Longevity Species

Chapter 826 Absolute control, Fang is the master! (first update)

"Little black!"

"Here we come, Master."

Lei Dao gave an order, and immediately, the black coffin flew out of the inner world in an instant, turning into a huge coffin, emitting a dark light, quite mysterious.


Immediately afterwards, a crack appeared in the black coffin, and Lei Dao flew into the crack in an instant, entering the black coffin. As soon as he entered the black coffin, Lei Dao felt the erosion of death energy.

Inside the black coffin was a corpse that was suspected to be the ancestor. The death aura generated inside was so strong that even the ruler couldn’t bear it. Corrosion of death.

Therefore, Lei Dao couldn't stay in the black coffin for a long time, and had to enter the Longchi as soon as possible.


Lei Dao let out a low shout, and immediately, the black coffin turned into a stream of light, and flew straight towards Longchi.

"Not good, enemy attack!"

"What is this? A black coffin?"

"It's not the black coffin of our Tianlong tribe, and it's coming towards Longchi, it must be the means of the extraterrestrial demons."

"Quick, stop this black coffin."

Lei Dao's black coffin flew towards Longchi. Even though such a big black coffin was fast, it immediately attracted the attention of the dragons. So, dozens of king-sealing demons all exerted their strength to activate the formation.


The next moment, when Lei Dao's black coffin rushed into the formation, he immediately felt that all directions were like a quagmire, and it was extremely difficult to move forward.

"Blast it!"

The next moment, there was a large formation in motion, dozens of gods and demons who sealed the king, and the nine great dragon emperors all launched an attack together, urging the formation to slam on the black coffin fiercely.

"Boom boom boom".

Wave after wave of attacks bombarded the black coffin endlessly. However, no matter how powerful these attacks were, they couldn't do anything to the black coffin, and they couldn't even leave a white mark on the black coffin.


Finally, the black coffin fell into the dragon pond, quickly sank to the bottom of the dragon pond, and disappeared without a trace.

This time, all Tianlong looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What the hell is that?"

"Now it has sunk to the bottom of Longchi, what should I do?"

"That must be the method of the extraterrestrial demons. It's just that we joined forces to attack, and the top master can't hold it back. Why is the black coffin intact, without even leaving a white mark?"

"That must be the treasure of the extraterritorial celestial demon. To send this treasure, the extraterritorial celestial demon must be planning a terrible conspiracy."

"Now that we have formed a large formation, and no one can leave to go to the bottom of the Dragon Pond, then we have only one way, and that is to get rid of the Bull Demon Master as soon as possible, and then we can clean up the black coffin when the time comes."

"That's right. Apart from entering the bottom of the Dragon Pond, the black coffin has not posed any threat to our formation. As long as we get rid of the Bull Demon Master, everything will be easy."

"It has to be done faster."

In fact, many Tianlong knew very well in their hearts that the black coffin rushed into the bottom of the Dragon Pond, there could be no conspiracy, but they had nothing to do. There was a bull demon in the sky over the Long Pond, and this was a serious worry.

With a little carelessness, the bull demon master can even destroy the entire Tianlong tribe. This is the top priority of the Tianlong tribe now. Therefore, even though Longchi is very important, it has to be put aside for a while now.

What's more, the extraterrestrial demons who entered Longchi actually had the same purpose, that is to use Longchi. At best, it would only cause Longchi to lose a little bit, which is harmless.

The harm between the two powers is the lesser, the Tianlong tribe can only let go of the black coffin for the time being, and keep a close eye on the movement of Longchi, and spend all their energy on dealing with the bull demon master.

At this moment, at the bottom of Longchi, a black coffin has sunk steadily to the bottom of Longchi.


The black coffin opened, and Lei Dao flew out of the black coffin in a hurry.

"The black coffin is really not for people to stay in. The dead air is too terrifying."

Although Lei Dao only stayed in the black coffin for a short while, he felt faintly unbearable. Now he flew out of the black coffin in a hurry, which made Lei Dao heave a sigh of relief.

But as soon as he flew out, Lei Dao felt something was wrong.

"This is... Longchi?"

Lei Dao felt the surging vitality, which was almost pervasive. Even though Lei Dao hadn't been absorbed by the divine body, it seemed that there was endless vitality, and it crazily penetrated into his body.

This is Longchi!

It is said that even the top master can reorganize his body once, which is a treasure that breaks the limit. In the entire barren ancient continent, there are not many such treasures, and Longchi is one of them.

Lei Dao's divine sense swept up again, and found that there was no Tianlong chasing him. However, when he saw many celestial dragons forming a large formation to deal with the bull demon master, Lei Dao also understood that the Tianlong tribe obviously wanted to concentrate their strength first to solve the serious problem of the bull demon master.

Then come to solve Leidao.

However, this is exactly what Lei Dao wanted. If he really wanted to send Tianlong into the bottom of Longchi, even though Lei Dao was not afraid, it was still a trouble, preventing Lei Dao from fully absorbing the power of Longchi and reorganizing his body.

