Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1160 The Inca Royal Family

"Ding, ding, ding" several crisp knocks on the door sounded, Xiao Ming knew without asking that there were three young people standing outside the door.

Judging from their life energy, they were all good people. Xiao Ming did not tell Harpoon to do anything, but got up and opened the door himself.

The first thing he saw was a beautiful half-elf girl with exotic style. She was about 20 years old and 166 cm tall.

She had copper skin, blue eyes, and soft and flowing blonde hair, shining.

She was wearing the traditional costumes of the local aborigines, and it was obvious that she was a hybrid of European elves or half-elfs and local humans.

This half-elf was already a beauty, but the determination and determination revealed in her eyes made Xiao Ming look at her with new eyes. This is a very pure person.

She extended her right hand to Xiao Ming and greeted him politely: "Hello, Mr. Researcher. My name is Tiya. Strangle Him. I am glad to meet you."

Xiao Ming shook hands with her, and welcomed the three of them into the house, and sat down as host and guest; he winked at Harpoon.

This time Harpoon reacted and rushed to pour tea for several people. Seeing that the host actually treated them with expensive tea, the three of them were shocked. This is too polite.

In America, people are actually more accustomed to drinking coffee, and tea leaves are really rare. Especially this kind of tea from Ming Dynasty.

Xiao Ming is not used to drinking coffee, so he took tea out from Guangmingding to drink. It is not very expensive. Tiya and the other two misunderstood.

"This is my adjutant Liuko Tomato, and this is my chef Sevi Khan. I hope Mr. Researcher will not be offended by our presumptuous visit."

Tiya introduced his deputy to the researcher. Liuko Tomato is an adult man, who should be a few years older than Tiya.

With sharp eyes, agile body, and a murderous aura in his life energy, he is a veteran of many battles.

That Sevi Khan is interesting. He is actually an orc, younger than Tia, and not tall. It is estimated that he is definitely not welcomed by the orcs.

Human, half-elf, orc, I don’t know how the three of them formed this strange combination.

Xiao Ming pointed at Harpoon and said, "This is Harpoon, my new follower." Harpoon smiled and nodded to the three people.

At this moment, Xiao Ming's telepathy read the thoughts of the three people.

They took the initiative to find him because the researcher took this inconspicuous native Harpoon as his follower.

They have been observing the researcher for several days and found that he is very good to Harpoon, a native. There is no discrimination.

They also saw that the researcher buys and sells goods in Havana almost every day and has good financial resources, so they want to come to ask for sponsorship.

Liu Ke asked the researcher: "Mr. Researcher, we have a batch of antiques with a long history. I wonder if you are interested?"

People's thoughts are very fast. Just when he said this sentence, he had reviewed the purpose, intention, and various plans of this trip 2 or 3 times in his mind.

I didn't expect that this Tiya really had some background. She was a descendant of the royal family of the extinct Inca Empire in North America. She was also a hybrid of local humans and European half-elves.

Seeing the Europeans brutally oppressing and plundering the indigenous people here, she was indignant and wanted to fight for equal status for the indigenous people instead of letting them be slaughtered.

It's not because of her royal bloodline that she wants to restore the glory of her family.

Because Tiya knew very well that the original Inca royal family treated their people mostly by exploitation and oppression, which was not much better than the European colonists. There is no need to restore.

All Tiya wanted was to eliminate the serious inequality in the Americas. It's just that before, she was just Esconte's translator due to her livelihood.

Now she has just formed an independent army, which is a subordinate force of the Esconte Army. It is short of manpower and money. The dream is far away, and the reality is cruel.

Diogo de Esconte is a lower nobleman in Spain. He has a wide sphere of influence in America. It is hard to say who is the navy and who is the pirate here.

Although this person is just a lower noble, he is actually ambitious and even wants to break away from Spain, establish an independent country, and become the king himself.

Because of this ambition, Esconte tried hard to win over the indigenous people, so on the surface he was quite good to Tia. He even allowed Tia to form an independent army.

The purpose is to let Tia help him to expel another force in America, Bascos de Maldenade.

Of course, Tia can get this status mainly because she and Esconte's chief of staff Fin Blanco are lovers.

With such a relationship, it is no wonder that she trusts Esconte. She is just obsessed by her boyfriend.

For the time being, Tia has not seen through Esconte's true face. However, her "lieutenant" Liuko never believed in Esconte.

Liuko was a warrior among the Native Americans and once organized a team to fight against Esconte.

Later, he was rescued by Tia when he was seriously injured and dying, and he has been loyal to Tia ever since. He is dedicated to helping Tia fulfill her dream.

He also hopes that one day, Tia can give up her fantasy about the colonizers. In Liuko's view, that is the real way to save the American people.

Freedom and equality are never given by the rulers, but must be fought for by oneself.

The orc Sevi Khan has followed Tia for a longer time. He followed Tia when she was just a translator.

He is good at cooking and likes animals. He is an orc with a good personality. Xiao Ming deeply suspects that he is probably an elf who was born in the wrong body. That's not right, elves generally don't make fire and cook.

Sevi doesn't have so many thoughts, he just follows sister Tia wholeheartedly. No matter what his sister does, he will do his best to help.

Havana is Maldenard's nest, which can be regarded as an enemy camp. But Tia has not officially started a war with them now. There will be no problem if she comes to do business normally.

They have been observing the researcher for several days and think that he is an equal alliance. At the very least, they hope to get financial support from the researcher.

Tia's power has just started. If she can get a large investment at this time, she will definitely develop rapidly.

But the two sides just met today, so it is too early to talk about attracting investment and forming an alliance.

Tia has a lot of antiques from the Inca Empire. I hope to sell them to the outsider, the researcher, in exchange for a lot of gold coins.

After all, these local merchants are no longer interested in antiques from the Inca Empire. Everyone has a lot of them.

The researcher is a newcomer from Asia. Selling to him first may give him a chance. After he stays for a long time, he may not be interested in these antiques.

Don't think that Tiya and the others want to rip off foreigners. The antiques that Tiya took out are absolutely genuine and used by the royal family. The quality is absolutely guaranteed.

In fact, these things are very memorable to Tiya. If she is not forced to do so, she will not sell them.

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