Longevity and Immortality: Start with Blessings

Chapter 530: Dongji Dongxuan City is destroyed, and Ye Qingxuan is furious

Chapter 530 Dongji·Dongxuan City is destroyed, and Ye Qingxuan is furious

"Dongji Province is the core province of Dongji Domain after all. There should be many people who want to be transferred to Dongji·Dongxuan City. Can we really compete with others?"

"Not to mention the strong men at the peak of the Transformation Realm, Senior Li Dachui alone is not someone we can afford to offend."

After a series of persuasions from Mu Chunzi and Wu Jizi, Su Jianfeng weighed the current situation in Dongxuan City in his mind and was still a little hesitant.

He had no objection to the fact that the three of them formed a temporary team to go to one place to develop together, so that they could take care of each other when they entered the Green Demon Realm for training.

But he was a little hesitant about going to Dongji Province to work and develop in the Dongxuan City branch city for a long time.

The biggest concern was Li Dachui in his mouth.

Li Dachui was originally an outsider cultivator in Dongxuan City, and he hid in Dongxuan City to live in seclusion because of seeking refuge.

Later, the Green Demon Realm invaded, and the great era of cultivation came; Li Dachui was the first cultivator in Xingluozhou who dared to enter the Green Demon Realm to hunt.

In the process of hunting the Green Demon Clan, Li Dachui's cultivation began to advance by leaps and bounds in the later period. He also realized the profound rules by chance, successfully opened up the spiritual power virtual world, and successfully broke through to the level of the Cave Void Realm in one fell swoop.

Later, under the recruitment and persuasion of Bai Shuqing, the Dongxuan Envoy of Dongxuan City, he finally successfully joined Dongxuan City.

Moreover, Li Dachui, like Su Jianfeng and the other two, were peripheral members of Dongxuan City.

It's just that Su Jianfeng and the other two were only the elders of the Huashen Realm and the worshippers of Dongxuan City, while Li Dachui was the elder of the Dongxu Realm and the worshippers of Dongxuan City.

So Su Jianfeng was not afraid of competing with other worshippers in Dongxuan City who were also in the Huashen Realm, but he didn't want to offend the elder of the Dongxu Realm, Li Dachui.

Hearing Su Jianfeng's final concerns, Mu Chunzi laughed and said:

"Hahaha, Brother Su, you worry too much."

"Since the two of us invited you to Dongji·Dongxuan City to develop, we have naturally found out all the situations in Dongji·Dongxuan City."

"As far as we know, although Senior Li also plans to go to Dongji·Dongxuan City to take charge, he has not chosen to take the position of city lord and govern Dongji·Dongxuan City."

"Senior Li is going to lead his Haotian Demon Hunting Army to Dongji·Dongxuan City together, and as the nominal commander of the Dongxuan Guard Army, he will form his own faction."

"With Senior Li's personality, he will pay more attention to the hunting operations of the Qingmo Realm and will not interfere with us."

Hearing Mu Chunzi's words, Su Jianfeng instantly breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"That's good!"

He wanted to become the lord of a city, not for power and profit.

After all, his cultivation has reached the peak of the Spiritualization Realm. The next step is to plan for a breakthrough to the Void Realm. He has no intention of going to the branch city to fight for power and profit.

Mu Chunzi and Wu Jizi also have almost the same idea, otherwise they would not invite Su Jianfeng and give up the position of city lord to Su Jianfeng.

The reason why Su Jianfeng wants to become the city lord of a branch city is entirely because Su Jianfeng does not want anyone to control him.

According to the regulations of the Dongxuan Law, as long as he becomes the city lord of Dongji Dongxuan City.

At that time, even if Li Dachui also went to Dongji Dongxuan City to settle down and develop, as long as Li Dachui does not intend to betray Dongxuan City, even if he is a cultivator in the Void Realm, he has no right to control him in normal times.

This point is very important to Su Jianfeng.

