Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1155 Speaks

After the Marines took over the colony's computer system, they immediately began searching for anyone other than the little girl Rebecca Newt Jordan.

Every resident here has been surgically implanted with a device called "PDTS", which stands for Personal Data Transducer.

As long as they are within 20 kilometers of the colony, they can be searched by the computer system.

The member of the Marine Corps who is most familiar with computer operations is called William Hudson. He is a plot character, not a player.

He logged into the base's computer system and after a dazzling operation, he quickly discovered the location of other residents.

Near the freezer of the nuclear reactor, that is where the alien nest that Xiao Ming saw was located.

Some plot characters thought they were holding a conference there. This is a bit retarded.

Even if there is a conference, certain important positions cannot be left unattended. This is common sense, I don’t know why a few executives didn’t think of it.

Commander William Gorman immediately ordered Captain Al Apon to assemble the team and prepare to set off.

At this moment, the heroine Ripley hugged the little girl Newt, rushed to several people, and shouted: "Wait a minute, you have to listen to this."

Behind them, there were several players, including Xiao Ming.

The situation is this. Newt was too young and was severely frightened, and his mind was always in a state of self-protection.

So much so that he doesn't want to recall the terrible things that happened at the base. Even though he was rescued by everyone, he has not said a word so far.

Only with Ripley's tenderness did he say his name. So several executives were left without much-needed intelligence.

In the original book, they didn't know that the residents were hopeless. When they saw people gathering there, they immediately sent the Marines to rescue them.

The action was too hasty and not fully prepared. As a result, most of the team members died in the alien lair.

If Newt could tell them the details of the alien attack on the base, they would be able to make a more correct judgment on the entire situation. Develop a more reasonable battle plan.

In this life, Xiao Ming felt sorry for this little girl and used the spell "Bing Xin Jue" on her. It helped her quickly calm down and regain her consciousness.

After his mind cleared up, Newt immediately realized that these soldiers could not be allowed to take risks with a blind eye, as that would be seeking death.

She told Ripley, who had been taking care of her, about the danger. Ripley understood the seriousness of the matter and quickly took Newt to find several executives.

Told from Newt's perspective, several managers, as well as some key personnel in the Marine Corps, gradually learn what is happening in the colony.

It turns out that since Newt's father was parasitized by an alien and returned to the colony. Colonial doctors began first aid.

However, it is actually inconvenient to rescue humans who are parasitized by aliens. Surgical removal of the xenomorph will also result in death of the host.

However, after the parasitism is completed, the shell of the alien larvae will automatically fall off. The parasitized person will also wake up.

Live like a normal person for 1-2 days, and then the immature body of the alien warrior will rush out of the person's chest. People die naturally.

Because the doctors at the base didn't understand the situation. I watched this incident take place completely. The immature body that broke out of the body ran away.

The immature body is too small, about the size of a mouse, and does not look dangerous. So no one took it seriously. I just think this monster is worth studying.

So Newt's mother was forced to lead the way, and another expedition team was sent to the engineer's spacecraft.

This time, several alien larvae were brought back, some of which parasitized the expedition team members, and some of which were captured alive.

These are the samples that everyone sees in the laboratory when they come in.

It's just that they completely underestimated the power of the escaped immature alien body.

In just a few days, people continued to disappear, and were abducted by the grown-up alien warriors to reproduce as parasites.

By the time too many people disappeared, causing panic in the colonies, the situation was completely out of control.

The number of aliens reached dozens, and an alien queen appeared.

Although the colonies tried their best to resist, they were still overwhelmed by the alien army. All residents were either killed and used as food rations, or captured and used as hosts.

Only Newt reacted quickly and hid early, and was able to escape. Her mother and brother did not survive.

After listening to the little girl's story, several executives and the Marines were stunned and looked at each other.

Even some players were dumbfounded. Among them, the three newcomers, the third master, the middle school boy, and Ruan Mengmeng are the most serious.

Gorman said solemnly: "If what she said is true, then we must consider the possibility that all residents have been parasitized."

Carter Burke, the head of the company, also nodded in agreement: "Yes, Gorman is right. Based on the population of the colony, there are at least hundreds of aliens, maybe more. Can the weapons and ammunition of the Marines handle it?"

Al Apon held a cigar in his mouth, frowned and thought for a while, and said: "For normal battles, it should be enough. However, Ripley also said that these aliens are latent creatures, and their body fluids can also melt Metal, that is to say, they can attack from any direction... We still have too few manpower."

At this time, the heroine Ripley saw the location of the alien lair on the computer screen.

Immediately pointed out that the place was too close to the nuclear reactor, and the weapons and equipment of the Marines were a bit too powerful.

Their firepower might damage the freezing system and cause the nuclear reactor to explode. Then everyone would die.

But if they chose weapons with lower lethality, it would probably be even more inadequate to deal with hundreds of aliens.

The heroine was the most straightforward. She immediately suggested that since the colony was already hopeless, we should just evacuate collectively.

Then use the ship's guns from high altitude to blow up the base, and then trigger the explosion of the nuclear reactor, killing all the aliens, and it would be a complete end.

Her proposal was very suitable for the appetite of the group of belligerent Marines, and it received several votes in favor. This was so cool.

"Wait a minute," Burke interrupted quickly, "Let's think calmly and see if there are other ways...." Then he said a lot of things.

His meaning was very simple. This base was very valuable. If it was not necessary, it would be better not to give it up. It would be a shame to waste it.

Although he wanted to bring the living alien back, he didn't dare to say that in front of these people. Instead, he mentioned the alien spaceship.

A high-tech alien spaceship will be of great help to human civilization. Once a nuclear explosion is triggered at the base.

Then for a long time, humans will not be able to set foot in this area. It will be impossible to study the spaceship.

There must be technological means in that spaceship that can deal with the aliens? Don't we need it? His words also caused everyone to think.

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