Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1219 Liangshan’s Reward

Bandits like Liangshan are the ones who know how to win over talents. The rewards for explorers are very generous.

Although the treasures cannot be delivered, there is no problem in giving gold coins. The gold coins Liangshan gives to explorers are much more than the sum of the money given by the court and the monks.

Xiao Ming couldn't help but think of what Sister Su Su said in the world of "Taking the Marshal", "We underworld don't have much else, but we have the most cash."

Liangshan is basically a gangster, often robbing houses and looting the treasury. There is a lot of money in the mountain stronghold, and it is not even easy to spend it.

In terms of experience, the explorer's adventure level has risen by 5 levels again, reaching level 3 and level 15. I don't know if it has broken the record by rising 15 levels in one day.

In addition, Liangshan has also upgraded the explorer's "title" - [Deputy Star of Tianxian Star]. If he doesn't give him a regular position, Song Jiang is also worried that he can't keep the explorer.

As the [Founder of Jedi Knight], the explorer will be fought over wherever he goes. Probably only the Undead Clan is not interested in him.

Among the 108 generals of Liangshan Marsh, the main star of Tianxian Star is Ruyunlong Gongsun Sheng. He is also the direct superior of the explorer. So the explorer naturally became his deputy star.

With the title of deputy star of Tianxian Star, you can summon Gongsun Sheng's projection once a day to serve you for an hour. You can fight or do other things.

Gongsun Sheng's body is a master of the upper level of level 6, while the projection that the explorer can summon is only the strength of the lower level of level 6. Not as strong as the real person.

Moreover, the summoning time will be reset to zero at the end of each game, and it cannot be accumulated. You have the right not to use it, and it will expire.

Other players probably use it to summon the level 6 Gongsun Sheng projection to help them fight at critical moments. This is a magic weapon for difficult tasks.

Only when there is no trouble all day today, the player will summon Gongsun Sheng's projection in the last hour of each day to learn Taoism from him.

Projections can also be teachers. With his help, players will gain experience as a Qi Refiner faster.

Even when the Explorer is operated by an intelligent program, it will be handled in this way. It will not be wasted.

It is estimated that players who are qualified to summon Gongsun Sheng's projection will have a second profession like a Taoist priest.

Only when Xiao Ming is online in person, it is not necessary to do so. Xiao Ming can summon powerful clones and mind beasts by himself, and he is not short of a B-level Gongsun Sheng projection.

However, he will not always operate the Explorer, and will often switch to other characters. Therefore, it is better to leave the opportunity to use the projection every day to the intelligent program. Don't waste it casually.

A level 3 player can summon a level 6 projection. In this way, when Xiao Ming is not online, the Explorer's safety is greatly increased. The ability to pass tasks is also greatly increased.

Of course, Xiao Ming actually has too many advantages over other players in this regard.

Because he has a universal item [Level 3 Summoning Cube]. There are many masters "living" in it, including level 6.

However, summoning those masters requires consuming the player's character's mana, so it cannot be maintained for too long.

It is not as convenient as the title of Tianxianxing's deputy star. Summoning Gongsun Sheng's projection does not require the explorer to consume anything.

At the same time, Liangshan sent two 4th-level soldiers as special shadow warriors to protect the explorer's personal safety because of the high importance of the explorer.

This is extraordinary protection. Normal players who have just joined Liangshan cannot have such treatment.

However, as a deputy star of Tianxianxing, there will be such treatment. There are still two 5th-level soldiers as shadow warriors. At the same time, the original two 4th-level ones did not leave. Now, the shadow warriors can all play mahjong together.

In addition, there is another benefit of being a deputy star. It is about the skin, and the difference is not shown at present.

You should know that above the deputy general bandit skin, there are also main general skin, general skin, marshal skin, etc.

Each skin is divided into three levels: primary, intermediate and advanced. Generally, each level of skin has only 10 levels. After reaching the maximum level, players need to obtain higher-level skins to continue to be promoted.

A common situation is that players have already upgraded their skin to level 10, but have not yet obtained a higher-level skin.

But the situation of the explorer is different now. As a vice star of Tianxian Star, the upper limit of his skin level is the advanced general skin.

In other words, if the explorer upgrades the primary vice general skin to the maximum, he will immediately obtain the intermediate vice general, advanced vice general, primary main general, intermediate main general... and so on, until the advanced general skin. The road ahead is smooth.

It's a pity that he only has the second level of the primary vice general skin now. How much effort will it take to stack it up to the advanced general skin!

Unfortunately, the skin can be strengthened by source energy. His primary vice general skin can be upgraded to level 30. This is still owed 2 times of strengthening.

If these two times are used, the primary vice general skin alone can reach level 50. I don't know when I want to upgrade it to the maximum level.

Thinking about the various levels of skins that will come next, Xiao Ming feels a little confused. Hundreds of levels. If you want to upgrade them all, you may have to destroy several countries.

Of course, the benefits are also very obvious. If a player character's skin, from deputy general to marshal, is at level 50 or even higher.

His war strength is more than N times stronger than those who only have level 10 skins.

From the current point of view, it will take a long, long time for players to become marshals. But in terms of the ultimate result, the skin of level 50 is definitely more beneficial to players.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why the system NPC is stronger than the player character. Those famous generals of various countries, such as Yue Fei and Han Shizhong. The upper limit of their skins at each level may be more than level 50. Only then can they show such a strong combat power.

A strong marshal or general is enough to fight against enemies that are dozens of times larger than themselves.

In theory, the player character can also catch up with them. As long as the player can upgrade all his skins to the highest level. The so-called wearing a crown must bear its weight.

Since the system allows Xiao Ming to strengthen his skin, it means that the system has prepared the corresponding level and tasks.

The problem is that an ordinary player cannot receive so many tasks. No matter in terms of time, resources, or energy, it is completely impossible.

Only large professional player guilds can concentrate resources on one or two players or NPCs to cultivate a strong general or marshal.

If a guild does not have such a strong general or marshal, it will be very difficult to play in the later stages of the game. There is no way to compete with the enemy.

Other guilds have famous generals like Yue Fei, but the strongest person in your family is Liao Hua, how can you compete with them? !

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