Su Jianfeng still believes in the restraining force of the Dongxuan Law.

Without the last worry, Su Jianfeng looked at Mu Chunzi and Wu Jizi and smiled:

"In this case, the three of us will apply to go to Dongji·Dongxuan City to take charge. I will apply for the position of city lord, and the two Taoist friends will apply for the position of deputy city lord."

"However, if we cannot apply for the position of city lord of Dongji·Dongxuan City, I suggest that the three of us should choose a new branch city to take charge of!"

Hearing Su Jianfeng's last words, Wu Jizi smiled mysteriously and said:

"Brother Su, don't worry! Cultivation is not just about fighting and killing, but also about human relationships and worldly affairs!"

"This time, our peripheral members applied for external transfers. The city lord and several Dong Xuanshi was not in charge personally, and the review matters were basically handled by the core members on duty in the government hall. "

"Under the same conditions and without violating the Dongxuan Law, the final choice is in their hands."

"With the qualifications of the three of us, we are definitely the first-tier members of the outer members of Dongxuan City. With my help, our application will basically be a sure thing."

Hearing this, Su Jianfeng hesitated for a moment, and finally acquiesced to Wu Jizi's operation:

"Thank you for your trouble, Brother Wu. Su is willing to bear the majority of the expenses incurred."

Although Su Jianfeng did not like this kind of thing, he was not a rigid person.

Since it would not violate the Dongxuan Law and he was the beneficiary, he naturally had no reason to refuse.

In addition, after Wu Jizi's operation this time, the biggest beneficiary was him who was seeking the position of city lord, so he took the initiative to offer to bear the majority of the operating expenses.

Seeing that Su Jianfeng was willing to bear the bulk of the operating expenses, Wu Jizi did not refuse and said with a smile:

"In that case, thank you, Brother Su."

Then the three of them looked at each other, took out their Dongxuan Orders and began to submit applications to be transferred to Dongji Dongxuan City to serve as the city lord and deputy city lord.

Just when the peripheral members of Dongxuan City began to submit applications and transfer to the branch cities they wanted to go to.

Bai Shuqing, Luo Tian, ​​and Xue Yu were busy making invitations and auction lists for the seventh-level auction, and arranging their own strong men in the God Transformation Realm to be sent to the major forces in Xingluozhou.

A few days later, when the managers of the major forces who stayed in Xingluozhou received the invitations to the seventh-level auction from Dongxuan City, these forces immediately discussed it internally.

In the hall of the original City Lord's Mansion in Xingluo City, three powerful men in the God Transformation Realm looked at the invitation letter for the auction that Dongxuan City had just sent over, and said with some difficulty:

"What should we do? Should we go?"

"Go? What's the point of us going? The resources left in Xingluo City now can't even meet the bidding threshold of Dongxuan City's seventh-level auction."

"How about forget it? Now all the adults have left Xingluo Province and went to the newly established Xingluo City in Dongji Province to take charge."

"At this time, the adults may have entered the Green Demon Realm through the wormhole channel in Dongji Province to start hunting operations, and there is no time to return to Xingluo Province to participate in Dongxuan City's seventh-level auction."

Xingze Jun, the city lord of Xingluo City, finally chose to lead his powerful men to the more prosperous Dongji Province for development after the wormhole channels in Xingluo Province were completely destroyed.

And a larger city has been built in Dongji Province, also named Xingluo City.

"No, if it was any other item, we would have ignored it."

"But this time, the seventh-level auction in Dongxuan City auctioned more than a dozen corpses of the Green Demon Clan in the Void Realm, as well as a hundred seventh-level talismans and a low-grade spiritual treasure."

"These things are also urgently needed for the adults, including the city lord. If we ignore them directly, we can't afford to blame them when they find out."

"In that case, let's send a message directly to Xingluo City in Dongji Province and let the people there convey it to the adults, and let the adults make their own decisions."

"Okay, let's do it! At that time, no matter whether Xincheng will send people to participate in the auction, we don't need to be responsible."

