Magic Planet Online Game

Chapter 1071 Huo Yingxiong

"So you are the explorer. I've heard of your name for a long time. Come on, come on, get some pieces of ascetic barbecue."

High Priest Huo Yingxiong was not shy at all. He asked the explorer for ascetic barbecue as soon as he opened his mouth. His saliva was dripping from the corners of his mouth.

It seems that Huo Yingda had recommended it to him a lot. Maybe he had eaten one or two pieces before.

Xiao Ming has a good stock of this kind of consumables. Ascetic barbecue is classified as a special life skill by the system.

When the intelligent program operates the explorer, it can also barbecue. Xiao Er did it a lot when he was operating it.

After Xiao Ming took over the explorer, he used source energy to enhance the taste of part of it. And it is divided into different levels:

There are 1-time enhancement; 2-time enhancement; and 3-time enhancement. In the foreseeable future, there may be 4-time enhancement barbecue.

The first 3 times correspond to silver source energy, green source energy and yellow source energy. The 4th time is the latest red source energy.

Xiao Ming's red energy seed is very weak now. He is looking forward to the end of the underworld test in the future, so that he can quickly enter the reincarnation space.

At that time, if he distributes a portion of red energy seed to the reincarnation space, he should be able to get red energy supplement from the space.

The more times the barbecue is strengthened, not only the taste is getting better, but also the effect is getting stronger.

The original ascetic barbecue, in addition to replenishing physical strength and avoiding hunger, can also double the life, strength, and mana of the ascetic within 3 hours after eating.

After the energy strengthening, this effect becomes more obvious. It can last longer and the automatic recovery effect is better.

Such things can be regarded as a kind of strategic material. The role played in the war is greater than that of a new soldier.

It's a pity that it is only effective when eaten by ascetic monks. The degree of adaptation is really not wide enough.

The explorer has never met Huo Yingxiong before. He must have known about the barbecue through Huo Yingda and others.

Xiao Ming was eager to have such an opportunity to improve his favorability. He quickly took out a large amount of food and water that had been strengthened once or twice and sent them to the high priest.

As Huo Yingxiong ate, his favorability towards the explorer rose from 20 to 35.

Is this what is called, if you want to conquer a man, you must first conquer his stomach? But what do we conquer a man for?

When Huo Yingxiong was eight-tenths full and satisfied, he remembered to greet the explorer and Fan Rui and introduce himself.

Ascetics are different from other professions. In addition to their piety to the God of Light, they are more casual about many other things.

Although he was a little rude before, Huo Yingxiong didn't care much. He still chatted and laughed with the two.

As a bandit, Fan Rui didn't pay much attention to etiquette. Instead, he felt that Huo Yingxiong's temperament was really refreshing and they got along well.

During the conversation, Huo Yingxiong said that he could become the director of this temple, which was also related to the explorer.

As the universal weapons took effect, the value of the lineage of the explorer's master, Mr. Guo, immediately doubled. The Huo's Chamber of Commerce naturally gained a lot of benefits.

Xiao Ming asked about Lan Yurou's situation. She had naturally been rescued a long time ago.

However, Xiao Ming had used the T virus and antidote on her, causing her to become a new species. After the level returned to 0, it was upgraded to level 3 again.

Xiao Ming had of course reported this to Mr. Guo. Lan Yurou was probably isolated and protected immediately after being rescued.

The T virus is something unfamiliar in the main game, and Lan Yurou in her new state is worth observing and studying.

This is a bit like the treatment Xiao Ming received after the incident of attracting the light spirit.

Even Huo Yingxiong didn't know what happened to Lan Yurou afterwards. This has probably become a top secret of the ascetic monks.

Xiao Ming also asked about the villagers who moved to Wushan Town from Xiaoyang Village, and the most important one was Liu Xiaomei's family.

Huo Yingxiong really knew their situation. Under the care of the Huo's Chamber of Commerce, they all lived quite well.

Liu Xiaomei's tailoring skills became more and more proficient, and the quality of the items she made became better and better. Naturally, she made more and more money.

The explorer also wrote a letter to Liu Xiaomei here, asking Huo's Chamber of Commerce to deliver it.

Since becoming a bandit, Liu Xiaomei has no way to write to the explorer who is a rebel, so the explorer can only take the initiative to write letters to contact.

Xiao Ming himself can't remember to write letters, but when the intelligent program takes over, Xiao Er will remember to write letters.

Intelligent programs have better memories than Xiao Ming, and they will pay more attention to the game and the friendship with free NPCs. They will maintain it with their heart.

Thanks to the intelligent program, Xiao Ming's several characters can maintain interpersonal relationships in the game.

After talking nonsense, Xiao Ming expressed his intention. He wanted to accept the task of promotion to level 3.

Huo Yingxiong clapped his hands and his eyes lit up: "Brother Explorer, I have a task that is only for you."

This task, the explorer has come into contact with before, the orange epic task group [The status of the ascetic].

This type of task is relatively open. Players can choose to improve the status of the ascetics in the Song Dynasty from various angles according to their own abilities.

Xiao Ming provides a universal crossbow, which is to complete the task by increasing the ascetic soldier type.

There are many other ways, which are not listed here one by one.

The completion conditions of this type of task are very vague. The upper and lower limits vary greatly. How much reward can be obtained depends on the player's own luck.

In simple terms, players can also complete the task by donating a large sum of money to the ascetics. It's just that the completion rate is very low.

Xiao Ming happens to have a useful method. That is to develop a supernatural energy for the ascetics group.

Giving some ascetics a second adventure profession will definitely greatly enhance the strength of the ascetics.

The only question is which supernatural energy to choose.

After thinking about it, Xiao Ming hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to choose [Force].

Why did he choose this? Because Xiao Ming has no understanding of the Force at all. He doesn't know how to use it at all.

He got the Force because he got a reward in the world of "The Matrix". Xiao Ming himself has never been exposed to the world or secret realm of "Star Wars".

Xiao Ming can feel that the Force has great potential, but so far, he has not been able to obtain the method of practicing or using the Force.

Of course, Xiao Ming has too many abilities, and it doesn't matter if he can't use the Force. It's just that looking at such a bunch of energy that can't be used makes him uncomfortable.

This time Xiao Ming took out the Force because he wanted to use the Ascetic Monk Group to research and develop the Force for himself.

Maybe it will be like Naruto. Maybe he will get the training manual directly because of opening a new profession.

Hehehe, thinking of the wonderful things, Xiao Ming laughed secretly, like a fox who ate grapes.

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