Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1069 Stopping the Ship Halfway

This is a wild monster army composed of more than a hundred sharks, most of which are level 2 sharks. There are a few level 1 cubs and level 3 elites.

They used to cruise around here, waiting to eat the sailors in distress.

Not long ago, the leader of this team of wild monsters was promoted from level 3 to level 4, and "changed his job" to a [Saw Shark].

The magic world is so unreasonable that even a level upgrade can change the species.

As a shark with a saw on the front of its head, this leader learned the skill of sawing through the bottom of the ship, so it began to actively attack passing ships.

It launched attacks secretly from below the water surface, and sailors often had to wait until the ship began to sink before they could really find it.

However, it was too late. The ship was leaking badly, and the sharks had already rushed in for close combat.

Relying on this advantage, this team of shark wild monsters could eat as much as they wanted every meal, and each shark became very strong.

As the group became stronger, more sharks joined in, and the group began to expand like a snowball.

If they hadn't encountered the divers, it would be hard to imagine what they would become in the future.

The sharks were attracted by the four medium-sized ships led by Old Shoelace on the surface of the water. They didn't realize that the ships were carrying undead.

If they knew, they probably wouldn't have the intention to attack. There was no meat to eat after a bunch of skeletons and ghosts fell into the water.

The bones of skeletons are not the bones of ordinary creatures. They are infected with the breath of death and most creatures can't eat them. The same is true for sharks.

It's just that this group of sharks has been arrogant for a long time. They used to win every battle, so they were too lazy to investigate. They just came up and wanted to fight directly.

Unexpectedly, before they hit the fleet on the surface of the water, they were attacked from the belly from the bottom of the sea.

First, the divers launched a ninjutsu attack from the bottom of the sea. Xiao Ming didn't know that the shark boss was going to slowly saw the bottom of the ship open.

He thought they were going to rely on collective collision to overturn the surface ship, so Xiao Ming hurriedly launched a very strong ninjutsu.

[Water Style: Thousand Sharks]: Instantly summon 1,000 sharks to attack the enemy. The sea suddenly became a chaotic battle of sharks, biting each other madly.

This ninjutsu has an attack power of B level or even A level, but because the power is dispersed among 1,000 sharks, each shark is actually only about level 2.

It is comparable to the level of this team of wild monsters, but the number is several times that of the opponent.

With this ninjutsu alone, Xiao Ming can actually wipe out this group of sharks.

Hundreds of sharks, biting each other on the water surface. In an instant, the sea was dyed red with blood.

If it weren't for this battle mode, Xiao Ming would doubt whether the sharks could really tell who was the enemy fish and who was their own fish?

But since the war has already started, it's no fun to let the sea soldiers under his command just sit there and watch the fun.

So the diver waved his hand, and more than 200 octopus slingers threw more than 1,600 stones in their hands at the enemy at the same time. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

This was a regular battle, with concentrated attack damage, and more than half of the sharks were cleared in one round.

Many of them had been injured by the "Thousand-eating Shark" and were in a state of residual health. That's why the casualties were so heavy.

Then, in less than 3 minutes, the remaining enemy sharks were completely wiped out. The battle was over.

The end time was actually longer, because the sharks summoned by the Thousand-eating Shark were all real sharks. Now there are so many corpses in the sea, of course they have to eat their fill before leaving.

Even though the sea water was dyed red by the blood of the sharks, the undead sailors on the old shoelace ship still didn't take it seriously.

They didn't know that a battle had just taken place under the water. This is the characteristic of the undead, they are relatively numb.

Several generals headed by the old shoelace learned the information through the spiritual connection with the diver. But there was no reaction. Xiao Ming said a little depressed.

The diver gained some strategic experience, but it was not enough to be promoted to the strategic level. Instead, he got a very interesting thing-[Shark Seedling].

Shark fry is not a pet, nor a type of soldier, but a special product.

It can only be used in a relatively prosperous coastal city. After use, the city can raise sharks and produce some special products.

Anyway, this is how the system is introduced. Xiao Ming didn't quite understand it. He will know when he tries it in a city in the future.

Along the way, the two fleets cooperated to eliminate several waves of small monsters and upgraded to level 1, but they exhausted their mobility, so the fleet had to stop on the sea.

Xiao Ming then realized that the strategic level of the diver was only level 1, level 6. The original upper limit of mobility was only 320 points, which was not enough to get here.

After all, every battle, every time you pick up something, and every time you pull out an undead sailor from the sea, you have to consume mobility.

Xiao Ming is a character who accepts everything, even if it is a few hundred gold coins or a few units of wood, you have to pick it up. He doesn't look like he has a rich fortune at all.

The reason why he can persist so far is entirely because the diver has a level 9 primary naval admiral skin. After fighting so many battles, it has been upgraded to level 9.

Skin attributes: Naval strategic attack +9; Naval strategic defense +9; Sea action +90%; Command +900.

Among them, the 90% action bonus is almost doubled. Therefore, the diver can do so many things at once.

But even so, the action is used up. I have to wait for it to recover slowly.

The current strategic attributes of the diver are: attack 2, defense 3, strength 3, knowledge 7.

Don’t look at the diver’s high knowledge. He doesn’t even know a single strategic magic now.

Manila is a new city built from wasteland after all. It is not qualified to build a magic tower.

Even so, Xiao Ming still piled all the free attribute points obtained from the upgrade on knowledge.

The attribute of strategic knowledge determines how much strategic mana the player character has, and also determines how many times the player can use strategic magic. .

There is no strategic magic now, but it does not mean there will be no strategic magic in the future. Just stack up the knowledge attribute first.

The diver’s personal command power has risen to 540 points, plus the admiral skin, it is 1440 points.

There are not so many soldiers under his command. It can’t even fill the fraction.

As mentioned before, when the diver is upgraded to level 1, the racial talent is improved.

Probably because the diver completed the high-end task of building Manila. The three-choice option given by the system is good, and Xiao Sier upgraded the blacksmith talent to the intermediate level.

Divers now have 3 basic professional talents: At level 5 of 0, they learned basic navigation. This was chosen by the Diver himself.

The two later ones were chosen by the intelligent program Xiao Sier. At level 10 of 0, they chose basic archery; at level 5 of 1, they chose basic reconnaissance.

Archery is a good talent that can increase the damage of the ranged soldiers under the hero. It can also be effective for musketeers.

However, it is Old Shoelace and his team that are leading the musketeers now, not the Diver himself, so it has no effect. The ones affected are the octopus slingers in the Diver's army.

Old Shoelace and his team's strategic talents are much stronger than the Diver's. It's just that they lack the bonus of the admiral skin.

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