"Hey, if you ask me, we should just withdraw Xingluo City in Xingluo Province and take turns to stay in Xingluozhou guards Xingluo City for several decades each time. Doesn't this delay our time to enter the Green Demon Realm for hunting? "

"Forget it, just hold on! Our Xingluo City is the capital of Xingluozhou after all, and it has been passed down for tens of thousands of years. The city lord will never give up easily."

"Xingluozhou's capital? What about Dongxuan City? Now when the cultivators of Xingluozhou mention the first city of Xingluozhou, they think of Dongxuan City, not our Xingluo City."

"Okay, Brother Li, you can just talk here. If it is heard by the other people in Xingluo City who don't get along with us, then..."

"Okay, okay, I got it, hurry up and send a message to the new city in Dongjizhou!"

Not only Xingluo City, but other forces in Xingluozhou cannot make decisions on their own after receiving the invitation letter for the seventh-level auction from Dongxuan City.

In the end, the powerful people in the state of transformation who stayed in the Xingluozhou station of these forces passed the information to the new stations of their major forces in other states.

After all, for those middle-level cultivators who stayed in Xingluozhou, they didn't have enough resources to participate in the auction of the seventh-level auction even if they wanted to hide it from the Dongxuan City.

After receiving the message from Xingluozhou, seven or eight Dongxu Realm masters, including Xingluo City Lord Xingzejun, Feiyu Sect Master Liu Long, Huangji Sect Master Cheng Yuan, etc., began to return to Xingluozhou.

Just as the Dongxu Realm masters of other forces in Xingluozhou were rushing back, Dongxuan City suddenly received a piece of bad news.

"City Lord, Dongjizhou just received news that our newly built branch city in Dongjizhou was destroyed by the Gui Sect in Dongjizhou, and thousands of cultivators died in Dongji Dongxuan City."

"Dongjizhou? Gui Sect?"

On the Wanling Mountain, Ye Qingxuan suddenly heard the news that Xueyu said, and his face suddenly turned cold, and his slightly narrowed eyes revealed a cold murderous intent.

In a flash, Ye Qingxuan remembered his grievances with the Gui Sect.

Hundreds of years ago, Guiying, the guardian elder of Guizong, chased Li Dachui to Dongxuan City and confronted Ye Qingxuan.

In the end, Li Dachui sought the protection of Dongxuan City with the long-lost inheritance of the Guizong, the Death Curse, as a reward, and settled in Dongxuan City from then on.

Later, Ye Qingxuan broke through the Dongxu Realm, and it is estimated that the Guizong had discovered some clues, so the Guizong did not send anyone to Xingluozhou to cause trouble for Dongxuan City in the following years.

Now Dongxuan City has established a branch city in Dongjizhou, but the Guizong dared to destroy the branch city of Dongxuan City in Dongjizhou unscrupulously. While thinking, Ye Qingxuan said coldly:

"It seems that the power of the Guizong has been greatly improved after the advent of the great world, so that they now have the courage to provoke this seat."

After speaking, Ye Qingxuan's figure disappeared instantly, and when he appeared again, there was a landscape picture in his right hand with more than a dozen rules lingering and exuding all kinds of mysterious Taoist rhymes.

With a gentle push of his right hand, Ye Qingxuan sent the landscape atlas in front of Xueyu, and said with murderous intent:

"Xueyu, this is my natal magic weapon, the World Map, which contains my primordial spirit incarnation. Take my natal magic weapon to Dongjizhou and destroy the Gui Sect!"

Afterwards, Ye Qingxuan thought for a moment and continued:

"Li Dachui applied to go to Dongjizhou to take charge of the branch city of Dongxuan City, right? When you go to Dongjizhou this time, take Li Dachui and the monks from Dongxuan City who applied to go to Dongjizhou to develop."

