Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1070: Temple of the Ascetic

Two fleets were parked at sea, one of which was parked under the sea. This had a very bad effect, that is, the divers could not go to the adventure map to do things.

Normally, when the player reaches the point where he can go to sea, he can already build a simple transmission device on the ship. It does not delay the player from running back and forth between the adventure map and the strategic map.

But Xiao Ming's game progress was too fast. As a result, there was no such device on the diver's ship, and he could only pass the time by practicing skills.

Of course, practicing skill proficiency must be done by the intelligent program. Xiao Ming switched to the explorer himself.

It was found that Xiaoer was operating the explorer and was concentrating on reading in the inn. These books were borrowed by Qu Wen from the Song Dynasty Library.

The books in the Tokyo Bianliang Library are very effective in increasing scholar experience. If a player wants to get to the point where he can borrow books, he must be at least level 4.

Compared with these books, the books that players borrowed from teachers in private schools in other cities are much less effective.

It is a rare opportunity to increase the experience of life profession [scholars]. Xiao Ming will certainly not destroy it, but will only carry it forward.

It just so happens that Qu Wen can borrow 3 books at a time, and it's too slow to read alone.

Xiao Ming summoned three Seven Star Shadow clones to replace the explorer in reading in the inn. He took Fan Rui out to visit Dongjing City again.

Such a big city has countless opportunities waiting for players, but Xiao Ming mainly wants to find out if there are other characters controlled by clones.

Maybe it's because he went to the wrong place, Xiao Ming has not been able to find it. However, there are many ancient monuments in Dongjing City, and there are also many antiques that are old. It's suitable for practicing archaeology.

Of course, the explorer has been in this city for more than a month. Among them, those famous and easier to access, Xiao Er has already used archaeology on them.

Xiao Ming walked the streets this time and went to some remote places on purpose. The focus is still to stimulate some tasks. Practicing archaeology is just a side job.

Not surprisingly, during this period, the explorer encountered a lot of time-consuming and laborious small tasks such as finding cats and catching dogs.

Originally, Xiao Ming was most willing to do such fragmented tasks. Sending a shadow clone can do it, and the experience is good.

But now in Tokyo, due to the special identity of the explorer, some places cannot be entered, so this kind of task is really not suitable.

The task will not take care of the special situation of the player. If a step of the task is stuck in a place where the explorer cannot enter, it will be completely over.

After a while, Xiao Ming finally encountered a decent task at noon on the next day, September 8.

It is also a task for the explorer to be promoted to the third-level adventure profession.

The branch of the ascetic monks mainly develops in the northwest of the Song Dynasty.

Although they have a certain voice in the central court, the strength of the ascetic monks in Tokyo Bianliang is not strong.

They only have a very small primary temple of light, which is completely owned by the ascetic monks. The location is very remote and very difficult to find.

Before, the explorers under the control of Xiao Erer did things regularly and purposefully, so they never encountered it.

These two days, Xiao Ming was operating the explorer to walk around randomly, and he encountered it by chance.

This is actually a good thing for the explorers.

In theory, the Ascetic Monk’s power in Bianliang is not strong enough, so they should set up their own small office at the headquarters of the professional union.

Just like some merchants who can’t afford to open independent stores and rent a counter in a large shopping mall.

Anyway, they can work normally, and most military professions do this.

If the Ascetic Monk does the same, it will be a big trouble. The professional union in Tokyo City, the explorer, a Liangshan bandit, cannot enter.

But if it is the Ascetic Monk’s own territory, the explorer will have no problem entering.

Although on the surface, the Ascetic Monk is an official organization and Liangshan is a rebel, the two sides should be irreconcilable.

But in fact, the relationship between Shuibo Liangshan and the Ascetic Monk is quite good. Both are forces that speak for the poor.

The truth about the explorer going to Liangshan is that Liangshan spent a lot of money to buy it from the Ascetic Monk. It is equivalent to talent export.

Therefore, the explorer and the Ascetic Monk’s power still maintain a good relationship, and there is no problem entering the Ascetic Monk’s own temple.

The land of Tokyo is very expensive, and the ascetic monks themselves are not a very wealthy force, so this temple can only be opened in a relatively remote place.

However, the mountain is not high, but it is famous if there are immortals; the water is not deep, but it is magical if there are dragons.

After all, this is the temple of the capital, and the person who presides over all affairs here is a 5th-level ascetic monk high priest.

And he has something to do with the explorer. His name is Huo Yingxiong.

His strength is much stronger than Huo Yingying and Huo Yingda, whom the explorer knew before.

That's right, this guy is also from the Huo family, but he should not belong to the system of the Huo Chamber of Commerce.

As one of the top masters of the Huo family Ying generation, and at the same time a middle and high-level cadre of the ascetic monks, he has certainly heard of the existence of the explorer.

He knows that the explorer has made two great contributions to the ascetic monks.

First, the universal weapon crossbow made by the explorer has opened up a very bright future for low-level ascetic monks.

Over the past few months, many 0-1 level ascetics have been trained into standard long-range ascetic soldiers - crossbow ascetics - due to their long-term use of common weapons.

After that, they no longer need to use universal weapons, because the standard equipment of the monks, the rattan stick, can be directly transformed into a strong crossbow.

The replaced universal strong crossbows are naturally given to newcomers for training.

This matter is so important that even if the explorers go to Liangshan, they still have to deliver universal strong crossbows to the monks' top leaders every week.

Before, Xiao Ming did not log in to the main game character for a month. This matter was not delayed.

Because Xiao Ming has sufficient source energy, he will make some universal strong crossbows and put them in the warehouse when he has nothing to do.

According to the previous agreement with the monks' top leaders, the goods Xiao Ming has in stock are enough to support another month or two.

It is true that people who do not think about the future will have immediate worries. If this preparation had not been made at the beginning, the agreement with the monks would have been delayed, and there would still be some losses.

The loss of money is not important, the important thing is that the monks' top leaders will lower their evaluation of the explorers.

If the favorability is reduced, especially the favorability of Master Guo Jinsong, it will be a big loss.

Therefore, Xiao Ming is still preparing for a rainy day. When you have time, make a few general crossbows and store them. Not only the strong crossbow, but also other puppets and so on.

As for the second great contribution made by the explorer for the ascetic monk, it is the "army biological controller".

However, this thing is difficult to crack and is still in the stage of development and research. It has not yet seen any actual effect.

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