Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1154 The system's powerless resistance

These alien eggs are really useless, and they can only provide Xiao Ming with some nutrition. The spaceship is the real treasure.

Xiao Ming covets the engineer's spaceship, and the system will certainly not agree! But how to stop it?

According to the plot, this spaceship really has no guarding power. However, the spaceship can still control a large number of alien eggs, which means that part of the system is still in operation.

So it can't be scrapped and let the players get nothing. So a large group of aliens were brushed out by the system from some unknown corners.

There are hundreds of alien warriors, and even guards, which are more than the total number of aliens in the colony nest.

They are overwhelming like wolves, rushing towards Xiao Ming's clones and mind beasts.

Unfortunately, this is just a group of 3-4 level, but D-level aliens. What role can they play in the face of Xiao Ming's A-level or B-level clones? !

The strength gap is too big. It can't be made up by quantity at all.

Several Seven Stars Shadow Clones used the move of [Double-Handed Machine Gun] one after another, and countless bullets flew, beating the aliens to pieces.

Ordinary shadow clones used various ninjutsu, and the most suitable ninjutsu in this spaceship was Lightning Release·Pseudo Darkness.

Sharp lightning spears were released from the clones' mouths, sweeping with lightning from near to far.

The metal hull of the spaceship can also conduct electricity, so the power of Lightning Release can extend to a long distance. A large number of aliens were electrocuted to charcoal from a distance before they saw the enemy.

Of course, there were also some low-level mind beasts that were accidentally bitten to death by aliens. But it just consumed a little of Xiao Ming's mind power, which was not a big deal.

Those aliens who bit the mind beasts felt very strange: What the hell is this? It looks like a human, and I bit it, but how come it disappeared in the blink of an eye?

(lll¬ω¬)Alas... it is really difficult for the aliens in the technological world to understand the supernatural energy of telekinesis.

More than an hour later, Xiao Ming's clone army killed all the waves of aliens that were spawned by the system without any suspense.

After that, Xiao Ming released Xiao Hei and ate all the alien corpses and the alien eggs in stock.

The system clearly gave Xiao Ming a big gift. The green Xiao Ming in the private world can give birth to hundreds of insect humans again.

After dealing with the aliens in the spaceship, Xiao Ming's clones poked around in the east and bumped around in the west, trying to start the spaceship.

Unfortunately, the design concept and layout style of the engineer's spaceship are too different from those of humans. Many places were broken by Xiao Ming.

After a long while, Xiao Ming finally opened a place like a weapons warehouse. The weapons inside were very familiar to Xiao Ming.

Isn't this the weapon of the Iron Blood Warrior? ! Probably some of the weapons seized by the Engineers from the Predator. They just happened to be placed here.

The system has no way to do this. Because in several related movies, the Engineers never picked up weapons, and there is no relevant information.

It just so happens that the Predator and the Engineers belong to the same universe. Simply let the Engineers seize a large number of Predator weapons.

Players can naturally obtain these weapons by destroying a large number of aliens and meeting the conditions. Of course, there will be other rewards, which will be settled after the secret realm ends.

Xiao Ming couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook his head. It's good to have a lot of these weapons yourself?

Remember? Xiao Ming once got a destroyer of the Predator in the secret realm of "Alien vs. Predator 1", and it was a common item.

There are naturally many weapons and equipment of the Predator on the destroyer. What we get now is just to increase the inventory and add icing on the cake.

However, it's better to have it than not. Xiao Ming's clone summoned the destroyer and moved all the weapons here. Then continue to search for the spaceship, hoping to find some good things.

At this time, Xiao Ming was a little annoyed. In fact, the repair magic in the world of "Harry Potter" can be used to repair the spaceship.

But the problem is that in the real world, Xiao Ming has several wands. But in the game, he did not get a universal wand. He could not use the repair magic in this secret realm.

Forget it, he remembered this lesson, and the first thing he did after leaving the secret realm of "Alien 2" was to spend a lot of money to buy a universal wand.

These are all later. Let's take a look at the main storyline at the same time.

After careful investigation, the Marines confirmed that the colony was still safe, and the small spaceship landed.

Leaving enough forces to guard the spaceship, the others were divided into two groups and began to search for the situation inside the colony.

Brother Wen volunteered to stay on the small spaceship. In the other two groups, Xiao Ming and Pons joined the group of the heroine Ripley; Sanye and his apprentice joined the other group.

Xiao Ming knew the location of the surviving little girl, and deliberately took his group to "encounter" her.

The girl's name is Rebecca Newt Jordan, and she doesn't like to talk much. Probably because she was seriously frightened.

In fact, the first resident in the colony to be parasitized by the alien embryo was her father.

For some unknown reason, her family drove so far away from the base and happened to find the engineer's spaceship.

Her parents entered the spaceship to explore, but her father was parasitized, so they fled back to the base in a panic.

As a result, they also brought the alien back to the colony, and then the entire colony was razed by the alien. Only she was left barely alive.

Of course, this matter cannot be blamed on her family. After all, humans have established a colony on the planet LV-426.

It was only a matter of time before the spaceship was discovered by humans.

Since humans had no idea about the alien creatures, the defensive measures taken were not cautious enough, and the destruction of the base was inevitable.

Unless the top management of Weyland believed her words when Ripley was just rescued and recalled the colony personnel, this tragedy could not be avoided.

It is just a company that values ​​money more than anything else. It is impossible to easily give up a running alien colony for the sake of one person.

And if they really believed it, the biggest possibility would not be to retreat, but to notify the colony to take the initiative to find the spaceship.

And invest more manpower and material resources to carry out large-scale research. Then the scale of this tragedy may be expanded dozens or even hundreds of times.

The colony was out of contact for a short time, and there were still many facilities that could be used normally. The Marines quickly took over the control system of the colony.

In a place that looked like a laboratory, some spider-shaped alien larvae were also seen being studied. Most of them are dead, but 2 are still alive.

It seems that after Newt's father brought the alien back, the scientists in the colony still started researching it.

They even killed the humans who were parasitized in order to remove the alien. What a group of crazy scientists.

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