Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1068 Embarking on a New Route

Strategic map, on the sea of ​​Southeast Asia, Xiao Ming discovered a useful use of the Sand Ninja Puppet.

They can pick up things on behalf of players. There are a lot of resources to pick up on this sea that has not been developed by players.

Theoretically, every week, some scattered resources, treasure chests, wild monsters, tasks, etc. will be added on the sea and land.

On land, there are always players picking up. It can't be accumulated.

As the scale of players grows, there are more and more heroes picking up resources. The chance of picking up good things is less.

And not only players, but also some free NPCs have the ability and freedom to pick up resources and fight wild monsters.

For example, protagonist NPCs like Li Huamei and Sarutobi Sasuke, as well as NPCs belonging to players like Han Dong, and some newcomers cultivated by various NPC forces.

They will not leave all the benefits to players, and these NPCs will also compete with players in the future.

But it's different on the sea.

Even though the server has been open for three months, players have just begun to be able to sail along the coastline, but they can't sail on the ocean.

So there are still many resources on the sea, waiting for someone to come. Especially on the undeveloped routes.

The diver departed from Manila and headed for "Jiading" in the southeast of the Indochina Peninsula.

On Pangu Star, this place was named "New Jiading". This area is the territory of the New Song Kingdom.

A long time ago, Xiao Ming was very curious:

Song Kingdom was just a small country in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. How could it occupy such a large territory in Southeast Asia?

In other words, why did the Chinese country, which occupied such a vast territory, use "Song" as its country name.

Later, I came into contact with "Far Island Strange People" and found out the reason. The New Song Kingdom does not correspond to the small country in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, but to the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties.

Although the two Song Dynasties were bullied by the grassland peoples, they were still quite brilliant civilizations. It is not surprising to pay tribute to them.

Zhao Ang, Zhao Yongnian and others that Xiao Ming met in the world of "Guardians of the Galaxy" are members of the royal family of the New Song Kingdom.

Back to the diver, since Manila is a newly built city. The route from Manila to Giating is of course a brand new route.

Therefore, the resources and wealth accumulated on this route over the years are considerable.

Although Xiao Ming can pick up these resources by sending shadow clones. However, there is one advantage of sending sand ninja puppets, which is super chakra saving.

Only a thin chakra line is needed to connect, and you can run far away to pick up things. It consumes many times less chakra than sending shadow clones.

Of course, with Xiao Ming's current financial resources, these resources and gold coins are just icing on the cake. However, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

What's more, Xiao Ming just gave out 1 million gold coins, and now the money for each character to purchase goods is actually a little tight. Xiao Ming is more enthusiastic about picking up things.

The divers are two fleets sailing together, and the first guard of the temple of the divers is sneaking under the sea. The sailors are a mixture of sea people and undead sea people.

Above the sea, there are four medium-sized warships led by Old Shoelace, and his subordinates are all undead. Hundreds of them are equipped with muzzle-loading matchlock guns.

These matchlock guns were made by Xiao Sier when he was free while operating the diver.

But the guns he made could not be equipped to the army. There were no musketeers in the army.

After Xiao Ming logged into the diver, he used the source energy to upgrade these matchlock guns to general equipment. They were distributed to the undead sailors in the old shoelace fleet.

The diver's troops really couldn't use muskets underwater.

Before, in Manila City, Xiao Sier had accumulated a lot of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, but Xiao Ming didn't bring any of them.

They didn't match his own troops, and it was better to keep them to guard Manila.

The diver also recruited a sea hero in the Manila tavern - Du Lei Sean, a 1st level 0 fishman. Unfortunately, he was just a blank hero.

Xiao Ming thought that he was probably the first player to build a sea city on the sea, so there should be some benefits.

For example, rewarding a blue hero or something. In the end, he was given a blank hero. There is no way, there are too few sea heroes, and they must be recruited.

The area around Manila is actually a large archipelago, and there are also several island maps.

Xiao Ming once scanned it, and it was about level 3-5 maps. Resources, wild monsters, and everything are very rich.

But there is no powerful NPC city in the map. At most, there are some arms nests.

This place was originally prepared for players to expand their territory and colonize Southeast Asia in the future. Therefore, there is no powerful system force.

If Xiao Ming does not go to Europe, he can have a good future if he develops steadily here. But Xiao Ming thinks it is necessary to travel around the world first.

Of course, it is difficult to develop Manila. The subordinates of the diver are mainly sea people. When they go to land, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

When Xiao Sier was operating the diver, he was always fighting monsters in the nearby sea and did not dare to go to the land.

Although there is no power of any race here, the wild monsters are not weak. It is more dangerous to fight on the shore. So he has never touched anything on land.

Xiao Ming will go to fight in person, of course there is no problem. It's just that he doesn't want to waste time.

Anyway, these monsters and resources won't be lost if they are left here, and they will even increase slowly over time. It won't be too late to come back and deal with them later.

To Xiao Ming's surprise, Xiao Ming picked up the most undead sailors on this new route from Manila to Giardin.

There is no strong government in this area. As a result, pirates are rampant and fighting is relatively frequent. Many sailors have died at sea over the years.

Over time, some of them became undead. Most of them are skeleton soldiers and ghosts. They float on the sea all year round. Similar to wild monsters.

If people of other races come, these undead may choose to start a war. However, they are still very friendly when they meet the diver.

Although the diver is a sea hero, most of his subordinates are undead, and they have the racial talent of [Primary Undead Sea Clan]. They can get a certain degree of recognition.

When the diver's tentacles, that is, those 0-1 level sand ninja puppets, touched them, they all chose to join.

The 0-1 level sand ninja puppets are made of wood and are very light. They will not sink underwater. And the puppets controlled by Xiao Ming can also use chakra.

Naruto walked on the water or climbed a tree, these were basic operations. Very simple.

Just from Manila to Giardin, the diver obtained more than 400 1-2 level undead sailors.

All added to the fleet of Old Shoelace. Directly became an undead pirate.

Halfway through the journey, the underwater sea fleet led by the diver personally encountered a group of shark monsters. It seemed that they had bad intentions towards the fleet of Old Shoelace.

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