Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1159 The investigation mission is over

After finishing the Explorer's business, Xiao Ming switched to the Researcher.

On September 6, the Researcher received a purple master-level strategic mission from his elder sister Li Huamei - [Investigate Laidao's movements].

Xiao Ming abused his power for personal gain and arranged a large number of Seven Stars Shadow Clones and ordinary Shadow Clones to do the mission. Instead, he kept randomly jumping through space and finally arrived in Havana in America.

His plan was to continue to develop here in the future. Seize the new continent.

Later, because of the zombie cave incident, Xiao Ming had no time to manage the game seriously, and the main game business was taken over by four intelligent programs.

Xiao Saner operated the Researcher and started a business in Havana with the follower harpoon. They finally tasted the sweetness, and business can still give full play to the strengths of intelligent programs.

Havana is very far away from Daming, and the goods of both sides can be sold at high prices. Xiao Saner really made a lot of money from this vote.

In addition, the clones have basically investigated the situation of Laidao's family. Except for a few top secrets, other information cannot be hidden from them.

As the Laidao family is a powerful force, Li Huamei only hopes that the researcher can find out some of the information. That is not easy.

But Xiao Ming got almost all the information about the Laidao family. This is really a pleasant surprise.

In fact, it is no wonder that the researcher is just a small character with an adventure level of level 3 and a strategic level of level 1. Li Huamei can't expect too much.

To be precise, the system cannot require too much from a level 3 player.

But as Xiao Ming's own strength continues to improve, even his ordinary shadow clone can temporarily exert the combat power of the lower level of level 6.

The Seven Yao Shadow Clone can even burst out the combat power of level 7, and can usually maintain the level of the middle level of level 6.

If these guys go to be spies, which force can stop them? What's more, the Seven Yao Shadow Clone can borrow Xiao Ming's telepathic ability at any time.

There is no need for the NPC to tell the secret, just get closer and feel it and you will know. It is not surprising that the island family has been thoroughly investigated.

During this period, the strategic treasure [Carrier Pigeon] that Li Huamei gave to Xiao Ming was exhausted.

It takes several days for it to transmit information between Li Huamei and the researcher. Who let the researcher go to America!

During these days of going back and forth, the shadow clones obtained a lot of new information. As a result, the carrier pigeon rested for a while and then set off again.

When it came back again, there was a lot of new information here... It went back and forth endlessly.

Fortunately, this is a game, and the carrier pigeon is a treasure, otherwise it would have been exhausted.

Just the day before yesterday, after Li Huamei obtained a new piece of information, she assumed that this strategic mission had been completed.

The information obtained was far beyond the eldest sister's imagination, and the reward for this mission was still quite good.

At that time, it was Xiao Saner who operated the researcher. He also made the choice of the reward.

Xiao Ming was a little worried when he learned about this, and quickly looked through the system records of the researcher.

The purple master-level mission was perfectly completed. I won't talk about the gold coin rewards.

The strategic level of the researcher has been raised by 3 and a half levels, reaching level 15. The strategic experience reward can only be said to be average.

The real good thing is the choice of new professional talents at level 15, one of which is to upgrade diplomacy to intermediate level.

Xiao Saner chose this. Intermediate diplomacy: Increase the surrender probability of neutral troops by 200% and reduce the cost of surrender by 40%.

The professional talent of diplomacy is very powerful, and players can hardly get it randomly at ordinary times.

The researcher obtained this talent not by upgrading, but by his second brother Richard. It is equivalent to a special mission reward.

This time, it is also because of his hard work that the system gave the upgrade option of this talent.

In fact, in addition to upgrading diplomacy, you can also upgrade the sea tactics taught by Li Huamei. That talent is also quite awesome.

The primary sea tactics can increase the attack power, defense power, and durability of 5 warships by 25% each. It must be very powerful when it is upgraded to intermediate level.

If Xiao Ming were to choose, it would be hard to say whether he would choose sea tactics or diplomacy.

The intelligent program was not confused. Xiao Saner calculated and thought that diplomacy was more applicable, so he chose diplomacy. This was also appropriate.

In addition, although this was a task accepted on the strategic map, Xiao Ming actually completed the task in a single-person action.

So he actually did not lack experience in adventure. The adventure level was increased by more than 2 levels. It has now reached level 3, level 23.

That's not all. The strategic treasure of the researcher, the pigeon, has also been upgraded. It is probably because it is used too frequently in the task.

It often crosses half of the map, from America to Asia, and the pigeon will die if it continues. Now it has been upgraded to the advanced [Falcon]. The speed is more than 2 times faster.

It's still not over yet. The researcher also received a reward for the soldiers. This task is a reconnaissance task, so the reward is a reconnaissance type of soldier.

Normally, the reward should be a thief. But the researcher is very special. He got the second combat profession of Naruto.

Ninja troops also have relatively strong reconnaissance capabilities, so the reward for the researcher is the ninja troops.

At that time, the system gave three types of troops to choose from, the first-level Kunai Ninja, the first-level 10-level Saling Ninja, and the second-level Shuriken Ninja.

The lower the level, the more there will be. At that time, the researcher had no soldiers beside him except the follower Harpoon.

So Xiaosan chose up to 20 first-level Kunai Ninjas. They are temporarily in the barracks in Havana.

However, the special reconnaissance mission has ended, and the player can no longer wander around the strategic map as an individual.

This means that the researcher can only move around the city of Havana and can no longer go to other cities, or even leave Havana too far.

If you want to go further, you must lead a team to march. It is hard to say whether you can recruit soldiers in Havana as a researcher.

The role of the researcher faces a major choice. Stay where you are or return to the Li family's second fleet?

If you choose to stay in Havana, the researcher must rebuild the fleet, and the system will not directly teleport the player's fleet.

But if the player chooses to return to the fleet, the system can teleport the researcher back to the fleet.

Fortunately, fortunately! Xiao Saner felt the seriousness of the situation, so he did not make a choice. The system did not force him to do so. Anyway, the researcher could not go far, so it allowed the player to consider it.

Xiao Saner dragged this matter to Xiao Ming's login today. There is no doubt that Xiao Ming's choice was to stay in Havana.

His plan was to use the teleportation aperture to teleport his troops over. But he did not expect that the researcher had not left the inn yet, and an NPC came to the door.

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