And now, Lei Dao has a chance.

"Master the Bull Demon, you must persevere for a while longer. You want to become the great existence of the ancestor. If you persevere for a while, you should be fine, right?"

Lei Dao murmured in a low voice, and now he can only pray that the Bull Demon Lord can persist for a while, otherwise, what would Lei Dao use to reorganize the divine body? After all, even with Longchi, it will take time to reorganize the divine body.

"It's not too late, let's start! Xiao Hei, you control the black coffin and stand by at any time. If there is a Tianlong chasing me, you must use the black coffin to protect me."

"Master, don't worry, I'm always on call!"

Xiao Hei manipulated the black coffin, right next to Lei Dao, always paying attention to the movement of those dragons.

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and then manifested a divine body. The huge Kunpeng Divine Body lay across the bottom of the Longchi. Fortunately, the Longchi was very large, so Lei Dao's Kunpeng Divine Body was harmless and not so conspicuous.

"By the way, how does this Longchi absorb it?"

Lei Dao was dumbfounded.

It is said that Longchi has a mysterious effect, but how should Longchi be used? It's impossible to swallow Longchi, right?

However, when Lei Dao manifested the Kunpeng Divine Body, immediately, endless vitality penetrated into Lei Dao's body, and a terrifying force erupted, as if to burst Lei Dao's Kunpeng Divine Body.

Lei Daofu was in his heart and immediately understood.

Once in the Longchi, there is no need to take the initiative to cultivate, just wait quietly. Once you enter the Longchi, it is actually the beginning of cultivation.

"What a strong life force, can this life force increase my lifespan?"

Lei Dao's heart moved, and he immediately mobilized his ability to check.

Sure enough, when Lei Dao paid attention to the lifespan column, he immediately noticed something strange.

Ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, one million years, ten million years...

Lei Dao's lifespan increases very fast, and in the end, it even increases crazily in units of tens of millions of years.

Almost all of them can be compared to refining the fountain of youth.

However, increasing lifespan is actually just a trivial aspect of Longchi.

The real function of Longchi is to strengthen the physical body, so that the strength of Tianlong's physical body can be qualitatively improved. For the masters of the Ming Realm, the role of Longchi is even greater, and it can reorganize the divine body once.

Many great venerables and masters dream of being able to reorganize their divine bodies once.

One more reorganization of the divine body, one more chance, and greater potential.

After all, basically, the number of divine body reorganizations for the Grand Master, the Juggernaut, and even the Grand Master is fixed, and only if it is very against the sky, or due to a coincidence, can there be one or two more chances for the reorganization of the divine body.

And often those great masters and masters who have one or two more chances to reorganize their divine bodies are the best in their class, and they can often become the top existence in the end.

Now Lei Dao is beginning to reorganize the divine body. As a large amount of mysterious power penetrated into Lei Dao's body, Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body, which had reached its limit, could no longer hold on and began to collapse bit by bit.

Still, the breakdown is orderly.

Moreover, due to the large amount of vitality, when the divine body collapses, it recovers quickly. In fact, this is reorganization!

Lei Daofu reached his heart, and immediately began to operate the breakthrough method of the immortal kun kung fu. He had already obtained the breakthrough method of the undead kun kung fu from his master, the ancestor Kong.

Only according to this method, when the divine body is reorganized, it can be reorganized in the direction of the master of the Kunpeng clan.


The next moment, Lei Dao's Kunpeng divine body quickly collapsed, but quickly recovered, and a delicate balance was formed between the collapse and recovery.

But in this balance, Lei Dao Kunpeng's divine body was gradually reorganizing, and a wave of terrifying power began to emanate from the reorganized divine body.

One hour, two hours, three hours, four hours...

Every hour, the breath on Lei Dao's body soared a lot.

Lei Dao could clearly feel that his Kunpeng divine body was ten or a hundred times stronger than before, and it was still increasing. His Kunpeng divine body also swelled more than ten times than before, reaching a terrifying level, and the characteristics of "Kunpeng" on his body became more prominent.

Moreover, with the reorganization of the divine body, Lei Dao can also feel that all the power in his body, even every inch of flesh and blood and every cell in the divine body, can be completely controlled.

This feeling of 100% control over one's divine body is very subtle and very comfortable.

"Absolute control, this is absolute control, becoming the master of one's own body, this is the meaning of mastering!"

Raidou murmured softly.

Master, he understood the true meaning of master.

The Ming Realm practice system, the most mainstream practice system, is actually the physical body practice system.

Why is Juggernaut so much stronger than Dazun?

Even how many talented and brilliant people can't leapfrog to fight, the reason is very simple, because domination is a qualitative transformation.

Only one who has 100% control over oneself can be called "master", which means to dominate one's own physical body and one's own strength!

Absolute control, Fang is the master!

This is the true meaning of domination!

"Master, come on, let's transform, let my divine body become a real Kunpeng, and become a master!"

Lei Dao raised his head to the sky and roared angrily.

At the same time, the entire Longchi seemed to vibrate.

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