Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1156 Takeoff

The first thing the team did was to build a defense circle around the small spaceship.

There were more than three soldiers guarding each direction. Various reconnaissance methods were also used, in case the aliens came to attack quietly.

In each group of soldiers, there would always be one or two players to ensure the safety of the defense circle.

As for the computer system that controls the base, it can be connected to the small spaceship to run. Although it may be a little slower, it can be escaped at any time. In this way, everyone can feel at ease.

The alien's nest still needs to be scouted. However, since it is already known that there are monsters over there, living people cannot be sent to scout.

The Marines sent out several remote-controlled small crawler reconnaissance robots. They even have the ability to climb stairs, so there is no need to worry about not being able to reach the destination.

The original purpose of this robot is to replace humans to detect dangerous places. Finally, it can be put to good use.

In addition, there are a lot of research materials on aliens in the base, as well as several specimens and two living alien larvae. Carter Burke, the head of the company, plans to take them away quietly.

These originally belonged to the assets of Weyland Company. At this time, even if Ripley objects, Burke cannot stop his behavior.

What's more, Burke deliberately did this without Ripley's knowledge. Xiao Ming also "helped a little" in the middle.

Those two living bodies are actually very difficult to take away. The spacecraft needs to fly in space for a long time, and the crew members have to sleep, which does not have the conditions to maintain the alien larvae.

Burke had a crooked idea in his mind, wanting to design a team member to be parasitized by the alien, and then freeze the team member to sleep. In this way, the living alien can be brought back to Earth.

Of course, the marine who was parasitized must have survived. Burke's heart is really black.

So Xiao Ming secretly used the freezing technique to freeze the two living alien larvae.

When Burke saw the two big ice lumps, he didn't know whether to be happy or angry. Helplessly, he could only take them back like this.

Now it is definitely impossible to parasitize. I hope that after returning to Earth, the two larvae can survive.

There is no doubt that Burke's hope is doomed to fail. When Xiao Ming was freezing the alien, he did something. The two young ones definitely won't survive until then.

Xiao Ming continued to observe Burke with mind reading. This guy was still thinking about all kinds of crooked thoughts, but not as strongly as before.

At least in his opinion, the two ice lumps could still be counted on. The desire to take risks was reduced a lot.

Xiao Ming was thinking, if only he could kill Burke directly. Unfortunately, doing so would definitely cause panic among the characters in the plot, and the consequences would be unpredictable.

Let's find an opportunity later. Now Xiao Ming can only suppress his bad intentions, and the mission will be completed.

Hudson and several other marines remotely controlled the reconnaissance robot and went deeper into the alien's nest little by little.

Several supervisors, the heroine, several marines and players all gathered around them to watch.

The alien's nest is very well-made. As long as the alien curls up and sticks to the wall of the nest, it is almost invisible. It is difficult for ordinary people to tell them apart.

Xiao Ming knew which one was the alien, but he didn't say it first. He estimated that if he pointed out the alien in front of the plot characters, he should be able to get extra points from the system and get more rewards.

Xiao Ming would not compete with others for such a small reward. Unless no one could see it, he would point it out when he had no choice.

Xiao Ming really didn't need to say anything about the facts. The quality of professional players is amazing.

Although San Ye didn't have the ability to detect like Xiao Ming, he had very keen observation.

After missing 1 or 2 hidden aliens, he was the first to identify an alien lying on the ceiling.

The reason was that the thing moved a little. Everyone watched the video again and it was true. The players looked at him with new eyes.

And those plot characters secretly wiped their cold sweat. Fortunately, this team member had good eyesight. If he went in, he would definitely not be able to distinguish it.

Once the alien attacked from the top of his head, he would be dead. This team member simply saved everyone's life.

Next, the others also found the trick and discovered a large number of adult aliens hidden.

I even watched a bloody scene where an alien burst out of a living person's chest. That lady was so miserable that some team members even vomited.

During the robots' peripheral reconnaissance, the aliens did not react to them. The aliens have seen too many such machine-like things in the colony.

At the beginning, some aliens would take a bite to taste it, but now they are no longer surprised.

Everyone knows that this thing is hard and unpalatable, so no alien pays attention to it. However, occasionally some bored aliens launch attacks, and the number of robots decreases one by one.

The last reconnaissance robot moved all the way inside. Just when this robot was about to reach a certain place, the picture suddenly disappeared.

As expected, it should have been destroyed intentionally or unintentionally by an alien.

At the reminder of the players, everyone carefully reviewed the video sent back by the robot. In the last few frames, a clue was seen.

In the area of ​​the left third of the screen, there were many densely arranged alien eggs, and there seemed to be a huge figure.

However, the picture was too blurry to make out the huge figure, whether it was an alien or the outline of a building.

Be lenient with the enemy, the human side will assume that it is a large alien.

Xiao Ming knows that everyone is right, that figure is the alien queen. Usually the queen does not move around, she is responsible for laying eggs.

Once she encounters a terrible enemy, the queen can also throw away the fallopian tube and stand up to fight the enemy. The strength is far superior to the alien warriors.

The reconnaissance robot came to the door of the queen's "bedroom".

On the periphery of the nest, the aliens may not care about such a harmless machine, but for the queen, the aliens will never be careless.

The alien guards responsible for guarding the queen destroyed the reconnaissance robot.

Seeing the huge number of aliens and the huge figure, the characters in the plot have completely lost their temper.

If they can beat them, it would be a hell! Especially when the terrain of the alien nest is so complicated.

"Let's go quickly. Those monsters usually come out at dark. Most of the time it's like that..."

At this time, it was the little girl Newt who put forward a constructive suggestion. Now the sky is gradually getting dark.

If the aliens come out, we may not see the sun tomorrow morning. Let's pack up and run.

"Go go go!" Captain Al Apon urged repeatedly.

Seeing the last soldier quickly board the spaceship, he immediately shouted into the cabin: "Take off, quick, quick!"

With a roar, the small spaceship took off...

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