"After destroying Guizong, you let Li Dachui and the monks from Dongxuan City who went to Dongjizhou rebuild the branch city of Dongxuan City in Dongjizhou directly at the headquarters of Guizong."

Hearing Ye Qingxuan's order, looking at the world map filled with more than a dozen rules in front of him, Xue Yu said loudly with fiery and excited eyes:

"Yes, Xue Yu will obey the order of the city lord!"

After that, Xue Yu suppressed his excitement and turned to leave Wanling Mountain.

Not long after, Li Dachui, Su Jianfeng, Mu Chunzi, Wu Jizi and others who applied to go to Dongji·Dongxuan City in Dongxuan City received the summons issued by Xue Yu.

"What's going on? Why did Xue Yu Dong Xuan suddenly issue a call?"

With doubts in their hearts, Li Da Chui, Su Jianfeng, Mu Chunzi, Wu Jizi and thousands of other cultivators who applied to go to Dongji Dong Xuan City to develop began to gather towards the central square of Dong Xuan City.

The commotion caused during this period attracted the attention of many Dong Xuan City cultivators.

"What's going on? Why are there so many cultivators gathered in the central square?"

"Look, that's Senior Li Da Chui, he also went to the central square."

"Quick, something big must have happened, let's go to the central square to see."

While discussing, many cultivators began to gather towards the central square of Dong Xuan City, wanting to see what happened.

In the central square, Xue Yu stood in the air.

After all the people he had summoned were present, Xue Yu said with a cold face:

"Dongji·Dongxuan City was destroyed by the Gui Sect of Dongji Province. This envoy, following the order of the city lord, went to Dongji Province to destroy the Gui Sect and led you to Dongji Province to rebuild Dongji·Dongxuan City."

Hearing Xue Yu's words, there was an uproar in the field.

Many people were even more indignant, and they kept cursing the forces that destroyed Dongji·Dongxuan City.

And Li Dachui's face moved slightly, and he secretly sent out his spiritual sense to communicate with Xue Yu, asking for the details and the action plan for this trip.

Xue Yu ignored the commotion in the field, and after answering Li Dachui's doubts secretly with his spiritual sense, he waved his hand and summoned a sixth-level top-grade flying boat floating above everyone.

"Enter this envoy's flying boat, and this envoy will personally escort you to Dongji Province this time."

There were too many people going to Dongji Province on this trip, nearly two thousand cultivators from Dongxuan City, so Xue Yu prepared to use the flying boat to hurry on.

Although it was only a sixth-order flying boat, if Xue Yu personally controlled it and wrapped it with his own spiritual power and rules, the flying speed would only be slightly slower than that of the strong men in the Cave Void Realm.

As for the world map given by Ye Qingxuan? In Xue Yu's opinion, these people in the field were not qualified to use the "world map" as their vehicle.

Below, Li Dachui was relieved after getting Xue Yu's answer and knowing that Xue Yu carried the trump card given to him by Ye Qingxuan.

"Li Dachui obeys the city lord's order!"

After a slight salute, Li Dachui took the lead and flew towards the flying boat summoned by Xue Yu.

Seeing this, the others also responded in unison:

"We, we obey the city lord's order!"

Then, they flew towards the sixth-order top-grade flying boat that was enlarged in the sky one by one.

Among them, Su Jianfeng, Mu Chunzi, and Wu Jizi looked at each other, and a trace of bitterness emerged in their hearts.

The three of them did not know the specific situation and thought that they needed to fight with the forces of Dongjizhou on this trip.

They had worked hard to fight for the position of the city lord of Dongji·Dongxuan City, but in the end, Dongji·Dongxuan City had been destroyed by the forces of Dongji Province. Now they need to fight with the forces of Dongji Province and rebuild Dongji·Dongxuan City.

Compared with the smooth sailing of the cultivators who applied to go to the branch cities of Dongxuan City in other states, their choice now seems a bit tortuous.

In the eyes of the three of them, this is not a good sign, and they are naturally a little depressed and bitter at this time.

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