Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1161 Needs to be improved

It has to be said that Tiya's rebellion against the colonists is not thorough enough, and she still has some nonsense fantasies about some people. Her consciousness needs to be improved.

Her deputy Liu Ke's way of dealing with it is to subtly influence Tiya, let her gradually see the true face of the colonists, and strengthen her determination to rise up and resist.

According to the original plot setting, Liu Ke's idea did succeed in the end, but before that, Tiya also paid a considerable price.

As a player of level 3 adventure and level 1 strategy, the researcher is actually impossible to change Tiya's mind.

After all, the other party is a protagonist NPC, how can he be easily changed by a low-level player.

The program arranged by the game creator for the player is to help Tiya become stronger as much as possible; at the same time, vigorously strengthen his right to speak in front of Tiya, that is, the favorability with Tiya.

I hope to help Tiya become independent earlier before Tiya and her boss Esconte become enemies. Even take the initiative to turn against the boss.

Of course, players can also do the opposite, join Esconte, and kill Tiya together.

In games, the system will always arrange plot lines for both sides. This is also the focus of players' competition.

If players want to change Tiya, it will not happen overnight. At most, it will be a little earlier than Liu Ke's original timeline.

First of all, players need to support Tiya with money and effort, or even join her, complete various tasks, and help her power grow rapidly.

As long as Tiya is strong enough, she will inevitably conflict with Esconte. Everything will come naturally. The first step is to buy other people's antiques.

Before, the researcher joined Li Huamei's army, which was actually following this process. It's just that Xiao Ming took a big step.

After all, he is not an ordinary player, and his strong strength can do many things that other players can't do.

Through telepathy, Xiao Ming learned the thoughts of Tiya, Liu Ke, and Sevi; through the "Far Island Strange People" series of books, Xiao Ming also roughly knew the current situation in America.

It's useless to know the details in more detail. Because this is a game, everything has been modified, and only the macro level is consistent with the history of the parallel world. The details are too different.

If you want to see the truth, the best way is to see other people's inner thoughts.

Xiao Ming uses his telepathic ability to pull in the mental power of Tiya and the other two, and sense the inner world of others with him.

The ability of parasites is actually a real ability. However, the difficulty is not high, and Xiao Ming can easily apply it in the game. He can also release more parasites than in reality.

These parasites quietly spread throughout the city. Xiao Ming uses parasites as a medium for his mental power, and can quietly explore the hearts of almost everyone in the city.

There are a large number of exploited lower-class natives in Havana, who can reflect how the locals are exploited and oppressed.

After all, Tiya has become a translator for one of the two giants of the American colonists, and is in a relationship with his confidant. Her life is quite good.

He has some understanding of the bottom of society, but he has no personal experience. Through telepathy, she can know how miserable the local natives are.

In addition, the countless officials, merchants, soldiers, pirates, and fellows among the colonists can reflect the mentality of most Europeans.

They did not regard the natives of America as human beings at all. In their eyes, only Europeans are human beings, and other races are just monkeys.

The game is set up like this, naturally referring to the arrogant mentality of most white people in the parallel world.

Not to mention Tia, even Xiao Ming felt the barbaric mentality of Europeans on Earth for the first time.

This is difficult for Xiao Ming to understand. Discrimination from low position, power, ability, money and other aspects is fine.

What is there to discriminate against in race. According to scientific research, the DNA gap between all human beings is so small.

Not to mention other races, even the DNA gap between humans and gorillas is not very large. Where does that kind of brain-dead superiority come from?

Of course, the Chinese countries also have this problem.

In the long history of China, the surrounding countries have always been regarded as barbarians, and there is also a discriminatory mentality.

It is even more serious in the modern times of Pangu Star. The Chinese countries occupy the highest ruling position of Pangu Star, and this sense of superiority almost breaks through the sky.

But what's interesting is that this kind of thought is not welcomed by the top leaders of the Chinese countries, and it is only circulated among the people.

Leaders of various countries, major families, and general public opinion do not support such views.

On the Earth in the parallel world, the mentality of racial discrimination occupies the minds of most leaders in European and American countries. This is the essential difference.

Xiao Ming thinks that the creation of several infinite gems has made great contributions to this difference.

In particular, the existence of the two "institutions" based on the reincarnation space based on the time gem and the underworld based on the soul gem has eliminated many problems in this regard.

Those who can get to the top of Pangu Star will not be unfamiliar with the reincarnation space and the underworld.

The reincarnation space makes it possible for an inconspicuous little person in society to be a reincarnation. Therefore, rich and powerful people dare not bully others at will.

You don't know whether that person is a reincarnation, or whether his friends and relatives are reincarnations.

Moreover, the strength of reincarnations is not only unfathomable, but also ever-changing. Even if you are very strong, others may have some countermeasures.

Some people may ask, can't we tell if the other person has a reincarnation ring? What's so difficult about that? !

In fact, the reincarnators must know each other's identities before they can see each other's reincarnation rings.

Because Zhang Xiaoming is a VIP, he has an inconspicuous privilege, which is that he can see almost anyone's reincarnation ring. The general hidden permissions are invalid for him.

Therefore, Xiaoming can roughly tell whether a person is a reincarnation, almost right. But most players don't have such high permissions.

Exploring other people's rings and hiding one's own rings, these two permissions are like the relationship between cats and mice, competing with each other and making progress together.

It is really difficult to determine whether an ordinary person is a reincarnation. Not to mention that he may have relatives and friends that you can't detect.

Therefore, the so-called dandies on Pangu Star dare not be too arrogant. They are also afraid that they will accidentally hit the steel plate and get their heads broken and bleeding.

The underworld is even more powerful. No matter how awesome a person is when he is alive, he will go to the underworld to accept the judgment of the King of Hell when he dies.

No matter how you think about it, the underworld will not tolerate racial discrimination. What should the higher-ups do and what will they do? Is there any need to say it?

This may be regarded as superstition at the lower level, but at the upper level, no one does not know about the underworld. Most people have to be careful in life.

Of course, even so, it cannot stop some people from taking chances; or some people do not care about the harsh punishment after death, and just want to live a comfortable life in this life. The underworld cannot stop such people.

Fortunately, there are not many such people, and the underworld has finally maintained the stability and fairness of the overall situation of Pangu Star.

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