Longevity Species

Chapter 827 Ninety-Nine Worlds? No, what's the difference between that and salted fish? (Second

"what happened?"

"It seems to be the movement in Longchi."

"Longchi? Wait, the black coffin entered the Longchi just now, could it be the change caused by the black coffin?"

"No, it doesn't seem to be the black coffin. This kind of movement means that someone in Longchi has broken through the realm. A breakthrough of this level is at best a king-sealing demon, but it doesn't look like our king-sealing demon."

"Master, this is the movement of the extraterrestrial demon breaking through to the master, which is equivalent to the level of our gods and demons. If my guess is correct, the black coffin should be an ordinary demon of the extraterritorial demon, but, such a powerful one A treasure, just to allow an ordinary god to break through into a king god?"

"Perhaps, this extraterritorial demon is a descendant of a powerful existence, maybe a descendant of a saint, otherwise, how could he have such a powerful treasure?"

"That's right, the demons outside the territory are the ancestors. I heard that the ancestors in the demons outside the territory are equivalent to our saints. The descendants of the ancestors use a powerful treasure to break through and become the master. Although it seems incredible, it is not impossible. .”

"Then let him break through, it's just a mere master. When the bull demon master is solved, his powerful treasure will probably belong to our Tianlong tribe from now on."

The king gods and demons of many Tianlong tribes also roughly guessed the reason for the movement under the Longchi.

However, even if they figured out the reason, they would not take any action. They are mere masters, and these Tianlong have not been taken seriously. So what if the breakthrough is successful?

Lei Dao didn't know the situation outside, he just concentrated on absorbing the mysterious power in Longchi, allowing Kunpeng's divine body to reorganize again and again, transforming towards the real "Kunpeng".

Originally, this process was very long, not to mention a few years, but at least a few months. But in Longchi, the vast amount of mysterious power and strong vitality seem to have shortened this process.

When the last part of the divine body was completely reorganized, the next moment, Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body roared instantly.

It's done!

At this moment, Lei Dao completely transformed into a master!


Lei Dao sighed endlessly, he never thought that the divine body became the master one step ahead, you know, according to Lei Dao's practice plan, he was going to open up hundreds of worlds in his body, and then transform into the master, with the help of transformation into the master At that moment, let the god reorganize and become the master.

But now, the divine body has become the master in advance, which can't help but give Lei Dao an idea.

If after Lei Dao's inner world transforms into a territory and is promoted to be a master, will the divine body be reorganized again?

Maybe, maybe not.

Lei Dao doesn't know, but it's not important, it's really not important. Lei Dao cultivated the Kunpeng Divine Body, so he didn't expect the Kunpeng Divine Body to attack so powerfully.

The real function of the Kunpeng divine body is to make Lei Dao's speed reach an unbelievable level, to make Lei Dao's methods more varied, and to make Lei Dao's defense stronger!

But now, Lei Dao could even vaguely feel the space.

The Ancient Continent is different from the Ming Realm.

In the Ming Realm, masters can travel through space, but in the ancient continent, even the top masters cannot travel through space, perhaps only the first ancestor can travel through space, which shows how difficult it is to travel through space in the ancient continent.

But at this moment, Lei Dao could clearly feel the space of the ancient continent.

This is naturally because of the talent of the "Kunpeng Clan", which is particularly sensitive to space. However, it is one thing to be able to sense space, and another thing to be able to walk and travel through space.

The space here is really too stable. If you want to break the space here and drill into the space channel to travel through the space, it is too difficult, at least so far, even if Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body has reached the dominance level, it is far from being able to do it. space shuttle.

However, although space shuttle cannot be carried out, it is not completely useless.

At least, if you can sense the space, you can see many formations clearly. Moreover, it can also fly along some space nodes, making Lei Dao's flight speed reach an unimaginable level.

In the previous Lei Dao, the general masters couldn't catch up with Lei Dao's speed, but that was just the general masters. If it is a master, or a master who is a little proficient in speed, he can still catch up with his speed.

But now, Lei Dao is sure.

Except for some powerhouses who have the same speed and space talents as the Kunpeng clan, even the top masters, no matter how proficient in speed, they will definitely not be able to catch up with Lei Dao.

This is the horror of the master of the Kunpeng clan.

In the Ming Realm, once the Kunpeng clan became the master, they would be almost invincible.

Even the top masters would never want to besiege and kill a Kunpeng master.

And it's the same in the ancient continent, as long as it doesn't really fall into the encirclement, the top master will never want to kill the master of the Kunpeng clan.

"Master, the Bull Demon Lord is about to lose his hold, so he has to leave quickly!"

Xiao Hei said suddenly.


Lei Dao looked complicated.

In fact, if he wanted to leave now, it would be easy.

But this time, he accepted the love of the Bull Demon Lord.

If there is no Bull Demon Lord to restrain those heavenly dragons, how can Lei Dao enter the Dragon Pool, and how can he transform the Kunpeng divine body into the master?

