Longevity Species

Chapter 828 Today, I am the master! (third change)

"Finally... a hundred big worlds!"

At this moment, Lei Dao felt unprecedented satisfaction, yes, satisfaction, even if it was only a hundred big worlds, and even the world's practice system had not yet been mastered, but Lei Dao still felt satisfied.

The reason is simple, it's so hard!

Since Lei Dao practiced so far, whether it was expanding the world before or achieving the transcendence of the true god before, it has never been as difficult as this time, opening up a hundred big worlds.

It has gone through untold hardships, and even suppressed it for a long time, and it almost failed. But fortunately, Lei Dao never gave up or gave up, broke through, and finally opened up hundreds of worlds just before the world in his body transformed.

Exactly one hundred worlds!

At this moment, these one hundred great worlds are constantly roaring. Obviously, without Lei Dao taking the initiative, these great worlds have already aroused resonance, and after the great worlds resonate, they begin to slowly transform.

It's completely natural, and it will happen when it happens, there is no need for Lei Dao to actively interfere.

This kind of breakthrough is actually the most perfect breakthrough.

There is no need to rely on external force, the breakthrough is completely natural, and there is no sign of unstable foundation.

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he could no longer suppress the resonance of the world in his body, and this process of transformation is irreversible, so Lei Dao has nothing to worry about.


Lei Dao took the initiative to speed up the process.


The next moment, the one hundred big worlds in Lei Dao's body began to connect together, and the one hundred big worlds suddenly had a very close connection with each other. It seems that the forces of the world can all be integrated with each other, and they will never be separated from each other.

And Lei Dao could clearly feel that the power in his body instantly soared a hundred times, no, a hundred times or even more, reaching an unbelievable level.

At the same time, Lei Dao had just transformed into the dominant Kunpeng divine body, and at this time, some changes had already occurred. The Kunpeng divine body began to collapse again, and then frantically absorbed the mysterious energy in Longchi.


The Kunpeng divine body is actually reorganizing again, this time it is completely affected by the transformation of the world in Lei Dao's body into a territory, and thus begins to reorganize.

"Sure enough, Kunpeng's divine body can still be reorganized. However, Kunpeng's divine body has transformed into a master level, so now that it is reorganized again, it is just right to practice the skills of the master level."

Countless thoughts flashed through Lei Dao's mind.

This opportunity to reorganize Kunpeng's divine body should not be wasted, so Lei Dao quickly operated the Immortal Kongming Art, which is the follow-up art of the Immortal God Kun Art, and it is also the art at the master level of the Kunpeng Clan.

The ancestor Kong had already taught Lei Dao a long time ago, but the Kunpeng Divine Body had not been able to step into the master level for a long time, so it was impossible to practice. Now, Lei Dao can already practice.

This time is an opportunity to reorganize the divine body, so it couldn't be easier to practice Undead Kongming Gong. Even, this time, there is no need for Lei Dao to use his ability to upgrade. Immortal Kongming Gong can take advantage of this opportunity of reorganization, maybe it can Reach the level of Xiaocheng.


However, Lei Dao felt that the reorganization of the divine body was just a trivial matter.

What he cares more about now is the hundred great worlds in his body.

Although Lei Dao cultivates in the same vein, in fact, he still focuses on the world practice system, supplemented by the physical body practice system. Lei Dao had a vague premonition that once his hundred great worlds were completely transformed into territories, they would undergo earth-shaking changes.

As the resonance of the hundred great worlds became stronger and stronger, and the vibration became more and more severe, the next moment, there was another roar in Lei Dao's body.


One hundred big worlds have finally been completely connected into one piece. At the same time, the terrifying power of the world, no, is no longer the power of the world, but the power of the territory.

This is the transformed power of the power of the world, a power that can only be mastered by human rulers, and it surpasses the power of the world.

The transformation of a hundred great worlds, how terrifying is the vibration?

Even, the whole Longchi suddenly boiled.

"What's going on again?"

"Why is the power fluctuation so terrifying this time? It doesn't even feel like a master."

"Could it be that there are other extraterrestrial demons hidden in the black coffin under Longchi? This kind of movement is not even inferior to the emperor!"

"How could this be? Moreover, this force seems to be completely different from the ordinary extraterritorial demons, isn't it the extraterritorial demons?"

"It doesn't matter, the bull demon master is about to be unable to hold on, as long as we work harder to deal with the bull demon master, no matter what happens at the bottom of Longchi or who it is, we can suppress it!"

Although the many gods and demons of the Tianlong tribe were a little surprised, they didn't feel that the situation was out of control. Their focus is still on the bull demon master, as long as the bull demon master is solved, then everything will be easy to talk about.

At this moment, the ruler of the bull demon is indeed on the verge of death, and has fallen into the most dangerous situation.

