Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1221 Brothers' Mission

Adventure map, Tokyo Bianliang, Ascetic Temple of Light, Explorer's guest room. A young man rushed over and gave Explorer a bear hug, and the other two young men stood beside him and laughed.

After the hug, the strong young man said with a little sob: "Brother Explorer, I miss you so much!"

The Explorer also laughed: "Brother Han Dong, I miss you too. Let me see, OK, you are much stronger than the last time we met."

Then he said to the other two young men: "Brother Qiu Santong, Brother Tiezhu, you are the same, a man should look at you with new eyes after three days of separation, I almost can't recognize you."

That's right, these three young men are Han Dong, the follower of Explorer, and Qiu Santong and Tiezhu, Han Dong's followers.

Originally, Han Dong, Qiu Santong and Explorer fought together in the strategic map. Later, Explorer was kidnapped and recruited by Liangshan, and they also joined Liangshan forces.

Since Explorer is in a traveling state and cannot go to the strategic map, the two of them are in charge of Explorer's territory in the strategic map.

The explorer has only one Xiaoyang Village on the strategic map. Now it has been built into Xiaoyang City.

Although the explorer cannot go to the strategic map, he can remotely control the construction of the city. Except for the magic tower and the barracks above level 5, Xiaoyang City has basically been built.

Of course, it is not impossible to continue construction, but if you spend more money, it will be a bit of a loss.

Before, the explorer had another city under his name, which was Medusa City in the underground world. Because of Gongsun Sheng's persuasion, Xiao Ming handed over the city to the Liangshan forces in exchange for the opportunity to go down the mountain to travel. Now it seems quite cost-effective.

Han Dong has developed quite well in Xiaoyang City. Mainly because Xiaoyang City has a very good geographical location. It is located on a small island in the Bohai Sea. It is very close to Liaodong.

On the strategic map, Liaodong is now the territory of the Manchu Orcs. The Orcs are very strong on land, but they have almost no navy.

So the Orcs have no way to deal with Xiaoyang City on the island. Instead, Han Dong can repeatedly bring troops on board to harass Liaodong. Many Ming civilians were rescued one after another.

Han Dong's troops were not worth the Qing Dynasty sending out generals to deal with. Even if it was a small group of orcs, Han Dong could not resist it.

But Han Dong had a ship. Xiao Ming left him a medium-sized ship with long-range weapons on board. Han Dong led his troops to the sea, and the orcs had no good way to deal with him.

Moreover, Han Dong could pick up a lot of resources and gold coins in the nearby waters, and even refugees at sea. His strength grew very fast.

This was the arrangement of the system. Otherwise, with the strength of the Qing Dynasty, it would be impossible to take a small Yangcheng.

However, according to the calculation of the system, this matter was not worthy of the attention of the Qing Dynasty's high-level officials. It was just that the local army and commander were dealing with Han Dong. And the local army happened to be restrained by Han Dong.

Although Han Dong's level was not high, he had two accessories for the combination treasures [Mad Demon Shield] and [Holy Shoes].

Both of these treasures were strengthened once by Xiao Ming with source energy. This made them show relatively powerful characteristics. The real combat effectiveness of Han Dong's troops was much stronger than it looked.

In addition, there are a large number of ascetics in his team. The healing ability of ascetics and their spiritual pets are extremely advantageous in low-intensity battles.

The healing ability can restore the lives of soldiers, and pets can replace soldiers as cannon fodder, so that Han Dong can fight without damage in many cases.

What if the pet is sacrificed? It's a piece of cake. You can revive it by consuming faith points, or buy another one.

So Han Dong has grown rapidly during this period. The adventure level has reached level 13 of the second stage, and the strategic level has also risen to the maximum level of level 20 of the first stage. It's time to accept the promotion task.

In terms of military strength, there are weekly production supplements in Xiaoyang City, and the consumption is very small, so it is now quite strong.

The system-given Temple of Light has appeared in Xiaoyang City. This allows Han Dong to easily travel between the strategic map and the adventure map.

Of course, even if there is no temple, he can travel back and forth. There is a primary general temple on a nearby island.

It's just a little troublesome, Han Dong needs to row the troops over.

In addition, Han Dong has rescued more than 1,000 people from the Ming Dynasty, so his mission [Save the People of the Ming Dynasty] has awarded him the second-stage reward again.

Han Dong received 2 human village building stones for rescuing more than 1,000 people. This happened not long ago.

These two village building stones belong to Han Dong himself, and he was not polite. He built two more human villages on two islands near the island where Xiaoyang Village was located - Xiaoliu Village and Xiaoxiang Village. Xiaoliu Village was built on the island with the universal temple.

This matter was really not directed by the intelligent program Xiaoer, but Han Dong's own idea. He has a high degree of favorability with the explorer, so he has a lot of autonomy. Xiaoer fully supports his decision.

Normally, if Han Dong and the other two use the teleportation function of the temple on the strategic map, they should return to the temple in Liangshan.

The reason why they appeared in the Temple of Light in Bianliang was actually caused by a special mission. And this mission also appeared because of Xiao Ming.

When Xiao Ming officially introduced the [Jedi Knight] profession into the main game. The system has a series of tasks that will be adjusted and expanded accordingly.

Han Dong, whose strategic level has reached the maximum level of level 1, level 20, wanted to accept a promotion task, but he saw an epic promotion task - [Obtain the qualification of an apprentice Jedi Knight].

Han Dong and the Explorer had already reached a favorability of over 90. So he knew that it was his elder brother who introduced the Jedi Knight profession.

And he also knew some of the Explorer's special abilities. Xiao Ming once strengthened the Ascetic Suit for him and Qiu Santong. So he decisively chose this task.

Therefore, he, Qiu Santong and Tiezhu were teleported to the temple, which was simply the system's handiwork. They were asked to come to do the task.

Theoretically, only Han Dong needed to be teleported, but Qiu Santong and Tiezhu were Han Dong's followers. It was normal and reasonable for Han Dong to take them with him on the task.

Even Han Dong's own mercenaries were brought with him, but they were all packed in tents and generally did not show up in front of people.

This task was too easy. Xiao Ming could do it with a raise of his hand, and he could even let Han Dong get the official Jedi Knight profession in one step.

But Xiao Ming did not do it immediately. How to maximize the benefits was the focus of Xiao Ming's thinking.

Obtaining the qualification of an apprentice Jedi Knight is a task; obtaining the official Jedi Knight profession is definitely also a task.

So it is not a good idea to do it all at once. It is more cost-effective to take two tasks and get two rewards.

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