"No, I can't leave for the time being, at least, I have to help the Bull Demon Ruler."

Raidou took a deep breath.

With his current strength, it is more than enough to break out of the big formation, and there will be no danger, not to mention the black coffin. But it would be difficult to break through the big formation and help the bull demon master.

Even if it is an ordinary master, I am afraid that they will not be able to break through this large formation of the Tianlong tribe.

"Unless, hundreds of them are opened up in my internal body world, and then the internal body world is completely transformed into a territory and promoted to master! In this way, there may be a chance to break through the formation of the Tianlong tribe."

Countless thoughts swirled in Lei Dao's mind.

However, to open up hundreds of inner worlds, two billion years of lifespan is required. Where can I find the life-extending treasures needed for two billion years of lifespan on Leidao?

"Wait, Kunpeng's divine body breaks through and becomes the master. That is the sublimation of life, and it can increase the lifespan! Moreover, the strong vitality of Longchi before has also increased the lifespan by a certain amount, about two to three hundred million years."

Thinking of this, Lei Dao immediately mobilized his abilities to check his physical condition.

Name: Lei Dao (29 years old)

Lifeform: Master

Lifespan: 2,135,236,2079 years

Inner world: eighty big worlds (can be upgraded)

Undead Kun Kung Fu: Consummation (cannot be improved)

"What? 2.1 billion years of lifespan? Longchi's lifespan has been increased by 300 million years, and Kunpeng's divine body has broken through to become the master, so it has suddenly increased his lifespan by 1.8 billion years?"

Lei Dao felt a shock in his heart.

With a lifespan of 2.1 billion years, even if 20 inner worlds are created, there will still be 100 million years of life left, which is more than enough.

Thinking of this, Lei Dao no longer hesitated.

"Open up a big world inside the body!"

Lei Dao's brain was full, and his life was consumed crazily. Suddenly, a large amount of life was consumed, and Lei Dao's body opened up one inner world after another.

"Boom boom boom".

Big worlds within the body were born one after another, and the power of Lei Dao increased tenfold and a hundredfold.

However, with so many internal worlds, Lei Dao is also under tremendous pressure.

Because, every time a world in his body is opened up, Lei Dao can't bear the resonance of dozens of worlds in his body. It seems that if he doesn't pay attention, the worlds in his body will be completely connected and automatically transformed into a territory.

Moreover, Lei Dao still has the feeling that this process is irreversible!

Therefore, Lei Dao is now desperately suppressing the resonance of the inner world, hoping to buy a little more time so that the inner world can reach hundreds of seats.

Now Lei Dao doesn't believe what those great masters said at all. It is very difficult to become a master, and it is very difficult to resonate with the world.

There was even a Dazun who said that there would be dangers in being promoted to the master, and there was a risk of failure.

Now Lei Dao, where is there any risk?

As long as he relaxes a little, the world in his body will instantly resonate, and then connect together.

Lei Dao suppressed it very hard!

"Be patient, be patient, be patient, soon, you will be able to relax completely soon..."

Lei Dao clenched his teeth, desperately suppressing the resonance of the world in his body.

And the world within Lei Dao's body is also increasing rapidly.

Eighty-one, eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty-four, eighty-five...

The worlds within Lei Dao's body are increasing steadily, from eighty worlds to more than ninety worlds rapidly.

However, after reaching the ninety worlds, Lei Dao seemed to be about to collapse, the power of the huge world was raging wildly in his body unscrupulously.

Even if Lei Dao suppressed it again and again, he couldn't suppress it faintly.

Ninety-five, ninety-six, ninety-seven, ninety-eight, ninety-nine...

Finally, after the world in Lei Dao's body reached ninety-nine, it could no longer be suppressed. The terrifying power of the world exploded, and the ninety-nine great worlds echoed each other from a distance, and began to resonate violently. They actually started to merge with each other.

But Lei Dao looked like a concubine.


There are only ninety-nine worlds, isn't this a failure?

"Am I falling short?"

Raidou murmured softly.

If it falls short, there is only one world missing, but it is such a world, but it is very important. If you go up, there are hundreds of worlds, and the foundation is extremely solid. If you don't go up, how much difference can there be between the ninety-nine worlds and the ten worlds?

At best, it is only slightly stronger.

"No, no, there is still a chance, ability, open it up for me, regardless of everything, at all costs, open up an internal world for me!"

Lei Dao was shouting loudly in his heart, even roaring.

Since Lei Dao practiced, he has never been defeated by difficulties. Even in a desperate situation, Lei Dao will find a way to come back from adversity!

Ninety-nine worlds, but less than a hundred worlds, what is the difference between that and salted fish?

Wasn't all the previous efforts in vain?

No, Lei Dao will never give up!


The next moment, Lei Dao's mind was blank, and countless worlds in his body were roaring, as if they would be completely connected in the next moment. But during this process, there was a faint "spot", as if it exploded all of a sudden.

Amidst the terrifying explosion, there seemed to be another big world evolving.

The 100th Great World was born!

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