He wanted to break the shackles in the face of adversity, and wanted to break through the secrets of the ancestors between life and death, but unfortunately, it was not that easy. The bull demon dominates, so it can't be said that he failed, but the hope of success is very slim.

Even, the Bull Demon Lord was surrounded by the three top Heavenly Dragon Emperors, and with the help of the power of the formation, it was impossible for the Bull Demon Lord to come back.

The situation is at stake!


At this moment, the entire Longchi "exploded" suddenly.

A huge figure "flyed" out of the dragon pool slowly, accompanied by a huge black coffin, exuding a mighty and terrifying aura.

"This kid... is Master Lei?"

At this time, the bull demon master also seemed to recognize Lei Dao below, and his eyes widened, feeling a little inconceivable.

The bull demon master also noticed the black coffin before, but he didn't know who was in the black coffin. In his opinion, it should be a certain master.

Otherwise, who would have the guts to break into Longchi?

And it was the dragon pool that broke into it when so many heavenly dragons formed a formation.

But who would have thought that it would be Lei Dao? It's nothing more than a mere Dazun, even if Lei Dao is the disciple of the first ancestor, so what? That's just Dazun!

Dazun is just cannon fodder in the barren ancient continent, especially in this Tianlong Tribal War.

What can a cannon fodder do?

"No, he seems to have become a master."

The bull demon master also felt Lei Dao's breath.


In this case, it's not very useful either.

How many masters are there in the formation formed by the Tianlong tribe?

Unless it is a top master, even one or two top masters will not be of much use, let alone a master who has just been promoted?


Raidou opened his eyes.

Power, endless power, unprecedented power!

At this moment, Lei Dao really felt the existence of "power", that kind of violent power that was completely his own, which gave Lei Dao a faint illusion, as if... It seemed that he had reached an unbelievable level.

Of course, Lei Dao once had this "illusion".

This may be an illusion after the power surge, but no matter how the illusion is, Lei Dao's strength has increased by more than a hundred times this time, and there is no problem at all.

Because, the Kunpeng divine body has been reorganized again!

Even the Undead Kongming Art was practiced all at once.

With a thought in his mind, Lei Dao immediately mobilized his abilities to check his current physical data.

Name: Lei Dao (29 years old)

Lifeform: Master

Lifespan: 135,236,2079 years

Inner World: A Territory (can be upgraded)

Undead Kongming Gong: Xiaocheng (can be improved)

Sure enough, Immortal Kongming Gong has reached a small achievement and can be improved. However, now is not the time to improve. The Immortal Kongming Gong at the Xiaocheng stage has undoubtedly made Lei Dao's Kunpeng body a step further, and his speed is unparalleled in the world.

As for lifespan, there are only more than 100 million years of lifespan left.

This shows that Lei Dao's breakthrough in the world's practice system this time did not increase his lifespan.

In fact, the reason is also very simple. The previous transformation of Kunpeng's divine body has increased his lifespan.

Even if it is a breakthrough in the world's practice system, the essence of life is actually the same, and they are all masters.

Therefore, it is normal that there is no increase in lifespan.

The increase of lifespan is mainly due to the improvement of life essence to increase lifespan.

Although the lifespan has not increased, Lei Dao is not disappointed. He can look for more life-extending treasures in the future, which will naturally increase his lifespan.

"Bold, how dare a mere master of heavenly demons from outside the territory show his face?"

"One-ten-thousandth of the power is allocated by the formation, and first suppress and kill this extraterritorial demon master."

"If you hide at the bottom of Longchi, we don't have time to deal with you yet, but you dare to stand up, then you will die!"

With the appearance of Lei Dao, many gods and demons of the Tianlong tribe were furious, murderous, and felt offended.

How dare a mere Dazun break into their Longchi?

Fortunately, they were a little apprehensive before, and they didn't even plan to pay attention to it. I didn't expect Lei Dao to take the lead. Is this ignoring them?

Therefore, one by one, the heavenly dragon gods and demons prepared to allocate one ten-thousandth of the power of the formation to kill Lei Dao!

It's just a mere master, even a ten-thousandth of the power of the formation can easily kill it.

Afterwards, the heavenly dragon gods and demons really manipulated the evil power of the formation, swept towards Lei Dao, and wanted to completely suppress Lei Dao.

Lei Dao's gaze swept across the many heavenly dragons, and he even saw the precarious situation of the Bull Demon Lord above the Longchi. Lei Dao took a deep breath, and his gaze became firm immediately.

"Today, I am the master!"


As Lei Dao's voice fell, suddenly, the power of hundreds of great worlds in Lei Dao's body burst out instantly.

Even the arrival of one ten thousandth of the power of the formation was directly broken by Lei Dao's general and power.

The power of Lei Dao's territory exploded, and it was like a terrifying storm, sweeping towards the Heavenly Dragon Demon God in all directions.

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