not enough to do much, and only when Xiao Ming goes online personally, consuming his own energy can he use them freely.

The physical attack is close to 1000, and the magic attack is close to 900. The reason why the physical attack is so high is all because of the bonus of the lightsaber.

Otherwise, the explorer is mainly a magic profession, and the magic attack should be stronger.

In terms of defense, it is normal. The physical defense is more than 400, and the magic defense is more than 600. This is what a magic profession should look like.

And the explorer can now bring more subordinates with him. He can lead 33 regular mercenaries with him, of which the 1st, 2nd and 3rd level soldiers must each account for 1/3.

In addition, he can bring 2 normal 3rd level shadow warriors; 2 5th level Tianxianxing deputy star shadow warriors; 2 4th level shadow warriors in special periods; 2 5th level noble guards.

If all of these are fully staffed, it will be a big pile. Unfortunately, whether it is a shadow warrior or a noble guard, they are only responsible for defense and not attack.

When Xiao Ming is online, all of these are useless. If he is not online, Xiao Er has more room to play.

After reaching level 3, the explorer can learn more skills. However, Xiao Ming himself doesn't care about these level 3 skills. He can't use them at all.

Let Xiao Er handle it. Whatever skills he wants to learn, he can learn them by himself. Anyway, Xiao Ming doesn't care.

Some abilities given to explorers by the Jedi Knight profession are interesting. The application of the Force is very wide.

First, practicing the Force can improve physical fitness in an all-round way. This feature is reflected in the growth rate of the five attributes of the explorer now.

Second, the Jedi Knight can sense the existence of life and even its inner emotions by sensing the Force on living matter. If the Force cultivation reaches a certain level, it can even directly see through the object's thoughts.

At Xiao Ming's current level, these abilities are not useful. To sense the existence of life, he has the [circle] of telekinesis and the scanning map of mental power. To explore other people's hearts, he has telepathy and even the ability of Hades. It's a bit useless.

Third, practicing the Force can move objects with thoughts. This is not very useful either. Xiao Ming's other supernatural energies, such as the microcosm and mental power, can do this.

Fourth, attaching the Force to the lightsaber can greatly increase the attack power. This is why the lightsaber's physical attack is super strong.

In the original book, the lightsaber can also bounce back the attack of laser weapons. In the main game, it is a long-range attack on supernatural energy with a certain rebound probability.

Xiao Ming is not sure what effect it will have in reality. He needs to wait until he is familiar with it before conducting experiments.

These functions are already good, but the application of the Force is more than that. It's just that the explorer is only level 3 at present, and has not obtained more inheritance.

In addition, the explorer's spiritual pet, the spirit dog Xiaobai, has also been upgraded with the owner. The original skills have been enhanced, and new skills have been learned.

Unfortunately, the combat effectiveness of a level 3, level 15 spirit dog is almost dispensable to Xiao Ming. I won't go into details here.

On the contrary, the explorer's special life skill, the strengthening of [Angel Gate], is more useful.

As the explorer is upgraded to level 3. The angels that can be summoned by the Angel Gate are upgraded from level 4 to level 5, with stronger attributes and a longer existence time of 30 minutes. The number of times the resurrection skill is used per day has changed from once to twice. That's about it.

The resurrection skill is what Xiao Ming likes the most. After all, even with Xiao Ming's current S-level, he still does not have the ability to resurrect the dead.

Whenever Xiao Ming thinks of this, he feels strange. He is the Hades.

In the past, watching TV dramas or legends, the Hades can add life to people. The dead can also be brought back to life and live for two more years. I remember that in "Journey to the West", the Hades added twenty years of life to Emperor Taizong of Tang Li Shimin.

Could it be that it is just human imagination? The actual situation is that the Hades does not control human life. He only judges people after they die. Sometimes he will take the lives of evil people in advance. But he does not have the ability to bring the dead back to life. Anyway, Xiao Ming, the Kuafu Hades, can't do it. I will ask my master A Cha when I have a chance in the future.

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